HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2015 - 12/15 - RegularDecember 15, 2015
Regular Meeting
December 15, 2015
Commissioners Present:
Jeff Cocking, Chair
Ben Trahan, 1" Vice -Chair
Stephen Platt, Jr., 2"" Vice -Chair
Luke Hollingsworth
Shirley Mangrum
John Ogrizovich
Michael Orr
City Staff Present:
Ogden `Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development
Lee Battle, AICP, LEED AP, Assistant Planning Director
Shawn Poe, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering
Tiffany McLeod, AICP, Senior Planner
Madhuri Kulkami, Planner
David Dodd, City Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cocking called the meeting to order at 7:00
p.m.in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway.
Director's Report
1. Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the December 8, 2015
regular meeting, attached.
Consent Aeenda(Routme P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items
may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff.)
2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Status Report.
3. Approve minutes from the December 1, 2015, regular meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Ogrizovich, and a second by
Commissioner Mangrum, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0
® OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda.
December 15, 2015
The motion carried.
Reeular Aeenda
4. Combination Plat — Consider a Combination Plat for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Stacy Village Addition.
The property is 3.76± acres of land situated in the Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract No 280, City of
Allen, Collin County, Texas; generally located at the northeast corner of Watters Road and Stacy
Road. (F-1 1/12/15-84) [Stacy Village]
Ms Madhuri Kulkarni, Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a
Combination Plat for Stacy Village.
The property is located at the northeast corner of Stacy Road and Watters Road. The properties to the
north and east are zoned Planned Development PD No. 92 Single Family Residential R-7 The property to
the south (across Stacy Road) is zoned Planned Development PD No 86 Shopping Center SC The
property to the west (across Watters Road) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 43 Garden Office GO
Ms. Kulkami said that the zoning for the property, amended in October 2015, is Planned Development
PD No. 92 Shopping Center SC A Site Plan for retail/restaurant and medical office uses is currently
being reviewed.
A Combination Plat may be submitted if a tract of land is subdivided into three lots or less, there is no
change in street locations, and the requirements for both the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat are met.
The Combination Plat is the last step in the development process.
Ms. Kulkami presented the Combination Plat and said that it shows two (2) lots on 3.76± acres There are
three (3) access points for the site; one (1) access point on Watters Road and two (2) access points on
Stacy Road. Two additional right -tum lanes will be built, one on Watters Road and one on Stacy Road.
The plat also shows various firelane, access, and utility easements required for development as well as
right-of-way dedication.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Mangrum, and a second by Commissioner
Orr, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
request for a Combination Plat for Lots I & 2, Block A, Stacy Village
Addition, generally located at the northeast corner of Watters Road and
Stacy Road, for Stacy Village.
5. Public Hearing/Replat — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Replat for Lots 2R -2F
& 2R -2G, Block G, Bray Central One Addition, being a replat of Lot 2R -2E, Block G, Bray Central
One Addition. The property is 5.514± acres of land situated in the William J. Jackson Survey,
Abstract No. 484, and the John Fyke Survey, Abstract No. 325, Collin County, City of Allen, Texas;
generally located south of Exchange Parkway and west of Junction Drive. (RP -10/20/15-78) [Allen
Medical Offices]
Ms. Madhuri Kulkami, Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a public
hearing and a Replat for Allen Medical Offices.
The property is generally located south of Exchange Parkway and west of Junction Drive, and is zoned
Planned Development PD No. 54 for Industrial Technology IT The property to the north (across
December 15, 2015
Exchange Parkway) is zoned Planned Development No 108 for Mixed -Use MIX The properties to the
west, south, and east are zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 for Industrial Technology IT
Ms. Kulkami explained that a Site Plan for two buildings for Medical Offices to be developed on the
proposed Lot 2R -2F was approved in November 2015. Replatting the property is the last step in the
development process.
Ms. Kulkami stated that the property is 5.514+ acres and is currently platted as Lot 2R -2E. The Replat
shows two (2) lots — Lot 2R -2F and Lot 2R -2G. There are three (3) access points into the site; one (1)
access point on Exchange Parkway and two (2) access points on the property to the west, all three through
a Fire Lane, Mutual Access, and Utility Easement. The plat also shows various easements and right-of-
way dedication required for development.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Trahan, and a second by Commissioner
Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
approve the Replat for Lots 2R -2F & 2R -2G, Block G, Bray Central One
Addition, generally located south of Exchange Parkway and west of
Junction Drive, for Allen Medical Offices.
