HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Board of Adjustment - 2008 - 10/20 - Special CalledI ; V_
Board Members Present:
Sally Leeper, Chair
Frank Brown, Vice Chair
Alexander Kirk
Gene Autrey
Barbara McNutt
Hugh Brown, Alternate
Deborah Angell Smith, Alternate
Board Members Absent:
City Staff Present:
Ogden `Bo" Bass, Director
Lee Battle, Assistant Director
Tiffany McLeod, Planner
Pam Conway, Senior Administrative Assistant
Amber Slayton, Attorney
Regular Agenda
Special Called Meeting
October 20, 2008
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Board Members present, Chairman Leeper called the meeting to order at
6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Conference Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway.
Agenda Item 1: Approve minutes from the September 10, 2007 Sign Control Board
Chairman Leeper called for a motion to approve the September 10, 2007 minutes of the Sign
Control Board.
MOTION: Upon a Motion by Board Member Kirk, and a Second by Board Member
Autrey, the Board voted 5 FOR and 0 OPPOSED to approve the September
10, 2007 Sign Control Board Minutes. The motion carried.
October 20, 2008
Agenda Item 2: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a
variance for the Allen Heights Village Shopping Center to increase the copy
area of an existing non -conforming multi -tenant sign. The sign is located at
the Allen Heights Village Shopping Center, 1201 E Main Street.
Tiffany McLeod, Planner, presented the case to the Board. She described the request and the
location of the sign. The ordinance states that the Sign Control Board should consider the following
reasons for the variance: the effect on public safety, protection of neighborhood property, the degree
of hardship or injustice involved and the effect of the variance on the general plan for signing within
the City. Staff does not believe that there are adequate reasons provided to justify a variance to
allow the existing sign to increase in copy area. There is not a significant hardship or injustice
involved and this request is contrary to the general plan for allowing signage in Allen. Therefore,
staff recommends denial of the requested variance.
Board Member Brown stated that disallowing this variance could cause a hardship for these
businesses. He explained his thoughts on the difficulties businesses, especially small businesses,
face especially considering our current economy
Ogden `Bo" Bass, Director, explained that staffs recommendation should not be taken that we we
anti -business. Staff is here to uphold the ordinance.
Chairman Leeper opened the Public Hearing.
Sally Anderson, Kelley Commercial, Representing the Allen Heights Shopping Center, stated that
the request is based on keeping the tenants — some of the businesses don't have room on the current
sign. Some are "mom and pop" and have no other means of advertising. She stated that due to the
economic downturn, she requested that the Board approve the variance.
Morey Young, 1340 Red Oak Trail, Fairview, stated that he is one of the anchor tenants (Marshall
Arts and a real estate office). He stated that signage is needed and currently he has none.
Shen Won, Suite 108, Allen Heights Shopping Center, requested approval of this variance. He has
been in this space for 3 years with no sign.
With no one else wishing to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Board Member Autrey questioned Ms. Anderson about bringing the sign up to current code. Ms.
Anderson stated that the owner is not financially able to do that at this time.
Board Member Kirk stated that he disagrees with the Allen Land Development Code in this
situation, but won't 'legislate from the bench" by granting a variance. He stated that if the Sign
Board denies the variance — the applicant can appeal to the City Council.
October 20, 2008
Ms. Anderson stated that all the tenants are "for" the approval of this variance and many wrote
letters of support. The letters will be attached to these minutes for the record.
Board Member McNutt questioned why the sign was not originally designed for the number of
tenants? Ms. Anderson was not sure. She stated even if the variance is granted, there is not enough
space for all tenants.
Board Member Brown again stated that the economic downturn is a valid reason to grant the
Chairman Leeper stated that the economy is very difficult right now The intent of the Council was
for all signs to comply with the ordinance and for pylon signs to eventually go away. Many already
have been replaced with monument signs. Allen Heights Shopping Center has always had a lot of
tenant tum -over. Every tenant does not get their name on the pylon sign — this is the case for any
shopping center. This shopping center does not have any special conditions or hardship compared to
any other shopping center in town — all shopping centers are facing the same challenge. Their would
need to be a condition or hardship that was different from other shopping centers.
Board Member Kirk stated that as a consumer, it is difficult to find some businesses with such small
signs (monuments). His suggestion was just for the applicant to take this on to the Council.
Chairman Leeper suggested that the Board review the sign ordinance in the future for discussion and
possible amendments.
