HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Board of Adjustment - 1986 - 09/09 - RegularZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT
Board Members Present:
John Karlsruher, Chairman
John Cahill, Vice Chairman
George Chrisman
Harold Biggs
Dan Contreras
Board Members Absent:
Rick Alexander
City Staff Present:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Sally Leeper, Secretary
Mel Hilkemeier
Ron Gentry, Fire Chief
Craig Gillis, Fire Marshall
CALL TO ORDER: (Agenda Item I)
The September 9, 1986, Regular Meeting of the Allen Zoning
Board of Adjustment was called to order at 7:42 p.m. at the
City Council Chambers, Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
August 12, 1986
(Agenda Item II)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record as
"Approve minutes of August 12, 1986, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Chrisman and a
second by Board Member Cahill, the Board voted
5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of
August 12, 1986, as presented. The motion
Public Hearing
Mr. Rick Zampino
1503 Spring Street (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Karlsruher read the agenda item into the record
as follows:
"Consider approval of a request by Mr. Rick Zampino
for a varianceto allow a structure in the side yard
of Lot 42, Block 2, of the Cottonwood Bend 3 Addition
to the City of Allen, otherwise known as 1503 Spring
Street, Allen, Texas."
Mr. Bill Petty discussed this item with the Board. He discussed
the safety factors and conditions with regard to the violation
under consideration. This structure is in violation of the
Uniform Building Code and the CABO Code for the following
1. The building was constructed without a permit;
2. Failure to provide a fire wall separation in
conformance with the Uniform Building Code.
It is in violation of the Comprehensize Zoning Ordinance for
the following reason:
1. The Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, with reference
to Planned Development No. 13, Cottonwood Bend No. 3,
Ordinance No. 459-9-83, requires an open and
unobstructed side yard.
At this time Mr. Petty presented pictures of the structure to the
Board that staff had received from the proponent. He stated that
the structure is a well constructed patio deck. Normally, this
type of violation would be addressed at the time of submission of
a building permit.
At this time Mr. Petty discussed for the benefit of the audience
the reasons for City ordinances.
Mr. Craig Gillis, Fire Marshall, addressed the Board and the
audience with regard to fire safety, and the problems inherent
to gas grills and hot tubs which are often associated with decks
of this nature. He discussed insurance rates for the City of
Allen and how this type of variance could affect the rates. He
further discussed the possibility of a legal situation being
created by a variance of this nature if a fire were ever to be
involved. He stated that the Fire Department would not approve
of this structure.
Public Hearing
Mr. Rick Zampino
1503 Spring Street (Cont.) (Agenda Item 111)
Mr. Petty reiterated that the purpose of this particular ordinance
is for safety. He stated that if a permit had been requested,
which it was not, the location of this deck would have been
addressed at that time. He submitted to the Board a copy of the
deed restrictions provided by Landmark Homes as available to all
home purchasers which restricts the building of structures in a
side yard. The deed restrictions also require that architectural
plans be submitted to the architectural committee for review.
At this time the Board reviewed the deed restrictions.
Mr. Rick Zampino, proponent in this case, 1503 Spring, addressed
the Board, and presented additional pictures of the structure. He
advised the Board that it is his feeling that there is no fire
hazard involved in this case, and that he considers a maintenance
space of 10 feet is kept between the two structures. He discussed
the fact that the sliding glass doors are on the side of his home,
L and that the salesman from Landmark indicated that there were no
deed restrictions. He is asking how he can keep the structure in
place. Mr. John Gill advised him that there is a deck on one of the
homes that is used for sales demonstrations. He stated there is
no entrance to the back yard, only the sliding doors on the side.
A cement slab had been located beside the doors. He added that
there is a culvert in this location for drainage purposes.
Chairman xarlsruher opened the public hearing. The following
persons spoke FOR the proposed variance:
Mr. William Stetson, Allen, Texas, questioned the need
and desire for ordinances in the City of Allen. He
asked that the City give proponent alternatives for
building a deck. He added that he thinks the structure
is very nice.
