HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Public Art Committee - 2006 - 08/15 - RegularAUGUST 15, 2006 - 6:30 P.M
Jane Bennett
Dave Baldwin
Christa Krais
Ann Carroll
Denise Gilbert
Lesley Wiarda
Donna Niewold
Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation
Matt McComb, Park Planner
Sue Witkowski, Senior Administrative Assistant
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
Matt McComb began the meeting at 6.35pm. It was determined that Agenda Item 4 be moved
up in the order of discussion this evening.
2. Approve Minutes from July 18, 2006 Regular Meeting
MOTION: Lesley Wiarda moved to accept the Minutes from July 18, 2006 as
presented. Denise Gilbert seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for 0
3. Bylaws
Following a brief discussion by the committee members regarding the bylaws prepared by
staff and presented to the Committee for review, the following Motion was made. A copy
of those Bylaws we attached to these Minutes.
MOTION: Lesley Wiarda moved to accept the bylaws as presented. Denise
Gilbert seconded, and the Motion carried 7 for 0 against.
Public Art Committee
August 15, 2006
4. Selection of officers
A. Chair
Jane Bennett moved to nominate Lesley Wiarda for the office of Chair. Dave
Baldwin seconded. There were no other nominations and the Motion carried,
by acclimation.
B. Vice Chair
Lesley Wiarda moved to nominate Dave Baldwin for the office of Vice Chair.
Jane Bennett seconded. There were no other nominations and the Motion
carried, by acclimation.
C. Secretary
Dave Baldwin moved to nominate Jane Bennett for the office of Secretary
Lesley Wiarda seconded. There were no other nominations and the Motion
carried, by acclimation.
5. FY 2006 Meeting Calendar
ISeptember 19, 2006 is scheduled for the next regular meeting of this committee.
6. Other items for Information or discussion
A brief discussion was held regarding a Call for Artists on the roundabout. It was pointed out
that artists might be reluctant to respond if funding not immediately available for the project.
On the other side, if a call for artists is done well in advance of the proposed start date, it
could help better define the cost of the project.
The proposed upcoming Bond election date has still not been set, but staff feels strongly that it
will likely in the spring of 2007 This committee will be kept apprised of the date of the
election and possible involvement in the marketing.
In discussing the Donor Wall proposed at the new Public Library it was suggested that it
might be good to start small, and do a call for artists. Jane Bennett reported she felt the
Friends of the Library would want to join the Committee on the project. She said their might
be minimal funding available through the Friends of the Library, but the proposal would need
to be brought forth at one of their regular meetings. Staff suggested it might be a good idea to
invite Barbara Buehler to the next meeting of this committee to verify involvement and
history of the wall which originated in the Old Public Library, 301 Century Parkway Staff
will contact Barbara and discuss her meeting with the Committee and possibly Jo Long,
President of the Library Board might want to join as well.
The Donor Wall was housed in the Old Library, and now would be good to move to the New
Library possibly to the outdoor courtyard area. It was determined that staff would make room
Public Art Committee
August 15, 2006
reservations for the Library Board Room for the next meeting of this Committee to view
possibly locations for the Donor Wall, as well as consult with Barbara Buehler, Librarian.
It was recommended that the City of Allen consider patterning a Call for Artists after one that
the City of Frisco used, Ann Carroll indicated it was very well received in the art world.
Staff reported that currently there is approximately $32,000 available for funding on the
Donor Wall.
Denise Gilbert reported that the Allen Arts Alliance website should be up by end of month.
Lori Smeby suggested that in the future a field trip to look at nearby public art displays might
be a good idea. That suggested was well received.
Lori reminded the Committee that according to the Master Plan, the public art cannot be a pre-
fabricated piece, and must have an artist involved.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7.15pm.
These minutes read and approved this 19th day of September, 2006.
Leslo Wiarda, Chair Jane mietf Secreta
Public Art Committee
August 15, 2006
1. Authority
1.1 Establishment
The Public Art Committee was established by Ordinance No. 1579-2-98, adopted by the City of
Allen City Council, May 9, 2006.
