HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Economic Development Corporation - 2004 - 04/21 - RegularALLEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (AEDC), BOARD OFDIRECTORS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 21,2004 Board Jim Brazeal rim Wood Ken Fulk Kurt Kizer Maxine Sweet — Absent Staff Charisse Reaume Jennifer Grimm Others Max Wel�ls, Steve Meier Dr. E.T. Boon, Mike Williams Phillip Williams, Bill Dahlstrom John Griffiths, Amy Monier Scott White, David Hoover Mike Viltalobos, Scott Bassett With a quorum of the Board present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) was called to order by President Jim Brazeal at 610 p.m. on Wednesday, April 21, 20114 at the AEDC Office.The following items Were discussed: Al2prove Minutes of the March 17, 2004 Regular Meeting of the AEDC Board of Directors. The minutes of the March 1.7, 2004 Regular Meeting of the ,AF -DC Board of Directors were approved as submitted on a motion by Ken Fulk, seconded by Kurt Kizer. Presentation by Emerson Partners an Development. Scenarios, for Commercial property Located at the Southwest Comer of US 75 and Bethanv Drive. Phillip Williams, Emerson Partners, introduced other members of his, development team. Amy Monier gave a history of The Farm and their concept for the development of residential areas and "green" spaces. They are working with the City Planning Department on their overall development plan. The plans for the southwest corner of US, 75 and Bethany Drive were displayed. The area is designed for high-end retail and office users, with efforts made to take advantage, of the topography and! creek in order to create a "sense of place". Parking garages would be utilized to minimize the surface parking. They are working with a number of clients including a Wellness Center. The company intends to seek potential incentives from the AEDC and the City. Consider and take Action for the Approval of the Landscaping. Lighting and Architectural Designs for M,cDermgtt Bgginess Park Located at the Southwest Corner of McDen-nott Drive anidl Ash Drive. Mike Vill,alobos, Marcon Construction, updated the Board on progress with the redevelopment of the site located at the southwest corner of McDermott Drive and Ash Drive. Demolition of the: existing metal buildings is moving forward, and Mike is working with his engineer on the final site plan. He anticipates it will be several months before construction begins on the first building.. Renderings of the new building design were distributed. Mike is still working on the final landscaping,, lighting and site plan and is not prepared at this time for the Board to approve. Following, discussion, the Board decided to wait to approve the architectural renderings at the same time as the landscaping,, lighting and site plan. On a motion by Ken Fulk, seconded by Kurt Kizer, the Board approved the final draft of the Incentive Contract (as distributed) and authorized the President to execute the document. Regular Meeting, April 21, 2004 Page 2 Convene into Closed, Executive Session. The Board convened into closed executive session at 7:25 p.m. to discuss the sale of property owned by the A -EDC in Millennium Corporate Center to Project Apple. Reconvene into Regular Session., The Board reconvened into regular session at approximately 8:05 pm. Consider and Take Action Approving a Letter of Intent for the Sale of Approximate IK -0- Acres Owned . -by the -,AEDC-,at,the .Southeast Corner of U.S.35A....laid gern nt Urive,. The Board discussed the proposed Letter of Intent as distributed) with the development group, who requested several changes to the document. The Board and developers came to agreement on all the points, discussed. On a motion by Tim Wood, seconded by 'Kurt Kizer the Board approved the following changes, to be incorporated into the document to be executed by the AED,C President: 0 Include wording to permit the construction of either two-story or three-story buildings. * Incorporate the wording, "and occupancy" in portions of the contract referencing the requirements for construction of the second building. 0 Change "100% leased" to, "95% leased"' in portions of the contract referencing the requirements for, the construction of the second building. 0 Add a buy-back provision for AEDC to purchase the property back if they have not started construction within 9 months, from the closing date, * Add wording that at the end of the 6 month term, the purchaser will be released from the Letter of Intent unless another mutual agreement is reached. Reconvene into Closed Executive a on.. N' 1 t 1 UU11 -1 UQU !! 111HUTAUTOUAW information and economic incentives for Project Flight. 11?TVr11VT4_1T_41W1"1 M The Board reconvened into regular session at approximately 9. 15 p.m. Consider and take Action ARprovin g Incentives for Proiect FI [ght to Locate to Allen,, The Board discussed the project including the co,mpany's, commitment to only sign a five-year lease, On a motion by Kurt Kizer, seconded by Ken Falk, the Board approved making a recommendation to the City of Allen, Collin County and CCCCD for a 50% tax abatement for 10 years on the building for the project. The Triple Freeport Exemption is also available as part of the incentive package. Fit Regular Meeting, April 21, 21004 Page 3 IMM Center to Project Appj2, PRO 1111 111111 liql 1111�11 =�T=71l 1111LAII 'CIDICY—Er- Ul I I I h 0 1. -il. 5 11 M174,11T011ip, Subcommittee to M_.. I'" negotiations with the company for Site "A" in Millennium Corporate Ce -- Discuss Development Scenarios for Millennium-Corpolrate Center. research landscaping design for the: approximately 2 -acre open space area in the center of the A.1ment. 04= I MR1191 oil" ChaTiSse Rea,ume presented the financial statements as of March 31, 2004. The finiancial report w approved on a motion by Kurt Kizer seconded 0 by Tim W od. Y 1 Discuss Administrative and Marketing Activities of the AEDC smi 1111111i III illill NINE FIT 11 7 i attend a picnic hosted by Ernerson Partners at'The Farm. The Board was updated on the Belz project AM to, Memphis, ,P 11 -il 1 1 ll� I iiIIII F 1 Ill 11 1 l� l M,-rfm= -r A p l IN w- N3,5 p.m. 0 4 S I azeal, President