Mr. Tom Thacker, 651 Meadowbrook, stated his survey
shows no restrictions on the side lot line or deed
restrictions, and that Landmark gave them the
impression that there were no restrictions.
Mr. Mike Clark, Dallas, stated there was no obstruction
for the fire department in this structure. He stated
he did not feel that this deck was flammable to a
dangerous degree. He stated he had offered to raise
the ground level to the deck if this would help the
situation, and advised he was the contractor in this
case. He added that the lack of a building permit was
an oversight on his part.
Public Hearing
Mr. Rick Zampino
1503 Spring Street (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
Mr. Glen Breninger, 653 Meadowbrook, asked if a swing
set would be considered an obstruction. When they
bought their home, Landmark offered to build a deck
for them.
Mrs. Cynthia Thacker, 651 Meadowbrook, also stated that
Landmark had offered to build a deck for them in the side
yard and that there were no deed restrictions.
Mr. Tom Lefingwell, 707 Spring, stated he agreed that
there was no additional fire hazard caused by this
structure. He feels the negligence here is from Landmark.
No one present here tonight seems to be aware of the
deed restrictions. His neighbor had Landmark build a deck
after the City inspection was complete on his home. He
stated he understood at this time the deck has been
red flagged. He was not aware a permit would be required
for a deck.
Chairman Rarlsruher addressed the questions brought out at this
point in the meeting.
As to home improvements without ordinances, he stated the purpose
of the Zoning Ordinance 366-10-81, reading page 2, paragraph 1.02
of the ordinance.
Board Member Contreras stated that he was aware of information
being made available to homeowners regarding the need for
building permits.
Mr. Petty advised that every effort is made to inform the public
that building permits are needed. In addition, he agrees that
there is a responsibility on behalf of the builder to advise
buyers of this need. He added further that any City in this
area has the same ordinances and regulations. The contractor
in this case had a responsibility to obtain a permit. At this
time Mr. Petty discussed the equitability of applying ordinances.
As to the question of swing sets, he stated that they are not
considered a structure. A patio on the ground would not be
considered a structure if it does not exceed 6" above ground
level. However, if it is wood, a transmitter of fire, then
the home must be protected by use of a fire wall. In this area
there are three similar situations, one being on a model home.
j Each of these property owners has been advised of violation and
each was erected without a building permit.
Public Hearing
Mr. Rick Zampino
1503 Spring Street (Cont.) (Agenda Item III
Ron Gentry, Fire Chief, discussed an additional ordinance of the
City which requires Class C roofing material. The roofs on the
homes in this area are all Class C. He further discussed the
hazards of the superstructure included in this deck.
Craig Gillis further discussed the problem of accessibility
for fighting fire.
Mr. Petty again stated that if a deck is more than 6 inches
above ground level and made of wood, then it must be at least
three feet from adjacent structures.
The following person spoke AGAINST this proposed variance.
Mr. Chris Cravens, 1500 Mountainside, stated he
questioned the judgement of Mr. Zampino's contractor
to construct a structure that overhangs the house
next door. He asked if possibly proponent could
remove the vertical structure.
Chief Gentry stated that he had spoken with the sales manager of
Landmark who advised that he was concerned with the structure
being above the adjacent home which is not sold at this time.
Mr. Petty advised he had spoken with Mr. Lloyd Jones of Landmark
of this public hearing and had been advised that one of their
salesmen would attend. It was noted that no one was in the
audience from Landmark Homes.
Board Member Cahill stated that he would like to have Landmark
confirm to the City that they have received information regarding
the deed restrictions. Mr. Petty stated that the requirements
were established by zoning and Landmark filed the deed restrictions.
Chairman Karlsruher discussed the process of zoning.
