HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2015 - 07/07 - RegularJuly 7, 2015
Regular Meeting
July 7,2015
Commissioners Present:
Jeff Cocking, Chair
Shirley Mangrum, I" Vice -Chair
John Ogrizovich
Luke Hollingsworth
Stephen Platt, Jr.
Ben Trahan, 2n' Vice -Chair
Michael Orr
City Staff Present:
Ogden `Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development
Shawn Poe, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering
' Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner
Madhuri Kulkami, Planner
Devin Laughlin, City Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cocking called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway
Director's Report
I Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the June 23, 2015,
regular meeting attached.
Consent Anemia
2 Approve minutes from the June 16, 2015, regular meeting
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Mangrum, and a second by
Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0
OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda.
The motion carried.
1 Regular Aeenda
July 7, 2015
3. Tabled Item/Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the
development and use regulations applicable to Tract 4 of Planned Development PD No 53, from
Community Facilities CF to Townhome Residential District TH, and adopt a Concept Plan, Building
Elevations, and Development Regulations for the Property The Property is Lot 2, Block A, Allen
Stake Center, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located west of Alma Drive and north of
Exchange Parkway (Z-2/4/15-3) [Allen Stake Center]
Ms. Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented to the Commission. She stated this is a tabled item for a
PD amendment to PD No. 53.
Ms. McLeod stated that the item was tabled at the June 2n° meeting, and then subsequently tabled at the
June 16" meeting to give the applicant time to address questions and concerns that were voiced during the
two meetings.
The property is generally located north of Exchange Parkway and west of Alma Drive. The property to
the north is zoned Planned Development No. 53 Single Family Residential SF The properties to the east
are zoned Planned Development No 53 Single Family Residential R-6 and Planned Development No 53
Shopping Center SC. The properties to the south, across Exchange Parkway, are zoned Planned
Development No 54 Single Family Residential SF The property to the west is zoned Planned
Development No. 53 Community Facilities CF
The applicant is requesting to amend PD -53 for a townhome subdivision with 43 front -entry lots. Ms.
McLeod gave a summary of the proposal The lot width proposed is 25', lot depth 115', and lot area is
2875 square feet, which exceeds ALDC standards. The proposed dwelling unit size is 1350 square feet,
and also exceeds ALDC standards. The open space provided is approximately 1.5 acres. The revised plan
now provides for 24 visitor parking spaces and also exceeds ALDC standards.
The significant change that was made to the plan relates to access. Previously, Street A curved andjoined
into a shared driveway with the existing church The revised plan shows Street A as a straight road with a
direct connection to Exchange Parkway. Because the distance between the new driveway and existing
shared driveway does not comply with the Engineering separation standards, the existing shared driveway
is proposed to be closed at the time of the subdivision is accepted if the case is approved. The second
point of access for the Church is the easement which will connect to Street A. The applicant provided a
letter from the Church of Jesus Christ LDS stating support of the new configuration and closure of
existing driveway
Ms. McLeod also stated that the open space/sidewalk/emergency access plan was submitted to explain the
purpose for the 10' open space area in between and in the rear of the units. There will be a rear gate of
each lot that will provide an access path from the open space to Street A. All of the lots will be
sprinklered. The sidewalk is located within the public right-of-way. There is a 20' driveway provided for
each lot.
A screening plan is provided as well to further detail the screening proposed for the property On the
north, northeastern, and southern boundary is an 8' tubular steel fence. On the eastern property boundary,
there will be an 8' masonry wall, extended to southern lot line of the residential subdivision. On the west
side, the 8' masonry wall extends to the northern boundary which crosses the existing utility easement
and fully encloses the property boundary
Ms. McLeod presented the enhanced landscaping for the property There is now a view corridor from
Exchange Parkway along Street A. On the north end, the landscaping provided are Eastern red cedars.
This will also be accompanied by tubular steel fence. Within the open space, there will be red oaks, live
July 7, 2015
oaks, crepe myrtles, and various shrubs around the cul-de-sac. On the southern end, Chinese Pistache and
Live Oaks are provided along Exchange Parkway as well as various shrub screening. A subdivision
entrance sign, to be located at the southeastern corner of the property, is also proposed and complies with
ALDC standards.