6, Public Hearing/Replat — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Replat for Lot 3R -3A,
Block G, Bray Central One Addition, being a replat of 3R-3, Block G, Bray Central One Addition.
The property is 2.372+ acres of land situated in the William Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 484, Collin
County, City of Allen, Texas; generally located south of Exchange Parkway and west of Raintree
Circle. (RP -11/5/15-81) [Affiliated Physicians Group]
Ms. Madhuri Kulkarni, Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a public
hearing and a Replat for Affiliated Physicians Group.
The property is generally located south of Exchange Parkway and west of Raintree Circle, and is zoned
Planned Development PD No. 108 for Office O. The properties to the north are zoned Planned
Development No. 54 for Industrial Technology IT and Planned Development PD No. 108 for Office O.
The properties to the west and south are zoned Planned Development No. 54 for Industrial Technology
IT The property to the east (across Raintree Circle) is zoned Planned Development No. 54 for Corridor
Commercial CC.
Ms. Kulkami explained that a Site Plan for a Medical Office was approved in November 2015. Replacing
the property is the last step in the development process
Ms. Kulkami said that the replat shown on the screen is slightly different from what was sent in the
Commissioner's packets — the updated version adds two additional mutual access points after an
agreement between this property owner and the property owner to the south The property is 2.372± acres
of land and is currently platted as Lot 3R-3. The Replat shows five (5) access points into the site, one (1)
access point on Raintree Circle and four (4) access points on the south through existing Fire Lane, Utility,
and Mutual Access Easements. The plat also shows various easements and right-of-way dedication
required for development
December 15, 2015
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing
Motion: Upon a motion by 20° Vice -Chair Platt, and a second by Commissioner
Mangrum, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
approve the Replat for Lot 311-3A, Block G, Bray Central One Addition,
generally located south of Exchange Parkway and west of Raintme Circle,
for Affiliated Physicians Group.
7 Public Hearing(Replat — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Replat for Lots 2A &
2B, Freedom Self Storage Addition, being a replat of Lot 2, Freedom Self Storage Addition. The
property is 1.34± acres of land situated in the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977, City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; generally located south of Main Street and between Jupiter Road and West
Way Drive. (R-1 1/12/15-83) [1-800 Flowers/Taco Casa]
Ms. Madhuri Kulkami, Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a public
hearing and a Replat for 1-800 Flowers/Taco Casa.
The property is generally located south of Main Street and between Jupiter Road and West Way Drive,
and is zoned Planned Development PD No. 89 for Shopping Center SC. The properties to the north
(across Main Street) are zoned Planned Development No 5 for Shopping Center SC and Community
Facilities CF The properties to the west, south, and east are zoned Planned Development PD No 89 for
Shopping Center SC.
Ms. Kulkami stated that a Site Plan for a retail building and restaurant building, on one lot, was approved
in September 2013. A revised Site Plan showing the property subdivided into two lots (one for the retail
building and one for the restaurant building) was approved in December 2015 Replatting the property is
the last step in the development process.
Ms. Kulkarni explained that the entire property is 1.34± acres and is currently platted as Lot 2 The Replat
shows two (2) lots — Lot 2A and Lot 2B. There are three (3) fire lane and access easement points into the
site; one (1) on Main Street, one (1) from the adjacent property to the west, and one (1) from the adjacent
property to the east. The plat also shows various easements required for development
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Hollingsworth, and a second by
Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED
to approve the request for a Replat for Lots 2A & 2B, Freedom Self Storage
Addition, for 1-800 Flowers/Taco Casa.
8 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Specific Use Permit SUP for
a Restaurant (Drive-in or through) use for Lot 6, Block A, Greenville Center Addition, City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas; generally located south of Stacy Road and west of Greenville Avenue
(commonly known as 386 East Stacy Road) (SUP -9/15/15-64) [EI Pollo Loco]
December 15, 2015
Ms, Madhuri Kulkarni, Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a public
hearing and a Specific Use Permit for EI Pollo Loco
The property is generally located south of Stacy Road and west of Greenville Avenue, and is zoned
Corridor Commercial CC The property to the north (across Stacy Road) is the City of Fairview The
properties to the west and east are zoned Corridor Commercial CC, and the property to the south is
zoned Single -Family Residential District R-5.
Ms. Kulkami said that the applicant is requesting a Specific Use Permit (SUP) for the EI Pollo Loco
restaurant which has a drive through window The Corridor Commercial CC zoning district requires an
SUP for a restaurant with a drive through.
