HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2009 - 06/17 - RegularCII
Tim Wood
Gary Caplinger
Carl Clemencich
Maxine Sweet - Absent
Robert Winningham
Jennifer Grimm
Daniel Bowman
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum Present
Pete Smith
Peter Vargas
Joey Herald
Bo Bass
Ross Obermeyer
Mike Williams
Steve Meier
With a quorum of the Board present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Economic
Development Corporation (AEDC) was called to order by President Tim Wood at
6:02 p.m. on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 at the AEDC Office.
1. Approval of Minutes of the May 13 2009 Regular Meeting
On a motion by Gary Caplinger, seconded by Carl Clemencich, the Board unanimously
approved the minutes of the May 13, 2009 Regular Meeting as presented.
2. Convene into Closed Executive Session.
The Board convened into closed executive session at 7:10 p.m. to deliberate commercial and
financial information and economic incentives for the following:
• Consider Incentives for the Recruitment of Project Remote
• Consider Incentives for the Recruitment of Project Boss
Reconvene in Open Session
The Board reconvened into regular session at 740 p.m.
3. Actions Resulting from Executive Session
No actions were taken.
AEDC Board of Directors Regular Meeriag
June 17 2009 - Page 2
4. Consider and Take Action to Provide Incentives for Project Main
The Board discussed a project involving local investors that have an option to purchase a tract
of land located at the northwest comer of Allen Drive and Main Street from the First Christian
Church of Allen. The investors have been working with the City of Allen Planning and
Engineering departments to develop a site plan that includes an 18,000 -square foot, two-story
office building and a 2,800 -square foot, one-story office building. The project is located in
the Allen Central Business District (CBD)
Mike Williams and Steve Meier appeared before the Board to present the project Jennifer
Grimm mentioned that Williams and Meier have undertaken several significant projects in the
Allen CBD with a total combined taxable value of approximately $4 million.
Meier noted that a church is currently located where Project Main is proposed for
development. Meier and Williams desire to demolish the church in order to fully develop the
proposed site and ensure that the development meets the City's current land design codes for
the CBD. The investors are considering the options of either demolishing the church or
leaving it in place.
The investors are trying to work out the location of parking for the development and are
considering having parallel parking on the street. Meier noted that the streetscape for the
project was developed in conjunction with the City Planning Department. They currently
1 plan to build the project in phases, which would allow them to lease it up over time. Meier
stated that the development of this project could help spur construction of additional
downtown parking.
Meier and Williams requested assistance from the AEDC Board to help with the removal of
the church and construction of infrastructure. Such assistance was requested in order to
ensure that the project has positive cash flow, enabling the investors to construct additional
office/retail space on the property Williams noted that approximately $300,000 in value is
associated with the church building. They would develop a two-story building in Phase 11
where the church is currently located.
Tim Wood inquired as to whether the church building currently meets the City's parking
requirements. Bo Bass explained that the church is considered a "legal existing non-
conforming" facility that would not be required to conform with the current City parking
requirements unless they were to undertake a major renovation. Church services are still
being held at the facility
Carl Clemencich inquired if the church would have to be torn down in order to develop the
proposed site plan. Peter Vargas noted that the church must be demolished in order to
develop the full wrap-around corner, but that three-quarters (3/4) of the proposed buildings
could be developed with the church still in place. Meier noted that from a developer's point
of view, there is some benefit to wrapping the development around the corner, but that benefit
does not justify the cost. However, the full wrap-around development would benefit the City
and its citizens. Meier considers this project a partnership between the City and the developer
to beautify the CBD
AFDC Boad of Directors Regula Meeting
hale 17, 2009 - Page 3
Clemencich noted that the investors are requesting an initial $250,000 for infrastructure
assistance and another $250,000 to recover the lost value of the church that is located on the
tract. Meier agreed, also noting that $10,000 - $20,000 is the expected cost of demolishing
the church. The investors are working with an interested buyer that might be willing to pay
$300,000 to purchase the church. $250,000 is needed from the AEDC in order to keep rents
for the development in a reasonable price range that would allow the space to fill up. They
are anticipating rents of $18 - $20 per square foot. Even with the requested help from the
AEDC, they are still on the high end of market rental rates in the CBD.
Gary Caplinger noted that Phase I of the development involves only a portion of the 2 -story
building on the hard corner, inquiring if the investors could guarantee the development of the
Phase II budding if they received assistance from the AEDC. Williams noted that they would
ensure the development of the remaining buildings, but such development would only occur
after the development of Phase I
The investors would have to wait one year before commencing construction on the
development, since the landowner has required that the church remain on the property for that
period of time. The landowner would allow the investors to pay for the land over the course
of the one year period, with the requirement that the church be allowed to meet on the
property free of charge for one year The investors must choose if they will commit to
purchase the facility by the end of June 2009 Phase I would consist of 9,000 -square feet and
Phase II would consist of an additional 9,000 -square feet. The investors would prefer to
receive money from the AEDC now, as opposed to waiting one year
Grimm noted that the church occupies approximately one-quarter (1/4) of the property Bo
Bass noted that this project has been an evolutionary design, with an attractive look and high
visibility from McDermott. This project would draw people into the CBD and public
investment would help achieve the City's design objectives for the CBD Bass also noted
that Meier and Williams have been very interactive since the first day of the project, and have
worked to create the street -wall that the Planning Department requested. The City's plan is to
have a street -wall all the way down Allen Drive.
