HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2013 - 02/06 - RegularALL ENECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (AEDC)
Board Staff Guests
Scott Sutherland Harry Whalen Peter Vargas
Susan Bartleniay Dan Bowman Lee Battle
Greg Kennedy John criven Kevin Hamn,ieke
Joey Herald, Pete Smith Keith Ashley
Michael Schaeffer
Call to Order and Announce a Otiorum Present.
With a quoruin of the Board present, the Regrilar Meeting of the Allen Econornic Developrrient
Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors was called to order by President Scott Sutherland at
6:03 p.rm on Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at the AEDC Office.
1. Approval of the Minutes of the December 5, 2012 AEDC Board Retreat
On as motion by Greg Kennedy, seconded by Joey Herald, theBoard unanirriously approved the
Minutes of the December 5, 2012 AEDC Board Retreat as presented,
2. Approval of the Minutes of the Decernber 5,20122 Rejular Board Meeting
On a motion by Joey Herald, seconded by Greg Kennedy, the Board unaniniOUSly approved the
Minutes of the December 5, 2012 Re Talar Board Meeting as presented.
3. Con s i der Approval of A mend,111-gri ts to the A EDC B. yjaws,
'The Board discussed changing the titles of the AEDC Board President and the AEDC Executive
Director, A draft of proposed changes to the AEDC Bylaws was presented by AEDC Attorney
Pete Smith. Mr, Smith noted that any amendments to the Bylaws must ultimately be approved
by the Allen (lI
ity Council,
In Article 5, Section 2 of the Bylaws, it was proposed that the AEDC Board President's title be
changed to Chair and in Article 5, Section 8 of the Bylaws it was proposed that
hat ' the AEDC
Executive Director's. title be chanced to Chief Executive Officer. In Article 4, Section 5 of" the
Bylaws it was recon-irnended that the'Board change the quortini required for approval of an item
from a nitjority vote to an affirmative vote of at least three (3) directors.
Based on the input ofthe AEDC Board of Directors, the AEDC Attorney indiczacd that lie would
place the aniendinent of the AEDC Bylaws on an upcorning Allen City Council meeting agenda
for final consideration andapproval,
AEDC Meethig Mitnaes
F`ebrueoy 6, 2013 , Page 2'
4. Convene into Closed E'Xecutive Session: Pursuant to Texas (3oyerj1rnent.K:qLe,,.Sectjon
55 LQ�7, Qel� eration of Economic 1DIgeivegIgMent lie gotiations- To Deliberate f2mmercial
n �incial�lnl*(.)rmatjon and hgonornic, ItLcen!Live, for tLe Fo lowin
• Consider Incentives for the RecrU it ine tit of Project Brew
• Consider Issues Related tothe Amended and Restated Econontic Development
Agreement with KONE, n.
Consider Incentives for the, Recruitment of Project Central,
Reconvene into0
- � �en Sqssion:
The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:20 p.m,
5. Actions Resulting-frqm Executive Session
On a motion frown Greg Kennedy, seconded by Joey Herald, the Board unanimously approved
authorizing the EXCCUtive Director to negotiate an Economic DevelopmentIncentive Agreenlent
with Project Brew Coma
or approval by the Board at a future Board nieeting.
On aniotion frorn Scott Sutherland, seconded by Greg Kennedy, the Board unanimously
approved proceeding with the final payment to KONE, Inc.
Greg Kennedy presented the financial reports and provided as handout with a newly formatted
breakdown of nionthly ince me and expenses. Susan Bardenlay stated (fiat she prefers to also
review the EDS' ("ash, Flow sheet in its originalf'orniat. Joey Herald coniniented. that he likes
the new breakdown and cxplariation of the AEDC Budget. Mr. Herald questioned the monthly
marketing expenses and Dan Bowman explained that the budget line item is prorated evenly over
the 12 niolittv,'of the fiscal year.
On a rnotion by Michael Schaeffer, seconded by.loey Herald,, the Board unanfi-nouslyapproved
the AEI` C Financial Reports as presented,
7. Demonstration of AEDC Salesforce Account
Data M atrool
Harry Whalen and John Scriven presented an online demo of Salesforce. Salesforce is an online
internet data management tool that provides as repository of database in ration such as leads,
I f'om
opportunities, company details, contacts, business retention activity and reports.