The SUP Site Plan shows a one-story, 2,998 square foot building on approximately 1.9t acres of land.
The property has six (6) shared points of access through existing firelane, utility, and access casements —
one (1) on Stacy Road, three (3) on the west side, and two (2) on the east side.
The primary exterior building material is brick and stucco.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Orr, and a second by Commissioner
Ogrizovich, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
recommend approval of the Specific Use Permit SUP request for a
Restaurant (Drive in — through) use for Lot 6, Block A, Greenville Center
Addition, generally located south of Stacy Road and west of Greenville
Avenue (commonly known as 386 East Stacy Road), for EI Polio Loco.
9 Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to change the zoning of Lot 1,
Block A, Allen Watters —NTH Addition, City of Allen, Collin County, Texas, generally located south
of McDermott Drive and west of Watters Road (commonly known as 270 S Watters Road), from
Shopping Center SC to a Planned Development with a base zoning of Multi -Family Residential
District MF -18, and adopt a Concept Plan, Development Regulations, and Building Elevations. (Z-
8/24/15-58) [Vera Watters Creek]
Ms Tiffany McLeod, Senior Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a
Public Hearing for a PD request to change the zoning of approximately six acres from Shopping Center to
a Planned Development with a base zoning of Multi -Family Residential District MF -18 for Vera Watters
Ms. McLeod stated that the property is currently zoned Shopping Center (SC), and is located south of
McDermott Drive and west of Watters Road; and commonly known as 270 S. Watters Road. The
properties to the west and south are zoned Planned Development PD No. 55 Office/Multi-family
Residential (O/MF). The properties to the north are Shopping Center (SC). The properties to the east are
zoned Shopping Center (SC) and Planned Development PD No. 55 Commercial/Office (C/O).
Staff considers the approximately six acre piece an infill site. At one time, the entire comer was planned
to develop as a big box strip center with frontage pads With the development pattern, however, the
property was subdivided and parceled, and the frontage properties were developed, leaving the interior
December 15, 2015
property vacant. Since this is a Shopping Center zoned property, it is difficult to market retail users to the
interior of the site as it does not have visibility along the frontage roads. The question then is whether the
property should remain vacant and await retail users or consider other uses that may be suitable.
The applicant is requesting to create a Planned Development for Multi -Family Residential, which staff
believes is suitable at this location.
Ms. McLeod went over the surrounding land use. She pointed out the Hidden Creek apartments to the
west and south. In addition, she mentioned the Twin Creeks Crossing apartments and Benton Point
apartments. Moving south, she mentioned the recently approved Dolce at Twin Creeks apartments. Multi -
Family residential is not a new land use at this general area. Also, this property is in close proximity to
the recently approved Watters Creek Office Park/Allen Convention Center site on Bethany Drive
(including a 300 room hotel, full Convention Center, and the future office development). Further south on
Bethany Drive is the Watters Creek Retail development This proposed development would support the
office, hotel, retail, and convention center projects that will be constructed in the new future on Bethany
Drive. It would also provide future workers an opportunity to live close to where they work Therefore,
multi -family makes sense at this location.
Ms. McLeod then introduced the proposed Concept Plan The property is approximately 6.06± acres The
applicant is requesting a Planned Development which is required to have a Concept Plan, Building
Elevations, and Development Regulations
Ms. McLeod went over the first component, the Concept Plan. The Concept Plan shows a 286,817 square
foot building with a structured parking garage Ms. McLeod went over the recently approved multi -family
projects and the progression in their design Many multi -family projects now have tuck -under parking,
smaller building setbacks, higher densities and building heights, civic space networks, and other such
features. This project is the first stand-alone multi -family project that provides over 90% of its parking
within a structured parking garage. The parking garage is a new element to the multi -family development,
but is also essential due to the size of the site which does not physically allow surface parking.
The budding is 286,000 square feet. There are a total of 314 units within the building; comprising of one,
two, and three bedroom units. The one bedroom units make up 61% of the total units (191 units). The
two bedroom units make up 35% of the total units (111 units). The three bedroom units make up 4% of
the total units (12 units).
