HomeMy WebLinkAboutArts of Collin County - 2007 - 10/22ARTS OF COLLIN COUNTY COMMISSION, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL CALLED MEETING October 22, 2007 — 8:00 AM Present Board of Directors: Steve Matthews, President Maher V1aso, Vice President Nick Barretta, Treasurer David Sterling, Secretaw (armed at 8.01 a.m ) Betm Mons, Director ACCC Staff: James Baudom, Executive Director Mary Vail -Grube, Administrative Director Dennis Abraham, Project Director Kathleen Caught, Sr Admtnistrative Assistant Tom Brandt, ACCC Attorney Owner City Staff and Others: Shelley George, City Secretary, Cit' of Allen Henry Hill, Deputy City Manager, City of Fusco Pam VCendland, Executive Director, ACCF Call to Order and Announce a Ommaran is Present With a quorum of the Board of Directors present, the Special Callcd Meeting of the Arts of Collin Comm Conary ssion, Inc. was called to order by President Matthews at 8:00 am. on Jlonday, October 22, 2007, in the Council Conference Room atAllen City Hall, 305 Century Parkwav, Allen, Texas Administer Oath of Office and Present Certificates of Appointment to Mt Nick Barretts. The Oath of Office was administered to Nit Nick Barretta by Shellcv George — City of Allen, ON Secretary at 8:00 a.m. 1. General Discussion There was no public comment. 3 untap Sterling took his place at the Board table MOTION: Upon a motion made by Vice President Alaso and a second bV Director Muns, the Board of Directors voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt the items on the Consent agenda as follows 2. Approve Minutes from September 12, 2007 Regular Meeting. 3. Receive Financial Report for the Period Ended September 30, 2007. The motion earned. ARTS OF COLLIN COUNTY COMMISSION, INC. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING October 22, 2007 Page 2 of 3 4. a. Adopt a Resolution approving dedication of Right of Way to the City of Allen for the construction of Exchange Parkway; RESOLUTION NO. 34-10-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE ARTS OF COLLIN COUNTY COMMISSION, INC., TO DEDICATE AND CONVEY A PORTION OF LAND TO THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS TO CONSTRUCT AND DLMNTAIN E4CI LANGE PARKWAY AND RELATED PUBLIC UTILITIES: PROVIDING A SEVERABILfI'Y CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. b. Adopt a Resolution approving dedication of Right of Way to the City of Allen for the construction of Ridgeview Drive; RESOLUTION NO. 35-10-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE ARTS OF COLLIN COUNTY COMMISSION, INC, TO DEDICATE AND CONVEY A PORTION OF LAND TO THE CITY OF .ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS TO CONSTRUCT AND INLUNTAIN RIDGEVIEW DRIVE AND RELATED PUBLIC UTILITIES, PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY" CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE C. Recommend concurrence by the Owner Cities for both actions. Concurrence recommended for Owner Cities. — (Presentation by Dennis Abraham, Project Director/Mary Grube, Administrative Director) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Secretary Sterling and a second by Director Mons, the Board of Directors voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve and adopt the items under .Agenda Item 4 as follows: Resolutions 34-I0-07 and 35-10-07 approving Right of Way dedication to the City of Allen for the construction of Exchange Parkway and Mdgeview, Dove respectively and to recommend concurrence by the Owner Cities for both actions. The motion carried. 5. Appoint Audit Committee and authorize the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the selected firm, based on the Audit Committee recommendation regarding audit services for the FY 2006-07 Financial Report, and approved as to form by the ACC attorney. (Mary Grube, Administrative Director) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Director Mons and a second by Vice President Diaso, the Board of Directors voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to appoint the Audit Committee and authorize the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the selected firm, based on the Audit Committee recommendation. 6. Receive Executive Director's Report. Received report from James Bandon. I ARTS OF COLLIN COUNTY COMMISSION, INC. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING October 22, 2007 Page 3 of 3 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Secretary Sterling, and a second by Director Mons, the Board of Directors voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Special Called Meeting of the Arts of Collin County Commission, Inc at 8:53 a.m. on Monday, October 22, 2007 The motion tamed. 'these minutes approved on this /a day ofL)?CerisUp 2007 ATTEST: avid St'C ARI' I APPROVED: Ile k S,eye Matthe�PRFSIDI�,.NT