HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2003 - 02/12 - RegularBoard: Jim Brazeal Tim Wood Ken Fulk Maxine Sweet Kurt Kizer ALLEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (AEDC) BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING February 12, 2003 Staff: Charisse Reaume Jennifer Grimm Josie Zendejas Call to Order and Announce a Quorum Present Others: Mike Quint, Jackson & Cooksey Beryl George, Jackson & Cooksey Chris, Project Choice Ralph Mills, Ball Semiconductor Jay Fitzgibbons, JSC Realty Eric Holmes, Guest Dale Zuck, Guest With a quorum of the Board present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) was called to order by President Jim Brazeal at 6:05 p.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2003 in the Conference Room of the Allen Economic Development Corporation, 100 Allentown Parkway, Suite 211, Allen, Texas. The following items were discussed. Approve Minutes of the January 8, 2003 Regular Meeting of the AEDC Board of Directors The minutes of the January 8, 2003 Regular Meeting of the AEDC Board of Directors were approved as submitted on a motion by Tim Wood, seconded by Ken Fulk. 6:10 p.m. Convene into Closed Executive Session. I 1 Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551 087 Deliberation of Economic Development NegotiationsDeliberate Commercial and Financial Information and Economic Development Incentives for Project Choice. 1.2. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.087 Deliberation of Economic Development Incentives: Discuss the Development of an Office Building on Property in Millennium Corporate Center Owned by the AEDC. 1.3. Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 551.072 Deliberation of Real Propem Discuss the Repurchase of Land in Millennium Technology Park 7:15 o m Reconvene into Regular Session. Consider and take Action to Approve Economic Development Incentives for Protect Choice On a motion made by Maxine Sweet and seconded by Ken Fulk, the board approved an economic development incentive grant of $60.000 annually for 7 years tied to performance and authorized the President, Jim Brazeal, to enter into a contract and negotiate terms with Project Choice The contract will be tied to the company maintaining operations in Allen until 2010 with a minimum taxable value of 2003 - $3.3 million, 2004 - $5.8 million, and 2005-2009 - $8.3 million. Allen Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting, February 12, 2003 Page 2 Consider and take Action Regarding the Development of an Office Building on Provera in Millennium Corporate Center Owned by the AEDC The Board had a brief discussion to consider and take action regarding the development of an office building on property in Millennium Corporate Center, which is owned by the AEDC The consensus was to move forward with additional discussions with the developer and the bank. There will be no commitments made yet. Consider and take Action to Approve the Purchase of Approximately 3.506 Acres in Millennium Technology Park on Century Parkway. Ralph Mills, Ball Semiconductor, and Jay Fitzgibbons, JSC Realty, visited with the Board to request consideration to take action to approve the purchase of approximately 3.506 acres in Millennium Technology Park on Century Parkway adjacent to Ball Semiconductor's site. With the downturn in the economy, the expansion that Ball Semiconductor had anticipated has not occurred. Mills updated the Board on current activities at the company Fitzgibbons requested that the AEDC exercise the option to repurchase the land for $1.85 per square foot less closing costs. On a motion made by Maxine Sweet and seconded by Ken Fulk, the board approved the purchase and authorized the President to execute the necessary documents. "RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors ratifies the execution of any amendments to the Contract of Sale and any amendments thereto by and between the Corporation and Millennium Associates II, Ltd., RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Board of Directors ratifies the execution of any amendments to the Contract of Sale, the Special Warranty Deed, the Closing Statement, and the other documents necessary to complete the sale of Lot 2, Block 3, Millennium Business Park: situated in Collin County, Texas and being 3.506 acres of land and no improvements; by the President or other Officer of the Corporation; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Secretary of the Corporation is directed to certify the minutes of this meeting and the contents of this resolution and to deliver the certification in support of the authority of the officers named above to act on behalf of the Corporation." Consider and take Action to Approve the Purchase of Approximatelv 1133 Acres in Millennium Technologv Park on the Southeast Corner of Century Parkwav, and Butler Drive Jay Fitzgibbons. JSC Realty, requested that the AEDC consider taking action to approve the purchase of approximately 1 133 acres in Millennium Technology Park on the Southeast comer of Century Parkway and Butler Drive adjacent to the park s northern detention park Jim Brazeal expressed an interest in investigating the feasibility of reconfiguring the detention pond. possibly increasing the value and usability of the land. Staff will contact the City s engineering department. On a motion made by Maxine Sweet seconded by Kurt Kizer, the board approved repurchasing the propem, for $'_ 00 per square foot less closing costs and authorizing the President to execute the necessary documents. "RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors ratifies the execution of any amendments to the Contract of Sale and anv amendments thereto by and between the Corporation and the Kenneth W Shay, and John M. Fitzgibbons, Allen Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting, February 12, 2003 Page 3 RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of Directors ratifies the execution of any amendments to the Contract of Sale, the Special Warranty Deed, the Closing Statement, and the other documents necessary to complete the sale of Lot 3, Block 3, Millennium Business Park, situated in Collin County, Texas and being 1 133 acres of land and no improvements: by the President or other Officer of the Corporation; and RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Secretary of the Corporation is directed to certify the minutes of this meeting and the contents of this resolution and to deliver the certification in support of the authority of the officers named above to act on behalf of the Corporation" Discuss the Citv of Allen's Proposed Apoointment Procedures for Board and Commission Members Chansse presented a document to the Board outlining the City of Allen's proposed appointment procedures for board and commission members. The Board generally agreed that the new procedures will help facilitate the selection of Board members as the city continues to grow The Board members will provide any additional feedback to ken Fulk. Approval of AEDC Financial Reports Josie Zendejas presented the financial statements for January 2003. On a motion made by Ken Folk and seconded by Tim Wood, the Board approved the financials as provided. Discuss Administrative and Marketing Activities of the AEDC Jennifer Grimm reminded the Board about the Collin County Day event in Austin on February 17-19, and the Texas Economic Development Council meeting in Austin on February 19-20. Charisse Reaume updated the Board on various projects. Scheduling of Next AEDC Board of Directors Meetino. The next board meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, March 19 2003 and will begin at 6.30 p in. instead of 6:00 p.m. to accommodate Board members' schedules. Adjourn On a motion made b} Kurt Kizer and seconded b} Maxine Sweet. the meeting o as officialh adjourned at 9'45 p.m. These minutes approved this 19ih day of March 2003 ;rte /ti// Brazeal. President Kenneth FuIE;,°Secretary