Ms McLeod provided examples of the other multi -family developments in the City and discussed the
number of units:
Jefferson Creek Side: 444 units
Twin Creeks Crossing: 644 units
Dolce at Twin Creeks: 740 units
Benton Point Apartments: 456 units
She said that the 314 units proposed is a comparable number of units if the most recent multi -family
residential developments are considered
The multi -family inventory in Allen represents 14% of the housing inventory. Adding 314 units increases
the number of apartment units by less than 1% to Allen's total residential inventory Thus, staff does not
have a concern with an over -saturation of apartment units due to this development.
Ms. McLeod said that
591 parking
spaces are provided. Of those, 552 spaces are provided in the parking
garage. Thus, roughly
ninety three
percent (93%) of the parking for the development will be provided in
the structured parking
garage. The
number of parking spaces provided equates to a parking ratio of 1.88
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spaces/unit, which is comparable to the multi -family residential that has recently been approved. Staff
believes that the parking provided on-site is adequate
There are five (5) access points into the development Two (2) access points are located on Watters Road.
The remaining three (3) access points are provided through existing firelane, access, and utility
easements Ms. McLeod pointed out the entry/exit point to the parking garage. She also explained that
there is a network of firelanes throughout the property There is also a 26' firelane towards the western
and southern end of the property, gated on both ends, with an exclusive access point on Watters Road.
A Traffic Impact Analysis was reviewed by the Engineering Department. In order to mitigate any
negative impacts to traffic flow, the applicant will construct deceleration lanes on McDermott Drive and
Watters Road, and a right -turn lane for emergency vehicles on Watters Road The applicant will also
construct a 5' sidewalk along their property boundary on Watters Road.
Ms. McLeod presented the Screening Plan, Approximately 1 36t acres of open space is provided on the
site The Open Space Exhibit shows the open space primarily distributed around the perimeter of the
building. Four acres of open space per the ALDC would be required, but with the limited amount of land
area (only six acres), would not be viable. Thus, the developer will pay cash in lieu of providing the open
space on site. The Parks Department will use the funds to make park improvements for parks in the
general area. The applicant, as of this afternoon, has a proposal for amenitizing the emergency access and
firelane area. The applicant indicated grass crem in strategic locations for providing more green area and
outdoor seating for the residents.
There is an existing six foot (6') metal fence along the western and southern property lines, and a six foot
(6') metal fence with shrubs and ornamental trees will be provided along the eastern and northern
property lines.
Ms McLeod presented the Building Elevations, the second component of the Planned Development, and
stated that the building height ranges between 4-5 stories and 54-65 feet in height. The reason for the
height variation is because the applicant is taking advantage of the site grading. The property slopes to the
west towards the creek. On the west side of the property, the budding height is 5 stories and 65 feet. On
the east end, the building is 4 stories and 54 feet in height.
There is a four story apartment building to the north (Dolce), 5 story future building (Hotel/Convention
Building), and the office buildings in the Watters Creek Office Park. In addition, the closest single-family
residential structures are over 500 feet away (1 % football fields or two full widths of US 75). Because of
these reasons, staff believes the proposed building height of 4 to 5 stories is appropriate for this location.
The building has an urban styling with strong vertical and horizontal elements along the roof line. There
are no open corridors (the building includes interior corridors only). The primary building materials are
brick, stone, metal and stucco. Ms. McLeod said that living screening wall be provided for the parking
The last element of the Planned Development is the Development Regulations Ms. McLeod summarized
the regulations:
- Base Zoning District Multi -family Residential District MF -18
- Concept Plan and Building Elevations to be incorporated
Screening Plan Consisting of six foot (6.0') tall metal fencing with shrubs and ornamental trees
along the northern and eastern property boundaries and six foot (6.0') tall metal fencing on the
western and southern property boundaries
December 15, 2015
- Parking Ratio: 1.88 spaces per dwelling unit; with a minimum of 90% of the parking provided
within the parking structure
Building Setbacks To follow the Concept Plan
- Minimum Lot Area per Dwelling Unit MF -18 is intended for garden style apartments which have
more land area. In this case, due to the smaller lot area, the dwelling areas are smaller. The MF -
18 standard is 775 square feet. The applicant is proposing an average dwelling unit size that
exceeds that at 840 square feet
- Minimum Open Space: 1.36 acres on site
- Percent Lot Coverage: 55% (MF -18 requires a maximum of 50%), with the building footprint
including the parking garage
- Maximum Density 52 dwelling units per acre
- Building Height: Five (5) stories; but in no case taller than 65 feet
The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and staff recommends approval of
the request. Ms. McLeod said that staff has recommend the applicants to contact surrounding properties
early in the process, and has been informed that the developer has done so.
