HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2005 - 04/20 - RegularALLEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (AFDC) BOARD OF DIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING April 20, 2005 Board Kurt Kizer Tim Wood Ken Folk Carl Clemencich Maxine Sweet Staff Charisse Canfield Jennifer Grimm Dan Bowman Call to Order and Announce a Ouomm Present Guests David Hoover Scott Asbury Matt Elliott Brace Heller Mark Stahl Fred Gans With a quorum of the Board present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) was called to order by President Kurt Kizer at 6:07 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20, 2005 at the AEDC Office. The following items were discussed: Approve Minutes of the March 16 2005 Regular Meeting of the AEDC Board of Directors The minutes of the March 16, 2005 Regular Meeting of the AEDC Board of Directors were approved as submitted on a motion by Maxine Sweet, seconded by Carl Clemencich. Convene into Closed Executive Session. The Board convened into closed executive session at 6:08 p.m. to deliberate commercial and financial information and economic incentives supporting the recruitment of Project Bubbles to Allen. Reconvene into Regular Session The Board reconvened into regular session at 6:43 p.m. Consider and take Action for the Approval of Incentives Supporting the Recruitment of Proyect Bubbles to Allen. Project Bubbles, a nationally known uniform company, is seeking short-term distribution space. Site selection has been narrowed down to Allen and McKinney. The company is currently considering a 3 -year lease on the remaining 16,856 square feet of space left in the Sunbelt building at 505 Century Parkway for a distribution/sales office. The company plans to eventually construct an approximately 55,000 — 60,000 square foot permanent facility to meet their long -tern needs. Scott Asbury, the broker for Project Bubbles, appeared before the Board to request assistance for the company to locate into the space at 505 Century Parkway. Project Bubbles is also considering nearly identical space in McKinney; however, the company has a preference for Allen because of the City's proximity to the north Dallas -Fort Worth area. The landlord for the space in McKinney is offering a lower lease rate than that of the nearly identical Allen space. The difference in cost between the two facilities is approximately $21,900 over the entire term of the 3 -year lease. Allen Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting, April 20, 2005 Page 2 Asbury informed the Board that the president of the company is available by telephone if the Board has any questions regarding the project. Asbury also informed the Board that while receiving assistance from the AEDC to occupy short-term space in Allen does not guarantee that Project Bubbles will construct their permanent facility in Allen, it would be a sign of goodwill and allow the company to locate to their preferred area. The Board also took into consideration the fact that the space at 505 Century Parkway has been vacant for approximately 2 years. On a motion by Kurt Kizer, seconded by Tim Wood, the Board approved $20,000 in incentives to support the location of Project Bubbles into 16,856 square feet of space at 505 Century Parkway, to be distributed on the following schedule: • $10,000 upon the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy • $5,000 on the first anniversary of the Certificate of Occupancy • $5,000 on the second anniversary of the Certificate of Occupancy The incentives are contingent upon Project Bubbles signing a 3 -year lease on the facility and maintaining 10 employees. The Board also discussed the amount of taxable business personal property the company will be required to maintain for the 3 -year period. The Board discussed a taxable value of $500,000 for the 3 -year period and authorized the President of the AEDC Board to negotiate with Project Bubbles. Bruce Heller, JaRyCo, previously presented plans for the development of the Corporate Center at Twin Creeks that will accommodate several office/tech buildings. The AEDC Board approved a Master Lease with a lease rate of $12.50/square foot on the first building (22,000 SF) to assist JaRyCo in securing francmg for the development, located at the SEC comer of Watters Road and Raintree Circle. As part of the Master Lease agreement with AEDC, JaRyCo must receive approval from the AEDC Board on the architectural, lighting and landscaping plans for the project. Bruce Heller, JaRyCo Development, presented the final architectural, lighting and landscape plans for the development. The building color will be the same as that of the Atrium, located at 1333 West McDermott Drive. Heller updated the Board on several issues that have arisen with the City Planning Department regarding the development. The second set of TRC comments received from the Planning and Zoning Board requested that JaRyCo bring third party utilities such as cable television to the site. Heller anticipates that these issues will be resolved with the City. On a motion by Ken Falk, seconded by Maxine Sweet, the Board approved the architectural, lighting and landscaping plans as presented by Bruce Heller, with the stipulation