Wood noted that every project in the CBD seems to need public assistance. It does not appear
that projects of this type will be economically viable in the CBD for at least 20 years. Wood
also noted that the AEDC and the City have already put millions of dollars into assisting the
development of the CBD
Bass mentioned that City and AEDC may need to jumpstart most projects in the CBD. The
City has developed buildings and infrastructure in the CBD in the past, but this project
involves private sector investment and is therefore different. Clemencich stated that all
development north of Allen Drive in the CBD will require significant public investment in
Meier stated that downtown, and Main Street in particular, has been deteriorating. This
1 project gives other CBD businesses, such as Rodenbaugh's, a reason to stay in the CBD. It
sends a message that things will improve in Downtown. Robert Winningham noted that this
project sets the lone and standard for CBD development. It focuses on two blocks initially,
with the hope that the development in the remainder of the CBD will eventually become
AFDC Board of Directors Regidar Meenng
Juae 17, 2009 - Page 4
market-driven. The AEDC is interested in the development of office space that could be
marketed to smaller businesses. The AEDC Board and City Council will have a discussion in
July about objectives and goals for the CBD. The CBD is an important part of Allen. The
City Council and AEDC Board need to determine how CBD improvements will be funded.
Pete Smith noted that 4A money cannot legally be used to reimburse a private entity for "loss
of value," but it could arguably be used to assist with demolition. Caplinger inquired if the
assistance could be given to the investors to reimburse for some other applicable expense, as
opposed to reimbursing for `loss of value." Smith agreed that 4A funds could be expended
for a variety of proposes if the project creates primary jobs; otherwise, 4A money can only be
expended for infrastructure. Smith noted that the AEDC could give money to the City of
Allen, and the City could then use money from the general fund through a 380 agreement to
support the project.
Caplinger stated that he believes the City owes it to the developments in the CBD to pay for
infrastructure. Vargas noted that this is a good project that draws attention to the area.
Williams and Meier are the only two individuals that have undertaken any significant projects
in the CBD recently and City staff supports this current project Wood inquired at to whether
the project should receive $500,000 from the AEDC. Vargas recommended that the City and
AEDC complete a comprehensive economic plan that states what the City will do and what
the AEDC will do to support the project, as well as the expected performance benchmarks for
the investors.
Williams noted that he has constructed eight or nine buildings in Allen and he never had a
tenant committed before commencing construction on a project; however, he never completed
a project without having a tenant. Wood stated that AEDC and City staff will meet and work
out a comprehensive economic package
Williams explained that they are required to commit to puichasing the land by June 30"
Vargas noted that the City and AEDC would not have time to develop a comprehensive plan
before June 30'" Williams noted that they could still make the project work with just the
$250,000 grant from the AEDC and would still be able to constivct the Phase I development;
however, the church would not be torn down
The general consensus of the Board was to provide an initial $250,000 infrastructure grant,
and wait to make a determination on the remaining $250,000 until a later date Winningham
stated that AEDC staff will work out the payment terms for the grant.
Williams stated that they will be in a worse financial position by tearing down the church
even if the AEDC provides assistance, but they desire to do it anyway because it will improve
the project. Vargas noted that the investors are not going to develop anything on the tract for
at least one year, which gives the City and AEDC plenty of time to make a determination
regarding the remaining $250,000.
On a motion by Carl Clemencich, seconded by Gary Caplinger, the Board authorized the
Executive Director of the AEDC to negotiate an Economic Development Agreement to
provide a grant not to exceed $250,000 to reimburse Project Main for infrastructure costs
related to the development.
AFDC Bomd of Dueciors Regular Meeting
June 17, 2009 - Page 5
5. Approval of AEDC Financial Reports
Daniel Bowman presented the AEDC Financial Reports. On a motion by Gary Caplinger,
seconded by Carl Clemencich, the Board unanimously approved the AEDC Financial Reports
as presented.
6. Approval of the Allen Economic Development Corporation Budget for Fiscal Year 2010
and Admstments for Fiscal Year 2009
Robert Winningham and Daniel Bowman presented for AEDC Board review and approval the
AEDC Budget for Fiscal Year 2010 and Adjustments to the AEDC Budgets for Fiscal Year
2009 Bowman noted a few significant items:
• It is expected that the Allen Central Park Property Owner's Association will assume
management of Allen Central Park as of July 1, 2009. Therefore, the AEDC is
budgeting less in accounts such as Water, Electricity and Landscaping.
• It is being requested that the Board increase the AEDC marketing budget by $60,000
for the current fiscal year and increase the AEDC marketing budget by $110,000 next
fiscal year in order to provide the necessary funds to support strategic AEDC
marketing initiatives.