Commissioner Ognzovich wanted to understand how the Parks Department determines where
[geographically] the fee (in lieu of open space) applies. Does it go to parks nearby?
Ms McLeod answered that the City is divided into quadrants for Park fees, and the money in this case
would go to the various parks in the quadrant of the proposed project.
Commissioner Hollingsworth asked about the height of the adjacent apartments.
Ms. McLeod answered that the Hidden Creek apartments are two stories. The apartment complex across
the street (Benton Pont) is three stories.
Chairman Cocking said that Hidden Creek is one of the earliest apartment complexes in Allen on the west
Fred Hazel, 407 Oxmoor Lake Drive, McDonough, Georgia, applicant and developer, presented to the
Commission. He said he is joined by Mr. Gene Babb, another developer. He thanked staff for help with
the technical aspects of the project. He spoke about Davis Development— they are a private, Atlanta based
multi -family developer of luxury communities. They develop throughout the southeastern and southern
United States They will also be the general contractor of the building, so they will be accountable for the
project from start to finish. They also manage these facilities and provide all on-site staff to manage and
operate the communities. He stated that their company has decades of experience and has done several
quality developments. Mr. Hazel said that this is not a project that needs any type of funding. They have
the financial capability and are prepared to do this if successful through the entitlement process.
Mr. Hazel highlighted the product and said it will be upscale. There will be a parking garage, air
conditioned corridors, high-end apartment unit interiors (granite, light fixtures, etc.). On-site amenities
will include a pool, fitness, lounges, theater rooms, and many internal amenities for residents to enjoy
Mr. Hazel said that they would have liked to have a pedestrian area. The fire marshal is concerned about
full grass Crete around the area. Thus, the developers have proposed areas of grass crete so the fire lane
would look like a lawn area. They would amenitize that area to create a pedestrian experience along the
rear end of the building.
The building has AC corridors, granite countertops, four elevators, and an internal trash chute.
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A traffic study has been conducted, and Mr. Hazel said that they have responded to it by agreeing to
provide deceleration lanes on McDermott Drive and Watters Road. The parking ratio is 1.88, and Mr.
Hazel commented that is important to them as developers to have adequate parking They have 191 one -
bedroom, 11 l two-bedroom, and 12 three -bedrooms units. In their experience, the parking will be ample
and adequate.
For construction, Mr Hazel said they believe in heavy landscaping, and achieve it above and beyond the
standard of the City.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Pete March, 1201 Sonoma Drive, Allen, Texas, spoke against the proposal. He said he had forwarded an
email to staff earlier in the day He said that this area was zoned Shopping Center, and it is expected that
it would be developed as such Mr March said it seems like staff is pushing whatever they can in that
area. Changing the zoning to MF -18 is fine, but this is a Planned Development, which changes the entire
meaning of an MF -18 District.
MF -18 has a minimum lot area of 2400 square feet, and this is 840 square feet The open space is much
smaller than required. He has heard that the money will be contributed to offset open space, but this just
sounds like the developer is trying to buy their way in the City and not meeting development standards.
The percent coverage is going to be 55% instead of 50% The height of MF -18 is 35' or 2 Y: stories. This
is 54'-65' Surrounding apartments are only two stories. This is double the height.
�A Mr. March touched on the Convention Center. The elevations are commendable and it looks like an
® upscale building that would match Watters Creek. However, unlike Watters Creek, which has lots of
restaurants and shops, this apartment complex does not fit the area, which includes a tire store, Home
Depot, and banks. People will not work here It is a drive-in and drive -out type of use.
He said he is not opposed to MF -18 zoning, but the density is too much in this small space. Two-story
multi -family will be fine in this area, and would match the adjacent apartments This, at 4 to 5 stories, will
tower above the trees and will be seen by the neighborhood to the west. This was never planned here, and
does not understand why it is being proposed here.
David Reysa, 1002 Edgemont Court, Allen, Texas, spoke against the item as well. He said what was not
mentioned is the effect to single-family homes due to the elevation. He can see the top of the existing
apartments from his neighborhood to the west Those do not stand out. The design of this apartment
complex, however, will alter the view and affect home prices. The area south of Bethany Drive makes
sense. This just sticks out like a sore thumb. While it is two football fields away, this apartment is still
right there. That is not something him or his neighbors would like to see Two stories is fine, but this does
not fit the make or model in that area.
