HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Arts Alliance - 1999 - 04/06 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN ARTS ALLIANCE BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING APRIL 6, 1999 - 6 PM AAAB MEMBERS PRESENT Barbara Eubanks, Chair Lori Fairchild, Vice -Chair Tess McKeown Gregg Layton, Secretary Evelyn Dawson Warren Johnson MEMBERS ABSENT Danny McLarty GUESTS PRESENT Pat Buckley, Volunteer for the Allen Arts Fest STAFF PRESENT Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Sue Witkowski, Secretary Sandy McGowan, Recreation Superintendent Larry Kirk, Athletic Superintendent I. CALL TO ORDER Chair, Barbara Eubanks called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. II. JOINT WORKSHOP WITH THE ALLEN ARTS FEST COMMITTEE Tess McKeown introduced Pat Buckley to the Board and then gave a detailed update of the plans being made for the Allen Arts Fest. She presented the Board with information detailing the tent set-up, performance schedule, list of artists in tents, food vendors, parking Page 2 Allen Arts Alliance Board Meeting .April 6, 1999 arrangements, volunteers, master of ceremonies, and schedule of entertainment. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that announcements regarding this event would be delivered to the elementary schools to Allen, either electronically, or by hand. Also, this Board will present event tee-shirts to the City Council at their regular meeting, along with the Allen Community Development Corporation Board meeting The Mayor will be introducing the Vocal Majority, and Allen Community Development Corporation Board Chairman, Debbie Stout will be introducing Eddie Coker Following a brief discussion regarding press releases, Lori Fairchild indicated she would be putting together releases in time to be printed in the two Allen American's published prior to this event. Tess reported that the volunteer coordinator was handling the possibility of a trip to be given away at this event. III. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens present wishing to speak to the Board at this none. IV. APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM MARCH 2, 1999, REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Evelyn Dawson moved to accept the Minutes as presented. Warren Johnson seconded, and the Motion carried, 6 for, 0 against. V. UPDATE ON PROJECTS - Sculptures in the Park - Larry Kirk, Athletic Superintendent for the City of Allen was introduced by Don Horton. Larry presented a brief review of the sculptures being proposed for the park -sites, along with the budget for each one. Larry provided pictures ' of the proposed sculptures, along with photos of the proposed sites to the parks Page 3 Allen Arts Alliance Board Meeting April 6, 1999 One sculpture will be placed in Bethany Lakes Park of a child with a fishing pole, and two sculptures will be placed in the concession areas of Allen Station Park. These two will be of a boy and girl with baseball/softball equipment These sculptures are being funded form the Allen Community Development Corporation Board, and plaques will be attached to these bronze works indicating this funding. There will be news releases done, ribbon cutting, and ceremonies held for each Larry reported that he will be calling the artist (Horton of Santa Fe, New Mexico) on Thursday and they will discuss probable dates for shipment. Concert Series - Sandy McGowan Sandy McGowan reported that she had been working with the City of Lewisville to plan these concerts, and that some of the bands were being booked jointly with Lewisville (appearing one night there, and another night in the City of Allen.) Sandy indicated that her budget was somewhat heavy in publicity, but that staff felt it important (especially this first year) to get the word to the residents about this series. The first will be held the first Monday of July, and subsequent Mondays through the first two weeks in August. Sandy reviewed her budget with the Board, as well as the concessionaire agreement being proposed. Sandy also invited the Board to visit the Allen Public Library where the photo contest winners were currently on display She reported that staff had received over 300 entries into this annual contest, setting a new record. It was suggested that adverting for these concerts should be done at Springfest, Arts Fest, Allen Symphony Concert, as well as the Allen USA Celebration. Following this discussion on both the sculptures and concert series, it was determined that the Board should vote on the list of approved projects for this year MOTION: Gregg Layton moved to accept the following projects, along with the associated budgets: Concert Series $ 25,000 Allen Arts Fest $ 25,000 Master Plan $ 15,000 Residential Survey $ 3,000 Allen Symphony $ 20,000 Heritage Guild $ 7,500 Statues in the Park $ 28,500 Video Camera $ 2,500 Page 4 Allen Arts Alliance Board Meeting April 6, 1999 Any remaining funds will be used as contingencies for the above projects. Warren Johnson seconded, and the Motion carried 6 for, 0 against. VI. CITIZEN SURVEY - DRAWING FOR TRIP Don Horton informed the Board that 918 surveys has been returned to the City of Allen, and that before the process could begin to tabulate the results, a winner needed to be drawn from those returned. Pat Buckley was asked to draw a survey from the group. The envelope selected was that of Janel Smith, who will be notified of her winning, once a gift certificate is obtained from Blee Cottage. VH. SPRINGFEST SIGN-UP SHEET Tess McKeown invited the Board to sign up for timeslots to host the Allen Arts Alliance Board booth at Springfest, beginning at 8:30 that morning. She reminded Board members that chairs and tables (along with an easel) need to be picked up from the Parks and Recreation Department the day before the event, and returned back the evening after the event. Following a brief discussion, it was determined that Barbara Eubanks and Evelyn Dawson would prepare bags with candy in them to be distributed to guests who visit the Arts Booth at Springfest. VIII. WORKSHOP ON CITIZEN SURVEY TABULATIONS Based on the lateness of the hour, Don Horton suggested that the surveys received be divided into groups, and each of the Board members were asked to tabulate the results and return the surveys to the City of Allen. Staff will then enter the comments section, along with a list of people indicating they would be willing to serve as a volunteer in the arts endeavors. IX. FUTURE AGENDA REQUEST ITEMS Master Plan Information Allen Art Fest, 2000 Page 5 Allen Arts Alliance Board Meeting April 6, 1999 X. OTHER BUSINESS Don reminded the Board that Brad Goldberg will be presenting to the Allen Community Development Corporation Board at the April 19, 1999 meeting, and invited any Board members that could to attend this meeting in support of the City Hall project. KI�11 00111190 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m These minutes read and approved this 4th day of May 1999 Barbara Eubanks, Chair Gregi'Layron, Secretary