HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2011 - 05/18 - RegularALLEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (AEDC)
Tim Wood
Susan Bartlemay
Carl Clemencich
Gary Caplinger
Scott Sutherland
Robert Winningham
Daniel Bowman
Ryan Shook
Pete Smith
Peter Vargas
Lee Battle
Joey Herald
Bo Bass
Sami Simula
Srivasta Ramanathan
Ken Helvey
Scott Brie
George Wang
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum Present
With a quorum of the Board present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Economic
Development Corporation (AEDC) was called to order by President Tim Wood at
6:07 p.m. on Wednesday, May 18, 2011 at the AEDC Office.
1. Presentation of the Texas Economic Development Council (TEDC) Economic Excellence
Award to the AEDC Board
Robert Winningham presented the 2010 Texas Economic Development Council Award to the
Board. Winningham noted that this prestigious distinction is awarded to economic
development agencies in the State of Texas that meet high standards of excellence in a variety
of operational categories.
Winningham also noted that the objective of the Economic Excellence Program is to
encourage professional staff and board member leadership and development. Recipients of
the award are selected based on evidence that members of the ED agency have met a desired
threshold of professionalism and economic development training participation in the past
year. This is the third consecutive year that the AEDC has received the Economic Excellence
2. Update on the AISD Career -Tech Center and other AISD Related Items by Dr. Ken
Helvey, Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Ken Helvey, AISD Superintendent of Schools, updated the Board on the AISD Career -
Tech Center and other AISD related items. Helvey spoke on current issues related to funding,
growth and projects which the AISD is undertaking. He noted that the AISD currently has
19,000 students enrolled and will grow to approximately 21,000 students when Allen reaches
its maximum population.
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Mar 18. 2011 - Page 2
Helvey explained that the AISD has encountered financial problems due in a large part to a
reduction in property taxes in 2006 and the economic downturn. Helvey indicated that the
budget issues can be resolved by either raising taxes or decreasing operational costs in the
school district, or both. He anticipates an increase in taxes, payroll reductions and potential
layoffs as probable solutions to the budget dilemma. Carl Clemencich inquired about the
additional funds that would be received if the school district raises taxes. Helvey noted that a
small portion of the funds would go to the State, but the majority would be retained locally in
the school district.
Helvey stated that Allen ranks high in the efficient use of funding per student due to its
utilization of large campuses to consolidate resources. Clemencich inquired if smaller school
districts may be forced to consolidate due to the statewide budget shortfall. Helvey explained
that many districts are facing these types of difficult decisions, but Allen is fairing much
Helvey stated that the school district anticipates 2 to 3 -percent growth in class sizes in the
next year, with a new grade population of 1,450-1,550 students in the incoming classes. The
school district has many exciting projects in the works including the new football stadium,
career -tech center, a dual credit clinical rotation program, and a new performing arts center
with phenomenal amenities. Helvey also noted that the construction of the new performing
arts center allows younger students to utilize already existing facilities to a greater degree.
Helvey thanked the AEDC Board and Staff, as well as the City staff, for the continued
successful partnership that benefits all of Allen's citizens.
3. Approval of Minutes of the April 20. 2011 Regular Meeting
On a motion by Susan Bartlemay, seconded by Carl Clemencich, the Board unanimously
approved the Minutes of the April 20, 2011 Regular Meeting as presented.
4. Consider Approval of Economic Development Agreement with Frontier Communications
Robert Winningham presented the Economic Development Agreement between Frontier
Communications Corporation and the AEDC for Board consideration. Winningham noted
that the company is planning to consolidate several back office operations in the Dallas -Fort
Worth Area and create a new customer service facility in Allen. The total employment at the
new facility will be between 600 — 800. The company has executed a Letter of Intent to
occupy approximately 84,000-sf of space at 805 Central Expressway South (the former Sage
Telecom Building)
AEDC staff and the AEDC attorney drafted the Economic Development Agreement based on
terms previously approved by the Board. The agreement states that the AEDC will provide an
$800,000 grant to the company on the following payment schedule:
• $250,000 paid upon the receipt of a Certificate of Occupancy, assuming the
company has created a minimum of 400jobs in Allen
AEDC Meeting Minutes
Mac 18, 2011 - Page 3
• $250,000 paid upon the second anniversary of the company's receipt of a
Certificate of Occupancy, assuming the company has created a minimum of 600
jobs in Allen
• $300,000 Paid upon the third anniversary of the company's receipt of a
Certificate of Occupancy, assuming the company has maintained a minimum of
600jobs in Allen
Winningham noted that the company must meet the following requirements as a condition of
receiving the incentive grant:
• Company will execute a 10 -year lease for a minimum of 80,000-sf of space in
Allen. It is permissible that the lease include a clause that allows the company
to pay a penalty fee in order to terminate the lease at the end of the seventh
• Company will employ a minimum of 600 employees
• Company will offer a comprehensive benefits and insurance coverage package
to its employees
• Company will invest a minimum of $2.900,000 in improvements to the building
• Company will invest $1,200,000 in furniture, fixtures and equipment to be
located at the building
AEDC staff indicated that the company may request a relatively small decrease in the number
of employment positions that must be created prior to the payment of the first installment of
the grant. The general consensus of the Board was that such terms were within the authority
of the Executive Director to negotiate, based on the Board's prior authorization. The Board
generally agreed that the current draft of the agreement incorporates all of the terms
previously approved by the Board.