Mr. Zampino stated he was willing to remove the top of the
structure. The contractor stated that they could cut back on
the trellis portion of the structure, and Mr. Zampino stated he
would be in agreement with this.
Chairman Karlsruber closed the public hearing.
Public Hearing
Mr. Rick Zampino
1503 Spring Street (Cont.) (Agenda Item III
Board Member Cahill stated he feels this structure is a hazard
as it now exists. He discussed the possibility of removing 3 feet
from the structure and removing the superstructure.
Board Member Biggs stated he was concerned that no permit was
requested at the beginning. He questioned the Fire Marshall
regarding a compromise. He asked if he would consider removal
of three feet and the superstructure. Mr. Gillis stated as
far as fire safety is concerned, this would help the situation.
Board Member Chrisman stated the zoning ordinances have been
approved and are public knowledge. He feels residents are advised
that permits are required. He stated that this case is clearly
negligence on the part of the contractor to apply for the permit,
and discussed the similar ordinances in Plano, Richardson and Dallas.
This is a violation of the ordinances of the City of Allen, and is a
safety hazard. Some modification is necessary.
Board Member Contreras stated that the proper permits should have
been secured for the construction. Even if some compromise could
be reached, there is still a concern that the structure would be
in violation of the homeowners deed restrictions.
Chairman Karlsruher stated he had the same concerns as above;
i.e., no permit being applied for, the deed restrictions being a
legal problem if the property were ever to change hands. He
reviewed items from the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, and
reminded the Board that they have 90 days to arrive at a decision
on this case.
Board Member Cahill questioned the City's authority with regard
to the deed restrictions and Mr. Petty advised that the City
would not have authority to enforce the deed restrictions. The
property owners in the area have authority to file a civil suit
against the violator. Mr. Petty stated that the Board certainly
should gather any information necessary before granting a
decision; however, if staff feels there is a real and immediate
danger, then as Chief Building Official, he could override that
decision and could at least withhold a Certificate of Occupancy
on the house adjacent to this property. It was pointed out later
that the adjacent property has already been given its final
inspection and issued a Certificate of Occupancy.
Public Hearing
Mr. Rick Zampino
1503 Spring Street (Cont.) (Agenda Item III)
Board Member Chrisman stated he was not interested in working
on a compromise that would include engineering this structure
with regard to drainage and redesign.
Board Member
Chrisman stated he was not in favor
of tabling this
item, but he
was not comfortable
in engineering a
new design
outside the
Comprehensive Zoning
Mr. Petty stated that the Fire Code and Building Code have
already made the determination that this structure is a danger,
that there are three violations of the ordinance punishable
by penalty; however, no charges have been filed and staff
recognizes that proponent is not in this position by malintent.
If a variance is not granted, staff will have to ask for removal
or issue citations.
Board Member Cahill stated that with the elimination of the super-
structure, and dropping the deck back by three feet, the hazard
would be reduced.
Board Member Biggs discussed the large number of garden homes
that are zoned in the City and Chairman Karlsruher discussed the
insinuations that have been made that Landmark had advised
prospective buyers that structures would be allowed in the side
Board Member Chrisman stated this issue needs to be between
the homeowners and the builder.
Board Member Cahill stated he feels that the Board should abide
by the code as written, and that the project should not be
authorized as presented. He feels it is the responsibility of
the Board to protect not only the property owner, but the community
as a whole.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Cahill and a second
by Board Member Biggs, the Board voted 5 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to deny the variance and proponent be
advised to comply with the City of Allen and remove
the structure for the safety and welfare of the
general public as well as the residents.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Contreras and a second
by Board Member Chrisman, the Board voted 5 FOR and
0 OPPOSED to adjourn the September 9, 1986, meeting
of the Allen Zoning Board of Adjustment at 10:35 p.m.
These minutes approved this 1111a day ofy.Q�,p�
J n Karlsruher, Chairman ,�J hn Cahill, Vice- hairman