HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Board of Adjustment - 1997 - 01/07 - RegularII
JANUARY 7, 1997
Bill Roberge, Chairman
Galen Clay, Vice -Chairman
Robert Engle
David Prall
Philip Rich
City Staff Present:
Bret McCullough, Building Official
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant
LN -1 min• • ' _ I _ • • • •'
With a quorum of the Board present, the Board of Adjustment was called to order at 7.30 p.m.
by Chairman Roberge at the Allen Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Approve Minutes
July 2. 1996
(Agenda Item II)
Chairman Roberge read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Approve minutes of July 2, 1996, Regular Meeting."
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Clay and a second by Board Member Rich, the
Board voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the minutes of July 2, 1996, as
January 7, 1997 PAGE 2
Election of Officers (Agenda Item IH)
Chairman Roberge read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Election of Officers - Chairman, Vice -Chairman."
Board Member Prall placed the name of Bill Roberge in nomination for the office of Chairman.
The nomination was seconded by Board Member Rich, and Bill Roberge was elected Chairman
by acclamation.
Board Member Rich placed the name of Galen Clay in nomination for the office of Vice -
Chairman. The nomination was seconded by Board Member Prall, and Galen Clay was elected
Vice -Chairman by acclamation.
Public Hearing
Scott Felder Homes (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Roberge read the agenda item into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing - Consider a Request by Scott Felder Homes for a variance to the side
yard requirement at 400 Montclair Drive, being Lot 1, Block J, Watters Crossing III,
Allen, Texas."
Sally Leeper, Administrative Assistant, administered the following oath to persons listed below
who intended to testify during the hearing. "Each of you do solemnly swear or affirm that the
testimony you shall present in this proceeding shall be the truth and nothing but the truth, so help
you God."
Jane Boyett
Scott Felder Homes
402 Watters Crossing Ct.
Allen, TX 75013
Mitchell Blackburn
3520 Piedmont
Plano, TX 75075
January 7, 1997 PAGE 3
Bret McCullough
City of Allen
101 S. Butler Dr.
Allen, TX 75013
Mr McCullough presented the request to the Board. He reviewed the requirements of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance with regard to allowing variances. The property in question
is located in Planned Development No. 26. This zoning district requires a 25' front yard, side
yard of 10% of lot width, 15' side yard adjacent to side street, and 2000 sq. ft. house size
minimum. The structure in question is 3842 sq. ft. The request is for a variance to the side yard
building line of approximately 5 inches. Mr. McCullough added that the ordinance requires a
hardship be determined based on the irregular shape of the lot in order to grant this variance. If
the variance were considered by the Board, he would suggest granting 6" to be certain the house
would fit on the lot.
Chairman Roberge opened the public hearing.
Jane Boyett, Scott Felder Homes, stated that 2500 sq. ft. And above homes have been built on this
3 side of the street, and this size is dictated by private deed restrictions. The house itself measures
it 51" and the encroachment involves the brick ledge.
Mr Blackburn discussed his desires to move to Allen and to build this particular home. He
discussed the availability of lots by Scott Felder Homes. He discussed the adjoining property
owners and provided a letter from the owner of the property to the south. This letter is attached
hereto and made a part hereof. He also provided a photograph of the existing homes on the street.
He stated that he would prefer not to place the home 15' back from the front building line, which
would allow it to fit within the required side yard building lines, and remove the need for a
Chairman Roberge closed the public hearing.
It was noted that the request is for the front comer of the home only because of the irregular shape
of the lot. The Board discussed the irregular shape of the lot and the fact that the request is for
the corner of the structure only They further discussed the fact that a house conforming to the
zoning on the property would fit on this lot, and that they felt it was the builder's responsibility
to make sure a house will fit on a lot before selling the property
MOTION A motion was made by Board Member Prall and seconded by Board Member
Engle to approve a variance of 6" to the side yard building line on the south (alley)
side of the lot and that this action be accomplished by resolution and such
January 7, 1997
resolution should be considered adopted, and the chairman of this board is hereby
authorized to sign such resolution.
Board Member Rich stated that he feels the problem is that of the builder, not the prospective
homeowner Chairman Roberge suggested that since there are no neighbors on either side (a
street on the north and an alley on the south) the house will fit on the lot, although set back 15'
which would not be cosmetically or aesthetically pleasing. Board Member Clay suggested that
a hardship must he shown, and he did not feel it had been proven.
Mr. Blackburn suggested that a hardship is involved because the neighbors would prefer to see
the house at the front building line rather than set back by 15'
The Board voted two FOR and three OPPOSED to the motion, and the motion
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Clay and second by Board member Rich, the
Board voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to reconsider the request
Board Member Clay read information from the Zoning Ordinance. The Board further discussed
�j the irregular shape of the lot and the impact of placing the house 15 feet to the rear of the front
building line. Board Member Prall again stated that he felt requiring the house to be built 15'
from the front building line would constitute a hardship. Board Member Rich indicated that he
feels the builders should not sell homes that do not fit on the lots. Board Member Clay suggested
that the 7.5' required on the south side is because of the lot width—if the lot were 65 feet wide,
the side yard would be only 6.5'
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Prall and a second by Board Member Engle, the
Board voted 3 FOR and 2 OPPOSED to approve a variance of 6" to the side yard
building line on the south (alley) side of the lot and that this action be accom-
plished by resolution and such resolution should be considered adopted, and the
chairman of this board is hereby authorized to sign such resolution. The motion
failed for lack of 4 concurring votes, and no action was taken.
There was no other business.
�.J January 7, 1997
MOTION Upon a motion by Board Member Clay and a second by Board Member Prall, the
Board voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to adjourn the January 7, 1997, meeting at
8.12 p.m.
These minutes approved this C d y of a44, 1997
Bill Roberge, Corman (Jate\n clay. Seermry
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