5. Consider Recommendation to Allen City Council for Nomination of Frontier
Communications Corporation for Enterprise Project Desumation Under the State of Texas
Enterprise Zone Program
Daniel Bowman requested that the Board approve a recommendation to the Allen City
Council for the nomination of Frontier Communications Corporation for an Enterprise
Project designation under the State of Texas Enterprise Zone Program. This designation
would allow the company to apply for up to $2,500 per employee in sales tax
reimbursements from the State of Texas.
Bowman explained that in 2009, the Allen City Council passed an ordinance electing to
participate in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program. The ordinance also designated Jack Henry
& Associates as an Enterprise Zone Project. Since the local incentives outlined in the
previous ordinance have not changed, the Governor's Office has indicated that the Allen City
Council would simply need to pass a resolution in order to nominate Frontier
Communications for this designation
The company is still required to apply to the State of Texas for this designation and must
receive state approval before they receive any sales tax reimbursement from the State.
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Mae 18, 2011 - Page 4
On a motion by Susan Bartlemay, seconded by Carl Clemencich, the Board unanimously
approved a recommendation to the Allen City Council for nomination of Frontier
Communications Corporation for Enterprise Project Designation under the State of Texas
Enterprise Zone Program.
6. Convene into Closed Executive Session
The Board convened into closed executive session at 7.10 p.m. to deliberate real property,
commercial and financial information and economic incentives for the following:
• Consider Incentives for the Recruitment of Project Semiconductor
• Discussion of Incentives for CresaPartners Projects
Reconvene into Open Session:
The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:27 p.m.
7 Actions Resulting from Executive Session
No actions were taken.
8. Review the Allen Economic Development Corporation's Preliminary Budget for Fiscal
Year 2012 and Adjustments for Fiscal Year 2011
Daniel Bowman presented the preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 2012 and adjustments for
Fiscal Year2011 Bowman noted that the AEDC Board typically reviews the proposed
preliminary AEDC Budget at the May Board meeting each year. Bowman explained that the
AEDC will be increasing the budget by $1.3 million in Fiscal Year 2012 mainly because of an
increase in Economic Development Incentive Grant payments.
Bowman stated that the adjustments to the AEDC Operating Budget were minor, with
decreases in the postage and freight, office supplies, and professional services accounts.
Bowman also noted that certain personnel -related budget items have not yet been generated
by the City Finance Department, and that staff will work with Finance to determine these
numbers and present them to the Board at the June meeting.
9 Approval of AEDC Financial Reports
Daniel Bowman presented the AEDC financial reports. It is anticipated that the AEDC will
make incentive grant payments to Trademark, Photronics, and Turrentine-Jackson-Morrow in
the near future. Bowman noted that sales tax revenue for the current Fiscal Year is 8 -percent
more than budgeted, and has shown a 3 -percent increase from the prior year.
On a motion by Carl Clemencich, seconded by Susan Bartlemay. the Board unanimously
approved the AEDC Financial Reports as presented.
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Mav 18, 2011 - Page 5
10. Discussion of AEDC Board Candidate Oualificanons to Provide Feedback to the Allen
City Council Nominating Committee
Robert Winningham indicated that the City Council has requested that the AEDC Board
provide input on qualifications for future nominees to the AEDC Board. It has been requested
that each AEDC Board member complete the attached Board Evaluation Form and return it to
Chairman Tim Wood.
11. Discuss Administrative and Marketing Activities of the AEDC Upconnng Events and
Local Partnerships
Robert Winningham updated the Board on administrative and marketing activities of the
AEDC, upcoming events and local partnerships. Winningham noted that Allen has
experienced significant office leasing activity. Winningham also noted that Andrews
Distribution has added additional square footage to the previously built 310,000 -square feet.
It was mentioned that Daniel Bowman will be representing the AEDC at the 21" Century Data
Center Symposium on Thursday, May 181h
Winningham mentioned that he and Bo Bass will be traveling to Las Vegas for the ICSC
tradeshow, and Daniel Bowman will be traveling to the IMN Data Center Forum in Chicago
the week of May 23rd Winningham noted that the TEDC Sales Tax Workshop will be held in
Mesquite on June 241` Peter Vargas indicated that this is the only Sales Tax Workshop
session to be held this year in the Dallas -Fort Worth area.
12. AEDC Executive Director's Report Regarding Office, Industrial, and Retail Projects
No additional projects were mentioned.
13. Determine Next Meeting Date
The next AEDC Board meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.
14. Adjourn
The meeting was officially adjourned on a motion by Susan Bartlemay, seconded by Gary
Caplinger, at 8:55 p.m.
These Minutes approved this 15's day of June 2011
Tim Wood, President
lemencich, Secretary/Treatstrifer