• The `Direct Grants' line item fluctuates each year based on the various projects
approved by the AEDC Board.
On a motion by Carl Clemencich, seconded by Gary Caplinger, the Board approved the Allen
Economic Development Corporation Budget for Fiscal Year 2010 and Adjustments for Fiscal
Year 2009. The Board requested that the AEDC marketing plan and its execution be
discussed in depth at a future AEDC Board meeting.
7 Board Discussion Regarding the Joint Workshop Between the AEDC Board and the Allen
City Council
The Board discussed items that they would like to have included on the agenda for the July
28ih Joint Workshop between the AEDC Board and the Allen City Council. Robert
Winningham and Peter Vargas plan to meet on July 13'" to review the proposed agenda.
Carl Clemencich requested that an item related to the vision and direction of the City Council
with regard to economic development be included on the agenda. For example, Clemencich
would like to discuss how the Council prefers that the AEDC Board allocate funds to projects
in the Allen Central Business District (CBD). Vargas suggested that the Board and Council
discuss the types of development that the City would like to attract in the future. Winningham
noted that this could include a discussion of a plan of action for the SH 121 corridor.
AFDC Board of Dveclors Regula) Meeting
June 17, 2009 - Page 6
1 Winningham mentioned that Allen is now limited on land and the AEDC does not need to
pursue every project. The AEDC and City Council can afford to be very selective with regard
to economic development projects. Winningham noted that the AEDC should be involved in
filling up vacant office space. Eventually the AEDC will become more involved in
redevelopment projects.
The Board inquired if land use studies should be funded by the AEDC. Vargas indicated that
he did not believe the AEDC should fund such studies. Clemencich inquired as to what City
staff and Council see as the future of funding the AEDC, given the need to eventually fund
mass transit. Vargas noted that the Council recently approved applying for a Job Access and
Reverse Commute (IARC) grant for the purpose of developing new or expanded
transportation services to connect job seekers with employment opportunities. Vargas also
noted that the City continues to work with the local hotels and shopping centers to create a
trolley system. Pete Smith indicated that the AEDC can provide funding to assist with light
rail projects, but could not fund a trolley system. Hotel/Motel funds could be used to buy
vehicles to transport hotel guests to amenities in the Allen area.
Winningham noted that workforce issues and the AEDC partnership with the AISD on the
Career and Technology Center would be good discussion topics for the meeting on July 28"
The Board and Council could discuss their vision for Allen's workforce in the future.
Winningham requested that AEDC Board members e-mail him any additional items for the
Joint Workshop prior to July 13th
1 8. Discuss Administrative and Marketing Activities of the AEDC and Upcoming Local
Jennifer Grimm updated the Board on the marketing activities of the AEDC and noted that the
AEDC is currently in the process of designing new marketing materials. These materials
include new folders and a new AEDC trade show booth. The AEDC booth will be ready for
the NTCAR Expo in August.
Grimm also noted that the AEDC will have a booth at the upcoming Allen USA Celebration
and will be distributing sunscreen. The purpose of the booth is to educate citizens about the
functions of the AEDC The booth will contain pictures of projects, a one -sheet flyer on
AEDC activities, marketing materials and other such items. It is expected that the booth will
be open from Noon until the evening on the day of the event, with an AEDC staff member
present at the booth for that period to answer economic development -related questions
Grimm encouraged Board members to attend the event and visit the booth.
Bowman noted that the AEDC has received a number of data center inquiries since the recent
announcement of Cisco's project in Allen
AFDC Board of Directors Regular Meeting
June 17 2009 - Page 7
9. AEDC Executive Director's Report Regarding Office Industrial Data Center, and Retail
Projects, and Local Partnerships
Winningham thanked the AEDC Board, City Council, AEDC staff and city staff for their
work on the Cisco project, noting that the project was an excellent example of strong
teamwork. This project was done the right way and only brought to the Board and Council
when it was ready for final approval. Winningham anticipates that the Cisco project will
potentially spur two or three more data center projects in Allen.
It was also noted that Bradford is trying to recruit a church to locate into space at Twin Creeks
Business Center. While the AEDC is not against churches, it is the opinion of AEDC staff
that a church is not the best use for these office/showroom buildings. Winningham mentioned
that the AEDC should have more control over the allowable uses in projects that receive
AEDC funding in the future.
Clemencich inquired as to the future of Sage Telecom in Allen, given that its lease ends in
Fall 2009 Dan Bowman indicated that the AEDC is working with Sage to identify 30,000-sf
of leasable space in Allen that would be suitable for its operations. The company desires to
remain in Allen if possible.
1 10. Scheduling of Next AEDC Board of Directors Meeting
The next Board meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, 2009 at 6:00 p.m.
1l Adjourn
The meeting was officially adjourned on a motion by Gary Caplinger, seconded by Carl
Clemencich, at 8:14 p.m.
These minutes approved this l5'" day of July 2009
Tim Wood, President
Carl Clemencich, Secretary/Treasurer