1.2 Name
The Allen Public Art Committee will operate under the title "Public Art Committee", and hereinafter
in this document will be referred to as "Committee"
1.3 Duties and Responsibilities
a. The Committee was established for the purpose of assisting the City Council in promoting
the arts for the City of Allen.
b. The Committee has adopted a Public Art Master Plan to accomplish the responsibilities
identified by the City Council in the following areas: articulate the values and vision of
the community by enhancing the aesthetics of our City's civic infrastructure,
commissioning site-specific artwork, and creating hands-on encounters with art. Public
art projects will be accomplished through public-private partnerships and by encouraging
public art in private development.
c. The Committee will adopt an annual work plan and proposed budget based on the goals
and objectives identified in the Public Art Master Plan.
2. Structure
2.1 Membership
The Committee consists of seven (7) members appointed by the City Council. The City Manager, or
designee, serves in a non-voting, ex -officio capacity
2.2 Qualifications of Members
Members of the Committee shall be residents of the City of Allen and qualified voters.
2.3 Term of Office
Committee members can serve unlimited terms but must re -interview if the committee member
would like to remain on the committee. New members will be installed at the first regular meeting
after appointment.
2.4 Vacancies
Any vacancy occurring during the unexpired term of a Committee member will be filled by a City
Council appointment for the remainder of the term. The Committee will advise the City Council of
any vacancies and make recommendations regarding qualified candidates to fill vacancies.
Public Art Committee
August 15, 2006
2.5 Officers
The Committee shall annually elect from its members a Chair, Vice -Chair and Secretary Election of
officers will be held at the first regular meeting following annual appointments by the City Council.
Chair - The Chair shall preside over Committee meetings and shall be entitled to vote on each issue.
In the event a question over procedure arises, Roberts' Rules of Order shall prevail The Chair shall
represent the Committee at City Council meetings and other public meetings and events.
Vice Chair - The Vice Chair shall assist the Chair in directing the affairs of the Committee. In the
absence of the Chair, the Vice -Chair shall assume all of the duties of the Chair
Secretary - The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, and in the Secretary's absence the
Chair will appoint another member to act as Secretary. City staff may take and transcribe minutes
for the Committee. However, the Secretary shall sign the minutes officially before presenting them to
the Committee for approval. The Secretary shall read once a year, at the first regular meeting
following the appointment of officers, the Allen Public Art Committee Bylaws.
2.6 Committee Member Participation in Community Activities
From time to time, Committee members may choose to participate in community activities, other
committees, events and task forces. When a Committee member participates in these types of
activities, the Committee member is acting as an interested party rather than acting on behalf of the
Committee. Acting or participating on behalf of the Committee is limited to those instances when the
Committee has formally designated the Committee member as its representative for the matter.
3. Meetings
3.1 Notice of Meetings
Notice of meetings and the agenda for all Committee meetings shall be posted pursuant to the
requirements of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
3.2 Regular Meetings
The Committee will hold one (1) meeting per month, unless there is no business to discuss. All
meetings shall be open to the public. The Committee will annually establish the date, time and place
of regular meetings.
3.3 Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Committee may be held when called by the Chair, or by any four (4)
Committee members. Notice of the special meeting shall be posted as required by the Texas Open
Meetings Act, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. A special meeting may be held at any
location in the city as long as it is conducted in accordance with State law.
3.4 Attendance
Absence from three (3) regular Committee meetings per year without notice and consent of the
Committee shall be deemed to constitute the resignation of that member. The Chair shall notify the
City Council of such resignation and request the appointment of a replacement.
Public Art Committee
August 15, 2006
3.5 Quorum
Four (4) members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
3.6 Voting
Voting shall be done orally and only by members present at the meeting. Approval of every motion
shall require the affirmative vote of a majority of members of the Committee present.
3.7 Chair to Facilitate Committee Meetings
In the role of facilitator, the Chair will assist the Committee in focusing agenda discussions and
3.8 Roberts' Rules of Order
All meetings shall be conducted according to Roberts' Rules of Order, current edition.
3.9 Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc subcommittees may be formed on an as needed basis with a clearly defined purpose and term.
The Chair shall appoint the members of the ad hoc subcommittee subject to the approval of the
Committee. Any subcommittee so created shall cease to exist upon accomplishment of its special
purpose or when abolished by a majority vote of the Committee.
4. Bylaws Administration
4.1 Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority vote of the Committee, provided that notice of
the proposed changes is presented in wnting at the previous Committee meeting, or mailed at least
ten (10) days prior to the meeting at which they are to be considered.
4.2 Conflicts
In the case of any conflict between these bylaws, the City Charter, or the enabling ordinance, the
charter or ordinance shall take precedence.