Mr. Bass stated that staff would follow that direction and place a discussion item on an upcoming
agenda for review
Chairman Leeper requested a survey of surrounding Cities to give the Board information about what
is being allowed in neighboring communities.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Autrey and a second by Board Member
McNutt, the Board voted 4 FOR 1 OPPOSED to DENY the request for a
variance to increase the copy area of an existing non -conforming multi -tenant
sign for Allen Heights Village Shopping Center. Board Member Brown was
Opposed. The Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 3: Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a
variance for the Arts of Collin County to allow an increase in maximum
allowable area for a temporary sign. The property is 100± acres of land located
south of SH121 and east of Custer Road.
Mr. Bass, Director, presented the request to the Board for the Arts of Collin County. Mr. Bass
described the location of the property and the zoning and intended use. He stated that the only
traffic was from SH121. The proposed sign will contain renderings of the Arts Park Project as well
as project information. Due to the amount of content, the request is for 288 square feet. Mr. Bass
stated that the Arts of Collin County believes the sign is essential to communicating the project's
design to the public as well as drawing potential donors and/or developers.
Staff is recommending approval of a variance due to it being temporary in nature, a community
oriented project, and high speed of the traffic on SH121.
Board Member Kirk agrees, but wants to support the ordinance as written. He stated that the sign
could be made smaller and still be effective.
Mr. Bass suggested 192 square feet as an altemative. This is simply combining the allowed square
footage into one sign. He also stated that this is a single -sided sign and would be temporary,
renewable each year if needed.
Chairman Leeper opened the Public Hearing.
No one was present to speak.
Chairman Leeper closed the Public Hearing.
Board Member Autrey questioned if a traffic count had been done. Mr. Bass stated that he was not
aware of any for this specific request.
The Board continued to discuss the size of the request and Chairman Leeper stated that the request
for 288 square foot was practically the size of a billboard. Chairman Leeper and Board Member
Autrey agreed that they could support a variance of 192 square feet.
Board Member Kirk agreed, stating that would be a combination of the two allowed signs.
Chairman Leeper, Board Members Autrey and McNutt were concerned about installing the sign
parallel to SH121 rather than perpendicular—that may not be the best way.
The Board noted that they were disappointed that no representative from The Arts of Collin County
was present at the meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion by Board Member Kirk and a second by Board Member Brown,
the Board voted 5 FOR 0 OPPOSED to APPROVE the request for a variance to
allow an increase in maximum allowable area for a temporary sign to 192 square
feet, for The Arts of Collin County. The Motion Carried.
Agenda Item 4: Discussion on signage integrated into mesh construction fences.
Mr. Battle, Assistant Director, presented the discussion item regarding the mesh construction fences.
Currently the sign regulations do not permit signage on construction fencing. Developers have
recently asked if the City would consider allowing mesh construction fencing with signage. Their
desire is to promote new development while under construction as well as provide a visual barrier of
the construction site from public view.
October 20, 2008
Board Member McNutt stated that it would be effective if it's not too much of a distraction.
Board Member Autrey stated it should also be well maintained as long as it is in place.
Board Member Brown stated he likes the mesh fencing to block the construction site with or without
the signage.
Chairman Leeper stated that without too much clutter, it would be fine. Neat and controlled —
possibly with some rules for keeping it from being too much clutter and a distraction.
Agenda Item 5: Discussion on freestanding signs at bank drive-throughs.
Mr. Battle, Assistant Director, presented the discussion item for freestanding signs at bank drive-
throughs. He stated that the ordinance would classify this as a free standing sign. There are already
exceptions in our ordinance for electronic message centers at drive-throughs. A staff concern is
what other businesses may request this type of signage.
Board Member Kirk stated that he has no problem with signs internal to the property — he is open to
this. The message is for the customer using the bank, not to attract new customers.
Chairman Leeper expressed concern with the signs being a distraction to drivers trying to read them
as they we driving down the street.
Mr. Battle stated that the size of the signs hasn't been discussed yet and they could even be a sign (or
the text of the sign) that is changed out on a regular basis. Staff prefers something more permanent
that would still allow for the message on the sign to be changed out as needed. This is not consistent
with the sign ordinance and policies limiting the amount of freestanding signs.
Motion: The Board adjourned the Sign Board meeting at 7:20 p.m.