The denionstration covered an overview of the Account and Contact tabs with a review of a few
active accounts. The triain account sections were presented which included Account Detail,
Activity History, Contacts and Notes & Attachnients.
It, was noted that additional cult omizat' ion of Salesforce is in progress and that custom, reports
will be available in the near future,
A EDC Meefing Minu res
February 6,, 2013 - Page .3
8, Update on the Allen Citv Council Strategic Planning Retreat from Joey Herald
Joey Herald gave an upolate on the Allen City Council Strategic Planning Retreat. Discussions
included revitalization of older neighborhoods, the Allen Fteritage Village, Fire Stations 2 and 6,
the: SH 121 Corridor and the Trail/Park systems.
Mr. Herald mentioned that the City Council and City Staff agree on the development plans for
the SH 121 corridor, which will be discussed in nacre detail during the February 25"' Joint City
Council/AEDC Workshop. Peter Vargas noted there is a great deal ofcornmercial real estate
interest in the SH 121 corridor. Mr. Vargas also slated that it will be important to develop the
area according to the city's vision and that incentives should influence attraction of companies
that fit with the inaster plan.
Scott Sutherland SUggested that an analysis of the SH 121 corridor be revisited since it has been
about four years since it, was analyzed,. Mr. Vargas corriniented that there is an issue with certain
landowners in dire financial situations that are willing to sell property for unattractive
developments, Several parcels on SH 121 are currently zoned as Planned Developments (PDs,),
9AEDC Report Reeardin—o Administrative and Marketim! Activities of the AfQC, U corning
Local Events, Office, Industrial, Data Center, Retail, and Business Retention Prqiec_ls
Harry Whalen and Dan Bowrnan updated the Board on office, industrial, and retail projects. Mr,
Whalen pointed oast: that the Weekly Staff Report now highlights existing projects that have been
active din-ing the current week. The AI. C" office Supports Team Texas and'"FexasOne, which
arc, both marketing initiatives headed by state -level agencies,
Standex relocated 40 employees into their corporate headquarters atTwin Creeks Business
Center on January 28"' and will conduct a ribbon cutting ceremony in n March. The company
hosted eighty sales representatives last week and they were impressed with Allen, Bridge
Metrics signed an Econornic Development Agreement with the AMC and will be staffing 40
positions at the foriner HIT building.
Mr. Whalen provided ail update on Peter Ng's property stating that it has been reported that the
property is in bankTUPICY, A prospect similar to Cisco Systerns visited this site on FebrUary 5"'
and is looking for 40 acres to build as data center.
Site certification of the 238 -acre Howard FluglIes property located at, the southwest corner of US
75 and SH 121 is in progress. Severat consutting f rnis have been contacted to provide proposals,
for certifying the geotechnical, flood plain, endangered species and environmental aspects of the
site. The AFDC' could pay the upfront costs associated with site certification and be reimbursed
when the property is sold.
,ludge, Self has called as meeting of all EDCs in Collin County in an effort to improve
collaboration and (to more to attract business relocation from California, Mr, Whalen informed
the Board that Allen is already cooperating with Frisco, McKinney and Plano and hasi"onned. the
Collin County Regional partnership.
AFDC Meeling Minutes
Februar.Y 6, 2013 - Page 4
10, Determine Next Meeting Date — March 6, 2013
The next AEDC Board meeting is schedule([ for Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at. 6:00 P.M.
11. Convene into Closed Executive Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section
551.074 for Personnel Matters — Discussion of the Duties and Responsibilities of the
Executive Director.
Reconvene into Open Session:
The Board reconvened into regular session at 9:50 p.m.
Actions resulting from Executive Session — No action taken
12. Adjournment
On a motion by Greg Kennedy, seconded by Joey Herald, the niecting was adjourned at
9:51 p.m..
These Minutes approved this tri' ` day ol'March 2013.
m. Scott Sutherland, President