that the landscaping, lighting and overall quality of the development be consistent with that of Twin Creeks Medical Center. Allen Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting, April 20, 2005 Page 3 Convene into Closed Executive Session. The Board convened into closed executive session at 7:30 p.m. to deliberate the sale of property owned by the AEDC at the southeast comer of Ridgemont Drive and US 75 to support the recruitment of Project Security. Reconvene into Regular Session The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:51 p.m. The AEDC Board previously approved incentives to assist Project Security with the construction of a two-story, 50,000 square foot office building on the southern portion of the AEDC-owned tract at the southeast comer of US 75 and Ridgemont Drive. As part of the incentive agreement with AEDC, Cornerstone Development must receive approval from the AEDC Board on the architectural, lighting and landscaping plans for the project. Fred Gans, Cornerstone Development, presented the final architectural, lighting and landscape plans for the development. Two open-air stairwells that had been included in architectural plans presented to the Board previously had been fully enclosed, per the Board's request. Gans informed the Board that the landscaping and lighting plans have been designed to meet requirements act forth by the City of Allen. On a motion by Maxine Sweet, seconded by Carl Clemencich, the Board approved the architectural, lighting and landscaping plans as presented by Fred Gans with the following conditions: • The budding must be constructed using Diamond Back Chalk, a specific combination of shaded stones made by Lone Star Stones, Inc. • The stucco material being used on the building must be painted to match the color of the stone being used on the building. • Ornamental light fixtures must be installed at the building's entrance. The Board also suggested that Cornerstone Development consider installing tight fixtures in this development that are similar to those used in Twin Creeks Medical Center. Consider and take Action for the Approval of a Purchase and Sale Agreement Relating to the Sale of Property Owned by the AEDC at the Southeast Comer of Ridgemont Drive and US 75 to R-75 L P to Support the Recruitment of Project Security. The AEDC Board previously approved the sale of approximately 4.099 acres of AEDC-owned land located at the southeast comer of US 75 and Ridgemont Drive for $2.00/square foot to assist Project Security with the construction of a two-story, 50,000 square foot office building. The president of the AEDC Board was authorized to negotiate the purchase and sale agreement The Board approved the Purchase and Sale Agreement on February 16, 2005; however, multiple changes have been made to the contract since then. Allen Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting, April 20, 2005 Page 4 Fred Gans, Comerstone Development (R-75, L.P.), appeared before the Board to request that one sentence be inserted into the Purchase and Sale Agreement stating that the Economic Development Incentive Agreement between Cornerstone Development and the AEDC must be signed before Cornerstone Development closes on the property On a motion by Maxine Sweet, seconded by Ken Fulk, the Board approved the Purchase & Sale Agreement with the wording requested by Fred Gans. Approval of AEDC Financial Reports Dan Bowman presented the AEDC financial reports. On a motion by Tim Wood, seconded by Ken Fulk, the Board approved the AEDC financial reports as presented. Discuss Administrative and Marketing Activities of the AEDC Jennifer Grimm updated the Board on marketing activities of the AEDC and informed the Board that plans for the AEDC Allies Day are moving forward. It is expected that 110 people will attend Allies Day. Jennifer informed the Board that the groundbreaking for the 50,000 square foot office building being constructed by Cornerstone Development will likely occur in the next month. The Holiday Inn Groundbreaking will occur on April 21" and the Postmaster Oath of Office Ceremony will occur on April 28i° Charisse updated the Board on the status of the Hotel/Motel application process, explaining that Hotel/Motel applications go out the week of April 25' The Board Subcommittee for Hotel/Motel will meet the week of June 6' to discuss the distribution of funds. The determination of a location for the new CCCCD administration building is on the agenda for the April 26'" CCCCD Board of Directors Meeting. Since it is anticipated that the issue may come to a vote, AEDC Board members were encouraged to attend and show their support for the project locating to Allen. Dan distributed the 2005 Legislative Update, updating the Board on current legislation pending in the Texas State Legislature. Scheduling of Next AEDC Board of Directors Meeting The next Regular Board meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, May 18'" at 6:00 p.m. Adioum. On a motion by Ken Fulk, seconded by Maxine Sweet, the meeting was officially adjourned at 8:27 p.m. Allen Economic Development Corporation Regular Meeting, April 20, 2005 Page 5 These minutes approved this 18t° day of May, 2005. Kurt Kizer, President Ken Fulk, Secretary