These minutes approved this day of
Pam Conway, Sr. Administrative Assistant
Edward Jones Investments
1201 E. Main Street, Suite 240
Allen, TX 75002
City of Allen
Planning & Zoning Department
city lean
305 Century Parkway
Allen, TX 75013
Dear Planning & Zoning Committee:
We are current tenants at the Allen Heights Village Shopping Center at Main Street and Anrn Heights.
We are writing in regards to the request to add additional signage for our shopping center.
Many of the tenants cannot advertise because the sign does not have enough space to include their
company name. Several new tenants are moving in and want to place their name on the sign but there is
just not room.
Six more tenants would be able to advertise their business on the marquee with the proposed change. It
will help draw attention to their business from both Main Street and Allen Heights. This can made a
major difference to the additional wank in business that these tenants may be able to incur thus helping
the City Of Allen in turn.
Please consider approving the request for the expansion of the marquee sign at Allen Heights Village
Shopping Center. It can only help in additional revenues for both the businesses and the city. Thank you
for your time and consideration of this matter.
G/�f asw
J. Maurice
Financial Advisor
Edward Jones Investment
,Finger & Toe
1201 E Wain Street
Suite 130
. a6z, Texas 75002
(acini Tran, Owner)
September 1, 2008
City of Allen
Planning d Zoning Department
City Hall
305 Century Parkway
Allen, TX 75013
To Whom it May Concern:
I am currently a tenant at Allen Heights Village Shopping Center
located at 1201 E. Main St.A130, Allen 75002. We are writing to request
that City of Allen approve additional signage allowance for marquee at
the Center.
Many tenants have not been able to advertise on sign due to lack of
available space. Mew tenants would also need space to advertise their
business All businesses would benefit from additional advertising
within the Center that could be seen directly from Main Street and
Allen Heights It would also benefit the neighborhood as would draw
additional tenants as well as customers, keeping the Center occupied.
Your approval for the expansion of signage on the marquee would be
greatly beneficial to all concerned.
Kim Tran
Finger 6 Toe
August 25, 2008
City of Allen
Planning s Zoning Department
City Hall
305 Century Parkway
Allen, TX 75013
RE: Marquee sign
To Whom It May Concern:
I have a business at 1201 E. Main St. STE 280, Allen, TX (Young
As a tenant, it is important to have any visible signage in my
surrounding business neighborhood. This would include a banner,
roadway sign, marquee sign, etc. We want to advertise out
business in any forms of matter possible. Please consider
amendment to enlarge the marquee sign at 1201 E. Main Street,
Allen, TX.
g H ee
'Young Donuts
Jason Reed, Agent O
1201 F Main Ste 150
Allen, TA 75002 39W
pus 972908 k48
lasoveed mss®sla onni,r.
September 5, 2008
City of Allen
Planning and Zoning Department
City Hall
305 Century Parkway
Allen, TX 75013
To Whom It May Concern:
Providing Insurance and
Ftnamal Services
As an independent business owner, advertisement is a vital part of our business.
The marquis that is currently out front is too small for all the businesses here to
advertise on and is too small to be seen by passing traffic.
Please approve our signage request so that we can all take advantage of being seen
by the citizens of Allen and contribute to the citys growth as a whole.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.
Best Regards,
ason Reed, Agent
State Farre Insurance and Financial Services
972-908-3448 (office); 972-008-3449 (fax)
w jasonnxtlagentocm
1201 E. MAIN ST. SUM 200B
ALLEN, TX. 75013
1201 E. MAIN ST. SUITE 200
I operate several business at the Allen heights Village. I have been in.Real Estate/
Mortgage and WA flumes for over 30 years. I was led to believe by the Landlord,
KCRE properties that I would be able to have ample signage as to represent my
Both companies hero. I bave none since there is no place to put them Resultantly
I am loosing considerable rm mre due to lack of tra%c. I have been a long time resident
and tax payer in Allen and Collin County since 1995. I firmly believe that the addition
Of additional signage apace would be a great boon to us all. Comvasely, , the continued
lack of appropnote advertising opportunity could give me the incentive to seer another
Site-- Perhaps outside of Allen where sigrwge is in abundance.
My two business comprise anchor tenancy bare in the center and a larger roll of taxes of
course are absorbed. Hopefully we can all come to agreement om expanding our sign
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me.
RespaxNrlly submitted
Morris J. Young-PbD
Broker/MB, GRI
SEP 09,2008 17:92 2195099170 page 1
Jim aerrins
The Kid Salon Inc.
