HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Arts Alliance - 2001 - 03/13 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN ARTS ALLIANCE BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING MARCH 13, 2001 AAAB MEMBERS PRESENT Cynthia Kaleta Evelyn Dawson, Chair Debra Sielert, Vice -Chair Joel Cantwell MEMBERS ABSENT Lisa Ellrich Lauren Jones, Secretary Joyce Richards Guests Present William Dillard Staff Present Don Horton, Director of Parks and Recreation Lisa Anderson, Special Activities Coordinator Tina Daniels, Cultural Arts Specialist CALL TO ORDER Chair Evelyn Dawson called the meeting to order at 6:22 p.m. 2. CITIZENS COMMENTS There were no citizens present wishing to speak at this time. 3. APPROVED THE MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 20, 2001 REGULAR CALLED MEETING MOTION: Cindy Kaleta moved to accept the Minutes from February 20, 2001 Regular Called Meeting as presented. Deb Sielert seconded and the motioned carried 4 for, 0 against. 4. VOLUNTEER RECEPTION Bill Dillard expressed an interest in helping Allen Arts Alliance form a Guild. Evelyn asked Bill to head this committee. Bill asked many questions about what function the Guild would play with the Allen Arts Alliance. Everyone gave their views, and it was decided that the Guild would feed, educate and recruit volunteers from a database that was formerly established. Tina is to contact Sue to get mailing labels of these interested in volunteering. Tina is to also find available dates for the volunteer reception. The board agreed to have it at Joe Farmer Rec Center in April or May 5. AD HOC COMMITTEE UPDATES ARTS ALLIANCE/SCHOOL LIAISON—Lauren Jones and Cindy Kaleta Nothing to report at this time. Lauren is currently speaking to several schools. More information at future meetings. Lauren finished the brochure for "Call To Artist" Lisa said mailings would begin the week of March 19, 2001 Evelyn asked Tina to call Mrs. Carole and ask if she would like to participate in Allen USA Art Fair. FRIENDS OF PARKS AND ART IN ALLEN ----Evelyn Dawson Don Horton reported that Jim Walbauer is holding a meeting at his house on April 1, 2001 to discuss establishing "Friends of the Park" board. Don said that Amy Moiner and Joe Farmer expressed an interest to be on this board. Don asked that Evelyn Dawson and Joel Cantwell attend this meeting. ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ---Deb Sielert and Joel Cantwell Don, Joel and Robin Frye will meet in downtown Dallas for a lunch to discuss graphic renderings before the next AAA board meeting. Deb was invited as well but does not feel that she will be available. Evelyn said that there has been an interest expressed in having art at the entrances to the city ALLEN ARTS ALLIANCE GUILD ----Bill Dillard See above in Volunteer Reception. Don asked the board members to give Bill any information that he might need about the AAA. Joel suggested that the Guild have a booth at the Allen USA Art Fest. Other Business Don said that there would be a Library Planning Meeting. Joel Cantwell is the AAA representative and he, along with Evelyn was asked to attend the meeting. The meeting is scheduled for April 1, but Don has asked the Library Board to I reschedule it for April 2. Don said he would notify Joel and Evelyn when the date was firm. An update was given by Lisa Anderson about Summer Sounds Concerts. The dates and entertainment are as follow: July 9 InSide Out (variety) July 16 TI Jazz Band (jazz) July 23 Mark David Manders (country) July 30 Forty Days (Christian rock) Aug. 6 Sons of Harmony Lisa said this was a tentative schedule, and it should be firm by the next board meeting. Lisa also gave a brief update about the new concession stand that is being built at Bethany Lake Park. This stand will be available during Summer Sounds Concerts. Deb offered her house for a party for the board. (More information at a later date) Lisa said that 501-C Corporation project was almost finished. Sunday Sounds concert for March 18 is hosted by Cindy Kaleta. Evelyn agreed to help Cindy set up for the concert. Lisa said that the budget had been updated to reflect the advertising bill that was paid. Evelyn asked what was the procedure to give the Allen Symphony the $20,000 that was voted for in last meeting. Don said that it would be transferred to the correct account. Evelyn suggested that the board be in contact with the Symphony to see what information they needed to give us proper credit for our contributions within their advertisements and programs. Don asked Tina to call the Symphony and ask them when their season began and what we needed to do for our advertisement. Also, Deb was asked to contact the Symphony about graphic art they might need from AAA. Evelyn suggested Deb contact Kathy Latins or Lori Fairchild for information. Don suggested at the next meeting that the Board as a whole brain storm for projects. Adjourned at 7:23 p.m. a onn, Chair Lauren Jones, Secretary