Mr. Reysa then addressed traffic. Adding 500-600 cars that would be confined to small areas would create
more havoc. If someone wants to live where they work, they already have plenty of opportunities.
Another less than 1% increase in apartments will not affect that. He gets that the City wants to grow and
evolve, but does not like that it is happening at the cost of losing culture. Many areas along US 75 in other
cities are jamming more retail and commercial in smaller spaces, and if done right, it is great. But this
complex does not fit in that location.
Deny Adelman, 1413 San Mateo Drive, Allen, Texas, opposed the request He said he has worked in
retail for 43 years He said he is not opposed to the multi -family, but opposed to the height He has been
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1 involved in Watters Creek and speaks for some of the homeowners in that area. All of the buildings along
Watters Road are one story or two stories. Even the adjacent apartments are two stories. All the Watters
Crossing homes are single story houses since 1996. The two-story existing apartments can be seen at the
edge of the tree tops. The five stories, however, will be seen clearly That same slope on the western edge
of the proposed development happens on the other side as well.
Mr Adelman said that the multi-level deck is a great idea, but if it has rooftop parking, it will have
lighting, which will be visible to the homes in that area. For all these reasons, he is opposed to the
Shawn Eldridge, 1115 Hampton Drive, Allen, Texas, spoke in opposition of the request. He said that he
lives in Watters Crossing. His biggest point is the infrastructure. To get in and out of his neighborhood is
difficult and dangerous, and adding 800 more cars will get even harder. This is an infrastructure issue. He
said people cut across his neighborhood. Their streets are getting more congested, and this will just
complicate more things and add more pressure. He reiterated that there is no infrastructure to support
more multi -family development.
David Hicks, 401 Woodlake Drive, Allen, Texas, spoke in favor of the development. He said that Allen is
a great place to live, but that it suffers from a lack of daytime employment. Thus, it is difficult to attract
office users to provide more daytime employment. Allen is a bedroom community, and businesses suffer
in the midday He said he hears that if there are more options for the younger millennial generation, that
businesses could attract the best and brightest talent. The younger generation wants to live in denser
communities like Uptown. The younger generation is renters, and this product type needs to be provided.
This is a great urban -style, structured parking project, and should be supported
Pete March spoke against the proposal again and added that other apartments have greater densities,
which is fine. However, this is a smaller area. The other apartments might be bigger complexes, but this
has a smaller lot area. If these are luxury apartments, these people might not be the ones working at the
Convention Center or the Hotel.
Deny Adelman spoke to the Commission again, and said that he is not opposed to multi -family, but rather
the height. The 5 story building is out of context.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing
Chairman Cocking said that several letters were received for and against the item:
Dennis Adelman, 1413 San Mateo Drive, Allen, Texas—Opposed
Nikkie Milner, 309 Sonoma Drive, Allen, Texas — Opposed
Pete March, pmarch@ti.com — Opposed
Jacqueline Shipchandler, 506 Bel Air Drive, Allen, Texas — Opposed
Lanese Barnett, lanese0a trademarkwash.com — Support
Tom Miller, 1007 W McDermott, Allen, Texas— Support
William Dahlstrom, 2323 Ross Avenue, Dallas, Texas — Support
Chairman Cocking asked about Planned Development versus straight MF -18 zoning. He clarified that a
Planned Development with a base zoning actually includes more effort to construct a plan.
1 Ms McLeod expanded that if a property is straight zoned (MF -18), then all of the MF -18 standards in the
ALDC have to comply A Planned Development is tailored made for a particular project. Hidden Creek,
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Benton Point Apartments, and several other projects are all Planned Developments. They all have
elements that meet the ALDC requirements.
Chairman Cocking asked whether this would be a Planned Development in the 140s.
Ms. McLeod stated that the Planned Developments are currently in the 120s.
Chairman Cocking said that Planned Developments are very common in Allen and a large percentage of
land in Allen is zoned as PDs.
Chairman Cocking asked about the park fees. He clarified that negotiation with the Parks Department is
not uncommon.
Ms McLeod said that the Parks Department usually negotiates with developers during Planned
Developments if they believe that the request is reasonable and acceptable.
Commissioner Orr asked if the guest parking will be included in the parking structure
Ms. McLeod said that there are 39 surface parking spaces, and the rest of the spaces are in the parking
Mr. Hazel, applicant, expanded that the guest parking will be included both within the parking garage and
surface parking. Final determination regarding specific parking spaces will be made later. The parking
ratio of 1.88 per unit is ample for residents as well as guests.
