HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2014 - 05/02 - Special CalledALI, EN ECONOMIC DE VE1,OPMENTCORPORATION (AEDC)
FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014
Board Staff Guests
Scott Sutherland Dan Bownian
Michael Schaeffer - absent John Scriven
Greg Kennedy Kevin Laughlin
Joey Herald - absent
Jeff Burkhardt
Call, to—Old er and Announce a Quoruin Present
With a quorum of the Board present with members Scott Sutherland, Greg Kennedy and Jeff
Burkhardt in attendance, the Special Called Meeting of theAllen E"conornic Development
Corporation (AIDC") Board of Directors was called to order by President Scott Sutherland at 7:34
a.rn. oil Friday, May 2, 2014 at the AFDC` Office.
Convene into Closed Executive, Pursuant to'l'exas Gov�erjj
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,a. Consider Sale ofAEDC-Owned Land in Millennium Tectinology Park to Allen Place
01fice Building 1, LLC
Tile Board convened into closed executive session, at 7:35 a.ni.
Reconvene into Open Session
The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:55 a.ni.
1 Consider AppEL)yal of Purchase_& Sale Aareernent withAllen Place Office RuildiqZj, .[,.,C for
Approximagly 7 -acres in Millennium Teel lnology Park
Ona motion by Greg Kennedy, seconded by Jeff Burkhardt, the Board unanimously approved
authorizing tile President of the Corporation to sign on behalf of tile Corporation that certain Purchase
and Sale Agreement [)etween the Corporation and Allen Place Office Building 1, LLC, for the sale of
approximately 7. 14 acres out of Lot I Al, Block 2, Millennium laciness Park, City of Allenjexas,
presented to the Board at this meeting; and furthex move to authorize the President and Interini
ExecutivQ Director to, take Such actions and sign such doCU1llC11tS as reasonable and necessary to
comply with the CoiI)oratiori's obligationsin said Agreen-ient, including, but not limited to, all
applications tier replatting and re -zoning of the property, settlement statements, deeds, restriction
agreements, and other closing doCUITIC111S.
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