Ms McLeod presented the elevations, and stated the front elevation was corrected to show only two car
garages. Masonry material is primarily stone, brick and composition shingle roofing. An enhanced
driveway material (exposed aggregate) is also proposed.
The development regulations did not change. The only change is that the landscape plan and the screening
plan will be added as exhibits to the ordinance if the case moves forward to City Council.
Ms. McLeod concluded by stating that staff believes the use is appropriate for the site. The enhancements
provided by the applicant are improvements to the original plan
Chairman Cocking reopened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking stated that one letter was received, but retracted No additional letters were received.
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if there is an HOA association for the property Ms. McLeod answered
yes, an HOA will be required
I" Vice -Chair Mangrum commended the developer for being creative. She fully supports the proposal
and thanked the developer to listening to the Commission's concerns.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Hollingsworth, and a second by
Commissioner Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED
to recommend approval of the request to amend the development and use
regulations applicable to Tract 4 of Planned Development PD No. 53, from
Community Facilities CF to Townhome Residential District TH, and adopt a
Concept Plan, Building Elevations, and Development Regulations for Lot 2,
Block A, Allen Stake Center.
The motion carried.
4 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to change the base zoning of a
portion of Planned Development No. 3 from Shopping Center SC to Light Industrial LI and amend
the development regulations and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for the Property. The
Property is a 6 5f acre tract of land situated in the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, a portion
of Tract M, Allen Business Center, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, generally located northwest
of the intersection of Bethany Drive and Greenville Avenue. (Z-2/19/15-6) [The Tech Center on
Ms. Madhuri Kulkarni, Planner, presented to the Commission. She stated this item is a public hearing and
a PD amendment for the Tech Center on Greenville.
The property is currently zoned Planned Development PD No. 3 for Shopping Center SC. The applicant is
requesting to change the base zoning of the property from Shopping Center SC to Light Industrial LI and
July 7, 2015
1 adopt development regulations, a concept plan, and building elevations for the property Development
plans are for a multi -building complex principally intended for office, warehouse, office/showroom uses,
and a limited number of sales and service uses The purpose of this request is to provide market flexibility
while providing effective parking and circulation.
Ms. Kulkami stated that the overall purpose of this project is to change the base zoning of PD No 3 from
Shopping Center to Light Industrial. The applicant has presented development plans for a multi -building
complex, intended mainly for office uses, warehouse uses, office/showroom/warehouse uses, and a
limited number of sales and service uses. Staff and the applicant have worked together to provide market
flexibility and, at the same time, providing effective parking and circulation. One of the aspects of market
flexibility is to change definitions of office, warehouse, and office/showroom/warehouse. The PD will
adopt the Concept Plan, Landscape Plan, Building Elevations, and Development Regulations.
Ms. Kulkarni presented the Concept Plan that shows 6.5 acres with 3 buildings on 3 lots. There are 2
access points that are provided. One of the access points is off Greenville Avenue and the other access
point is on the southwestern portion of the property through an access easement (ultimately connecting to
Bethany Drive). Specifically, each of the buildings range from 24,000 square feet to 38,000 square feet.
The parking for each of the individual lots meets the standards for the Allen Land Development Code.
Each of the buildings also includes a loading area. Each of these loading areas will include a screening
wall that will screen the loading area from the western and eastern sides. A truck dock loading area is also
provided on the southwestern portion of the property Parking and storage will not be permitted in this
area. Additionally, the Landscape Plan is mainly provided to also show the enhanced landscaping that will
be provided for the truck dock loading area. Enhanced landscaping will be of sufficient height to
adequately screen vehicles from Greenville Avenue.
1 The Building Elevations for the three buildings were also presented. The primary material will be
Concrete Panel.
Lastly, the development regulations were summarized —
Base Zoning District: Light Industrial LI
Front Yard: 25'
Side Yard 10'
Rear Yard: 45'
Additional Permitted Uses include Auto Parts Sales and Bicycle Shop among a few other uses
listed in the Development Regulations
No outdoor storage is permitted and all supplies and equipment have to be fully enclosed inside
the budding. Service vehicles are permitted, but shall not be visible from any public right-of-way
No storage or parking is permitted in the truck dock loading area (except during the active
loading/ unloading of items), and shall be screened from Greenville Avenue.