1 Commissioner Orr asked whether the amenities are available to the public at large or only to the residents.
Mr. Hazel said that the amenities are only available for the residents as the majority of those (pool, fitness
center) are interior to the development. The firelane area could be accessed by the public, but typically,
the amenities are not open to the public
Commissioner Ogrizovich wanted to know what could be done to offset the height concerns that were
Mr. Hazel said that they have visited this site multiple times to visually assess the area. With the trees
today, standing in the cul-de-sacs, the existing apartment buildings can be seen. There is an avenue from
where this structure may be seen once constructed. In the summer when trees have leaves, it may be more
difficult to see this building. The top of the building may be seen in the summer. Though this building is
four stories, the architecture fits with the commercial areas near US 75. There are water towers, high
tension power lines, and many vertical elements in that area. He said this building will not be too out of
scale. They will have upgraded architecture and enhanced landscaping. Mr. Hazel acknowledged that this
building will be seen
Commissioner Ogrizovich clarified Mr. Hazel's statements. The existing adjacent apartments are two
stories on a downward slope. These are five stories on an upward slope. He questioned how this
development cannot be seen
Mr. Hazel said he was speaking about the homeowners. He said that obviously the residents in that
apartment community will see this apartment complex
December 15, 2015
Commissioner Ogrizovich said he is asking about the residents in the single-family homes, and if they can
see the two-story existing apartment complex today, how can they not see the five -story building?
Mr. Hazel clarified that he said he "would not insult anyone's intelligence in the room that you would
never see it" He said the adjacent waterway acts as a buffer. Being in the cul-de-sac, the top of the
structure might be seen in certain spots, but with full leaves on the trees, one might not even be able to see
this structure.
Ms McLeod reminded the commissioners that the Shopping Center zoning district today allows a 3 story,
45' tall building. Even without any kind of zoning process, a commercial building could locate on the site
and build a 3 story building.
Commissioner Ogrizovich said that this is a 5 storybuilding.
Ms. McLeod said yes, five stories on the western end and four stories on the eastern end.
Chairman Cocking said it would be one additional story by Watters Road.
Commissioner Mangrum asked the applicants if they have a manager that actually lives on the complex
Mr. Hazel answered that they have a mixture — some managers o assistant managers do live on the
property and some live off the property This is not a mandate in their business.
Commissioner Mangrum asked about the other properties that the applicants own and if there are any
others which are less than 5 stories.
® Mr. Hazel said yes. They have developed 2 vstory, 3 story, and 4 story products
Chairman Cocking said that some of the letters that were received asked about lighting from the parking
deck from the roof.
Mr. Hazel said that the community has to be lit to be safe for the residents. A photometric plan has been
created and all lighting will shine downwards It is also not intrusive to any adjacent property owners.
Lighting will stay within the confines of the apartment complex.
Ms. McLeod added that the ALDC requires that there is no bleed -over. A photometric plan is reviewed by
staff at the time of site planning and must have 0 footcandles at the property lines. Glare is regulated as
Chairman Cocking asked about traffic infrastructure.
Shawn Poe, Assistant Director of Engineering, addressed the Commission. He stated that most
developments over 1,000 trips per day are required to have a Traffic Impact Analysis which was
submitted to and reviewed by Engineering Department. It was shown that the existing roadway network
successfully incorporates the traffic generated by this development.
Chairman Cocking made some general comments. He said it appears that there are no concerns about the
1 multi -family zoning, but rather the height, based on the letters and comments made by citizens A usual
apartment complex needs about 300 units to be viable. Most apartments in Allen are now approved at four
stories. The apartment complex to the west and the south was approved years ago. If that apartment
complex was built now, it would also be proposed as a 3-4 story apartment complex This is now very
December 15, 2015
common. Chairman Cocking said he spent hours walking the property to see if the apartment complex
was intrusive to the single-family Yes, something will always be seen from a distance. The current
complex is barely seen today His biggest test was Benton Point, which is 500 feet away The very top of
this complex may be seen, but it will not be glaring This is an infill piece, and will never be Shopping
Center. This will be a good buffer — apartments are usually placed between Shopping Center and
residential districts. This is just another type of buffer. He hears the concerns of the citizens, but the
height is not much of a concern to him.
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked the developer if they maintain ownership for a long period of time.
Mr Hazel said they maintain ownership of some of the communities and sell some as well. They are a
private company so they sell to generate capital.
