HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2015 - 07/08 - RegularALLiE
Scott Sutherland
Michael Schaeffer
0wreig Ken�Fjefy - Aisew
Joey Herald,
Jeff Burkhardt
Peter Vargas
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David Ellis,
Melissa Re cer
Rome 0-
Kent Smitl
With a quorum of the Boardpresent with members Sclott Sutherland, Michael Schaeffer, Joey Hera
and Jeff Burkhardt in, attendance, the Regular Meetingof the Allen Economic Development
Corporation (AEDC) Board of Directors was called to order by President Sutherland at 6:04 p.m. oil
Wednesd�ay, July 8, 2015, at the AEDC Office, I
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Dan Bowman informed the Board that the final documents, for the Hotel Conferonce Center are being
prepared which is in part wrapping up, the EB -5 investment. Prosperity Bank is working finalizing the
approved loan documents.
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Kevin Laughlin adided that due to the timing on zoning, it may require revisiting, the ED, Agreeme
to, match the Purchase and Sale agreement at a later date. i
AEDC Meeting Ahautes
AdY 8, 2015 - Page 2
—On a motion'by Jeff Burkhardt, seconded by Michael Schaeffer, the Board unanimously authorized
the Executive: Director to negotiate and execute a purchase and sale agreement with TCH Alteri,a LLC
to sell the 6 862 acres of AED:C's property at Bethany and US 75 in the amount of $3,885,765,
suNiject to a restriction agreement for the hotel and conference center and grant of $�3,,8851,665, and
such additional documents necessary to close the sale of said property,
4. Consider Approval of the Purchase and -Sale Aareement and Related Documents with Pelioton
Real Estate Advisors, Inc.
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15�O days from the closing date to break ground or AEDC has the right to repurchase the property,
AEDC has the right offirst refusal at any point up to construction.
On a motion by Michael Schaeffer, seconded by Joey Herald, the Board unanimously authorized the
Executive Director to negotiate and execute a purchase and sale agreement with Pelolon Real Estate
Advisors, Inc. to sell 3.6 8 acres for S I I per square IN with a restriction agreement for construction
of a Class -A office building and such additional documents necessary to close on the sale of said
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Consider Incentives for the Retention and Expansion of an Allen Company
b. Consider Incentives for the Recruitment of Project Basebiall
c. Consider Incentives to Support Greenville Tech Center
d. Consider Incentives to Attract Tenants to 600 Millennium Ddve and AllienPlace
The Board convened into closed session at 6:16
Reconvene into Open Session
'The Board reconvened into regular session at 7:47 Pm.
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On a motion by Scott Sutherland, seconded by Michael Schaeffer, the Board unanimously authorized
the Executive Director to negotiate and execute an incentive agreement fbr a reimbursement grant in
the amount of $50,0100 for relocation costs with T'APS Software.
On a motion by Michael Schaeffer, seconded by Jeff Burkhardt, the Board unanimously authorized
the Executive Director to negotiate and execute an incentive agreement to provide a reimbursement
AEDC Afeeting Minutes
Ady 8, 2'015 - Page 3
grant, not to exceed S200,0010, for construction and infrastructure costs related toi the development of
a tech center -on Greenville Ave. by JaRyCo Development LLC.
On a motion by Jeff Burkhardt, seconded by Joey Herald, the Board unanimously authorized the
Executive DirectQr to neVotiate and eixecute an incentivp�_-�,�,, L,,
in the mount of $75,000 for construction of parking or Finisar property and conveyance ofjoint
driveway and access easement to AEDC.
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Dart Bowman explained to the Board that the FY 20 15 Budget for AEDC would need to, be amended
due to the alloication of the funds for the purchase! of the, Lebow land tract. The owner financed $4.4
million of thaticurchase and the -..IIU -V!, -
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Expenditures Land account, The finance department is needing to add a $4.4 million revenue under
Loan Proceeds from the Liebows and will add $4.4 million under Capital Expenditures Land account
which will balance, each other ouc There is no additional cash or expense going out thi's fiscal year,
this, is simply for accounting purposes to acknowledge that AEDC has the budgetary authority, for that
In addition, there will need to, be W- in the FY 2016 budget regarding the Lebow purchase
payment annually in the Capital Expenditures Land account will be split between Lebow Debt
Principal and Lebow, Debt Interest which shows as a Principal /interest payment.
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Dan Bowman reviewed the financials with the Board, Sales tax revenue! for thicinonth of May was
Ni ver budget by,2%, The expenses are now under budget due to the financial reports reflecting the
revised FY 2015 budget numbers.
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AEDC Financial Reports as presented.
R=rt on AED,C Office, IndustrialData Center Retail, and Business Retentign Projects and
Upidate-on the Status of AEDC-Marketing Activities
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July 8, 2015 - Page 4
10. Determine Next Meeting. Date --August 5,2�015
The! next AEDC Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 51, 2015, at 6i-00 p.m.
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. ... ...... -- . . ............................ . . . .
Michael Schaeffer, Vice- Plresident
.... . ......................... ....... .
I Kennedy, Secretary