The office, warehouse, and office/showroom/warehouse use definitions were then explained. The primary
purpose for these definitions, again, is to grant additional market flexibility for various future tenants and
users and their business operations.
Ms. Kulkami presented a rendering of the proposed development, and stated that staff and applicant have
worked together to provide for market flexibility as well as adequate parking, circulation, and through the
development standards established with the Concept Plan, Development Regulation, Landscape Plan, and
Building Elevations.
July 7, 2015
1 She also stated that she had a conversation with an individual on the east side of Greenville who had a
hard time understanding the plan. However, he is satisfied after the conversation and understanding that
this is a general concept that will be further vetted. The project will go to City Council on July 281h if the
Planning and Zoning Commission recommend approval.
Chairman Cocking asked for further explanation on the southern loading dock area. He said this looks like
a skateboard magnet. He wanted to know how this will be used and if this has been done before in Allen.
Mr. Bruce Heller, President of JaRyCo Development, 780 N. Watters Road, Suite 120, Allen, TX,
addressed the commission. He said that the idea has been taken from the McKinney area. This project is
coming out of the leasing activity over the Corporate Center project where there are a jot of office users
indicating they need more storage for the clients The loading doors on the back of the buildings are all
grade level. The southwest portion is proposed to have a dock high off-loading area. Mr. Heller said they
are considering putting gates across that area to keep people from using it. Tenants would have access to
open the gates to use from a loading standpoint, but then the gates would be closed to prevent a
skateboard park.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing
Amanda DeGray, 502 White Oak St., Allen, TX, spoke to the Commission and recommended to put a
fence around the entire property She is concerned that this area might become crime -ridden. She also said
it does not look appealing. She also asked if the businesses will be open 24 hours
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
' Mr. Heller stated that tenants can access the property any hour of the day, but anticipates normal
operation hours from 8 to 5. Staff has been adamant that this area does not become a retail area. A large
detention pond will be constructed along Greenville Avenue that will be landscaped Instead of a 15'
landscape easement, there will be a 60' wide greenbelt along Greenville. This project is designed similar
to Corporate Center project on Watters Road. Office entrances are almost identical to the Corporate
Center building. The backside has the overhead doors.
Chairman Cocking asked what types of businesses may be included
Mr. Heller stated that one of them is a computer company that is 75% office and 25% warehouse. They
customize computers and take them to their corporate clients. Other companies he mentioned include an
electric company and a company that would store camera components that would do surveillance on
construction sites
Chairman Cocking asked staff about the fencing concern that was brought up.
Ms. Kulkami stated that the zoning on either side is non-residential, so there is no screening requirement.
Chairman Cocking reiterated that any time residential zoning touches directly to non-residential zoning,
there is an 8' masonry wall requirement, but that is not required in this case with the a major road and the
60' greenbelt area.
1 Chairman Cocking then stated that a few of the lots appear to be landlocked and asked if there are any
public easements.
July 7, 2015
Mr. Ogden "Bo" Bass, Director of Community Development, stated that mutual access easements will be
provided when the property is platted.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Platt, and a second by 1" Vice -Chair
Mangrum, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
recommend approval of the request to change the base zoning of a portion of
Planned Development No. 3 from Shopping Center SC to Light Industrial LI
and amend the development regulations and adopt a Concept Plan and
Building Elevations for the 6.5f acre tract of land situated in the William
Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708, a portion of Tract M, Allen Business
Center, City of Allen, Collin County, for The Tech Center on Greenville.
The motion carried
The mee(ing adjourned at 7:33 p in
this I
day of JUL
Madhuri Kul carni,
July 7, 2015
• Director's Report from 6/23/2015 City Council Meeting
The request to adopt an Ordinance to approve Development Regulations, a Concept Plan and
Building Elevations for 10.498± acres of land, presently zoned as Shopping Center and Planned
Development No. 113 for Multi -Family MF -18 to a Planned Development with a base zoning of
Townhome Residential, generally located southeast of Main Street and Greenville Avenue, for
Parkview Lane, was approved.