Allen, TX 75002
September 8, 2008
City of Allen
Planning & Zoning Dept.
City Hall
305 Century Parkway
Allen, TX 75013
Thar City of Allen:
My mane is Jim IJerrios and I own'lhe Kid Salon. Weare a specialty children's hair
salon in Allen located in the Allen Ileights Village. We are asking for approval from Ute
City for six additional sign space allotments for our existing marquce sign, acing able to
advertise our business on this marquee would greatly benefit our business. Plase, give
great consideration in approving Ibis sign space addition. Thanks in advance for your
time and efforts.
•Jim—A. Been
The Kid Salon Inc.
Jul 29 08 05:56p Easton 972-747-0848 p.l
Sublime Chocolate
1201 E. Main Street
Ste. 230
Allen, Texas 75002
September 5, 2008
City of Allen,
Planning & Zoning Department
Cny Hall,
305 Century Parkway
Allen, TX 75013
RE: Variance for Existing Marquee Sign
To Whom It May Concern,
I, as a business owner and being in business forjust over a month, would like to acknowledge the important part that
having a prominent sign does for the -walk-in" portion of my business. These days, with so many people on the go
which means they are mostly driving, it is so easy to miss going into a shop that these people might easily seed for
example they were walking through a mall.
® Just yesterday l had acustomer tell me that they don't normally coming to this shopping center but saw my sign and
made the effort to park and come In. I truly believe if more businesses have this same opportunity to advertise using
not only their store signs but also the marquee sign under the Allen Heights village street sign, it would go a long way to
expanding their customer base.
Being not only a business taxpayer in Allen but also a residential taxpayer in Allen, I see both sides as far as having local
businesses close and successful. Not only does this benefit the City of Allen but it also benefits us as residents because
we don't have to travel to Plano or McKinney in order to go to a restaurant or buy something that we can't find in Allen.
Please consider Allen Heights Village for the six additional spaces on the Marquee street sign. Thank you very much for
taking the time to read my letter.
ast n
Owner/Ch Iatier of Sublime Chocolate
FROM :MJIDN CPR FAX H0. :Y 7560M Sec. 07 2098 89:44PI1 Pl
Kumon of Allen — East
1201 E, Main Street, Ste, 108
Allen, TX 75002
City of A972.908.2508Allen
Planing & Zoning Department
City Hall
305 Century Parkway. Allen, IX 75013
September 6, 2008
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to milucsl to have Kumon Pylon sign up again at the NW corner ofAllcn Heights
MN i IS Ina
We have been in business in the said location since Nov. 2005 and strived to survive since then.
We have contacted the landlord to have a Kumpe pylon sign since day one at the location.
However, these were no spaces for Kumon Pylon sign. We have been waited for mom than two
and half iyea[rss until Hoofing Kong Express Chinao restaurant went out of
II business lin May
II 2008.. It
0 9 fill gpml '!b �m ul Kumon pylon Mr wl1IG1 will allow dnvem and pednbrans to
see our Kumon confer from B. Main Street
UnfbM,u%Iely, three months later our Kumon pylon sign was disapppmd without us being
In(otifod. A new tma'nnI, LUlIoky Wok ChinxWJapenese Re ntamany moved in andtookdown
Kumon pylon sign mLut consulting us on pone M MJ!ng a Wlyden notice. lNa went m visit
Lucky Wok owner and he made an apology of his wrong doing. 7be owner explained that he
took over the commercial space that Hong Kong Express was and he needed more business
exposure, which is exactly the same story as ours. He thought he has the right to retake the pylon
sJP space used by the deflmct Hong Kong Express without even mliumling landlord or us. He
even said than the contract he signed with landlord has the provision allowing him to do se. This
dlplaiQHa m0Nd10Wb'N4.iusnotrabPNsJJ%our Mquos�6reimburseus
the cost of having Kumon pylon sign up at the shopping square.
We could net but 00111/1/1 the landimd. The landlord is willing to expend the pylon sign space out
of his pocket to help histanenta. We would appseciata if City of Allen wuuldapprove the
IgndlOfd'd fMUM m expand axlelinR CON Id tla Clapping eQUE to Mid unnmgW diMa
among nxiants Silting fa limited Pylon sign spaces at the shopping square.
Alice We"D CPA MBA
Direcmr of Kumon of Allan -