Commissioner Or commended the development team and the architects on the aesthetics of the budding.
He said that the context of the neighborhood has to be studied and cannot be ignored. There are several
low level buildings in that area. He said that this is not the best location for an apartment complex. The
adjacent single-family neighborhood has a point in controlling the views that they have This complex
also has no public amenities The open space has been reduced tojust the circulation of the site. He is not
in favor of the project.
Motion: Upon a motion by 21d Vice -Chair Platt, and a second by Commissioner
Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 2 OPPOSED to
recommend approval of the request to change the zoning of Lot 1, Block A,
Allen Watters — NTB Addition, generally located south of McDermott Drive
and west of Watters Road and commonly known as 270 S. Watters Road,
from Shopping Center SC to a Planned Development with a base zoning of
Multi -Family Residential District MF -18, and adopt a Concept Plan,
Development Regulations, and Building Elevations for Vera Watters Creek
with the condition that the Screening Plan shows how the firelane area will
be amenitized.
10. Public Heanng — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider amendments to the Allen Land
Development Code relating to Section 4 20.2 "Schedule of Principle Uses" relating to "Public Service
Mr. Lee Battle, Assistant Planning Director, presented the item to the Commission. He said this item is a
short amendment to the Allen Land DevelODmeni Code /ALDCI
He said that the amendment is related to a land use which is in the landuse chart of the ALDC The land
use is a Public Service Facility, which is defined as a utility infrastructure facility This could mean
electric substation or sanitary sewer pump station, railroad facility, or a gas company facility. It could be
publically or privately owned.
The primary reason for the amendment is to provide some additional protection for the vacant land that
will be developed in the near future. The amendment is for two zoning districts. The first is the Corridor
Commercial District, which makes up a significant portion of the 121 Corridor. The concern is that if
permitted by right, some of these uses (private utility agencies/companies) may carve off a piece in that
area which may impact the ability to develop the large tracts of land or impact the corridor which is
December 15, 2015
1 contrary to the Comprehensive Plan. The recommendation is that instead of being permitted by right, the
use be permitted through a Specific Use Permit to give staff the ability to scrutinize the request in detail.
The second district is the AO District, which is really a holding zone until the property is ready to be
developed. Limited uses are allowed here. Much of the AO zoned land has large tracts located near the
121 area which could be impacted through this use being by right.
These changes would ensure that the City will get the types of uses that the City has planned for in those
1" Vice -Chair Trahan asked that if the land is owned by an owner and the owner wants to put a public
service facility on the land they own, such as a substation, they can lease the land — is that what this is?
Mr. Battle answered that the property owner usually sells the land or carves a piece of the property for
I" Vice -Chair Trahan clarified that the land would be sectioned into a separate piece and could be sold
and for a public facility service station
Mr. Battle said typically there would be a plat
1" Vice -Chair Trahan said that this would limit the use based on the zoning.
Mr. Battle said that instead of the buyer just platting the property and building by right, there would now
1 be an additional Specific Use Permit step in the process to allow staff to look at the design and additional
1" Vice -Chair Trahan clarified that previously the developers could just build, but now they have to go
through a Specific Use Permit.
Mr. Battle said yes.
Chairman Cocking said this is similar to the EI Polio Loco restaurant request that was just passed.
Documents would now be submitted and would give the commissioners an opportunity to discuss the
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Mangrum, and a second by 1" Vice -Chair
Trahan, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
recommend approval of the proposed amendments to the Allen Land
Development Code.
Executive Session(As Needed)
December 15, 2015
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into
closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on
any agenda item listed herein
The meeting adjoumed at 8:33p.m.
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Jeff 061 i , [airman Madhuri Kulkami, Planner
December 0, 2015
Director's Report from 12/8/2015 City Council Meeting
• The request to adopt an Ordinance to amend the Development and Use Regulations of Lots 2, 3R,
4 and 5, and adopt a Concept Plan and Building Elevations for a 6 862± acre portion of Lot 3R,
generally located on the northwest comer of US 75 and Bethany Drive, and in Tracts 10A and
10B of Planned Development No 55, for the Millennium Office Park/Allen Convention Center,
was approved
• The request to adopt an Ordinance to amend various definitions and sections of the Allen Land
Development Code regarding Residential Accessory Uses, Medical Office and Urgent Care
Facilities, Telecommunication Towers, Parking Lot Lighting, Sign Regulations, the
Recommended Tree List, and Related Matters, was approved.