HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 1998 - 06/16 - Regular1
JUNE 16, 1998 - 7:00 P.M.
KABB Members Present
Sandy Sanders
Heidi Smalley
Lome Simmons
Phil Lakin
Grace Kerr
Pat Buckley
Melissa Owen
Staff Present
Audrey Smyth
Call to Order
(Agenda Item I)
With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Special Called Workshop
meetmg was called to order at 7*03 p.m. on Tuesday, lune 16, 1998, at the City Hall Conference
Room, One Butler Circle.
Approve the Minutes of the May 19, 1998 Meetines
(Agenda Item II)
Change minutes by deleting Lonnie Simmons as being in attendance. A motion was made and
seconded to approve the minutes of May 19, 1998 meeting. The Board votes seven (7) for and none
(0) opposed; all minutes were approved.
Introduction of Grace Kerr Place No. 3
(Agenda Item III)
A nice welcome was given to Grace. She told us about herself and then the Board each in turn
mtroduced themselves.
Update on Compost Facility
(Agenda Item M
Phil Lakin has been watering every two or three days for the last month. We then made a
schedule up of who was going to water each week The schedule is as follows
1. Lonnie Summons - June 17' thin June 23rtl
it. Pat Buckley - June 24" thm lune 30'"
ill Grace Kerr - July 1" thru July 7'
iv Heidi Smalley - July 8'" thru July 10
v Sandy Sanders - July 15" thou July 21"
This will take us up to the next monthly meeting
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Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
June 16, 1998
Audrey provided the board with an update regarding the water system for the garden area,
provided by Tim Dentler. Denuder had suggested the drip system and inquired into the funding of it.
The board accepted the idea and agreed to assist in the actual manpower behind such a project, given
that Tim and the Parks Department install the system. Audrey will check both the cost of such a
system and whether or not our budget has any money available. Audrey plans to get this proposal to
Phil prior to leaving on sick leave
The board then discussed the compost facility being consumed by contractors. Heidi mentioned
that the City of Plano is planning to eventually fence their compost facility in, identifying residents, and
monitoring one pickup load of compost and one pickup load of mulch every six months for each
residence. Plano is only opening the facility for a specific number of hours per day and implementing
"light-duty" employees to monitor the site.
Phil suggested the placement of a sign for the flower bed area at the compost facility The
board agreed to postpone such a decision until the plants were in place.
Miscellaneous (Agenda Item V)
Heidi informed the board that Edie's next goal will be to achieve 501C.3 status.
Phil intends to call Edie in order to check on the status of the Articles of Incorporation, and he
offered to appear before Council and present changes if necessary
Review of Board Goal and Vision Projects.
Goal Number 1. Pat and Heidi will work on this goal by calling Don Horton in Parks and
Recreation about plastic and aluminum recycling bins in City of Allen parks.
Goal Number 2. Phil is going to look into the cost of having "Excuse Our Mess" signs made
for areas of Allen under construction, specifically McDermott and US 75. Heidi will speak with the
City of Plano and inquire as to the cost of their light pole banner signs. Afterwards, she will inform
Phil of the cost so that he can take the appropriate action
Goal Number 3: The garden area at the compost facility is completed and is continually being
Goal Number 4: Lonnie has been assigned to this goal. He plans to visit with George Conner,
Director of Public Works, and inquire as to how to go about selecting a theme for the city and the
procedure to follow
Goal Number 5Information on Parks. Complete.
Goal Number 6' Annual Trash -Off and Springfest are complete. Earthfest is scheduled for
Goal Number 7, Pat and Heidi are going to work on a preliminary design as to how this goal,
Ladybugs, Worms, and Insect Population, can be implemented. Regardless, this project has been
moved to Vision 2000.
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Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
June 16, 1998
Goal Number 8. Phil and Melissa will work on this, but they are waiting for 501C 3 status in
order to implement any Financial Sponsorship.
Goal Number 9 & 10: The board has decided that the Award Program and "Who in the
Business Community is Actively Recycling" go hand-in-hand. Sandy, Melissa, Phil, and Grace will act
on these goals.
Goal Number 11. Not discussed.
The group elected to add an additional goal, hereafter referred to as Goal Number 12. This
goal would provide a Public Relations Packet for the Keep Allen Beautiful Corporation. Pat noted that
she had seen something similar to this before, and it successfully introduces the organization to
businesses, potential new members and volunteers, as well as the community Phil. Grace and Melissa
will begin working on this new goal.
Vision 2000 Number 1. Discussion began with a conversation concerning how the Goals and
Visions would be carried out. Phil proposed that all board members would be assigned to some goals
and/or visions, and that it would be up to those specific board members to initiate and follow through
any and all activity contributing to the project.
Further, Phil suggested conducting a membership drive complete with advertisements both in
the newspaper and on the television. Melissa suggested using the Public Information Officer, Katherine
Poteet. The board would like further discussion of this at the following meeting. They would also like
to ask that Katherine Poteet attend the meeting, as to get her professional opinion and advising.
Vision 2000 Number 2Not discussed.
Vision 2000 Number 3: Melissa said that until the City has envelopes for water bills, this vision
is impossible. Thus, this vision is being postponed until the year 1999
Vision 2000 Number 4: Not discussed.
Vision 2000 Number 5:
Not discussed
Vision 2000 Number 6:
Eche is working on attaining the 510C.3 status.
Vision 2000 Number 7*
Not discussed.
Vision 2000 Number 8.
Not discussed.
Vision 2000 Number 9'
Not discussed.
Vision 2000 Number 10: Heidi and Melissa discussed issues surrounding this Vision. Heidi
said that the City of Allen paid a large sum to have this area -wide study done on Bike and Nature Trails
existing in Collin County and that there is a deadline that needs to be met. Otherwise, this is lost
cause. Further. Heidi stated that there was an Allen City Council representative working on following
r the progress. Melissa stated that she did not know the status and was unaware of the assigned
! representative's identity
Vision 2000 Number 11. Not discussed
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Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
June 16, 1998
Vision 2000 Number 12: Phil plans to research the process that cities follow to set utility poles
as opposed to underground lines.
Vision 2000 Number 13: Not discussed
The board also moves to add another Vision 2000, hereafter referred to as Vision 2000
Number 14, that would implement Light Pole Banners.
Further, the board wishes to change Vision 2000 Number 6 to Goal 1998.
Lastly, the group discussed the Keep Texas Beautiful conference in Houston in July Audrey
will ask George if there are any available funds to send board members to the conference. Pat, Heidi,
and possibly Sandy are interested in attending. Heidi will ask Andrea, of Plano, for the brochure in
order to find out more information (registration and conference fees). Melissa said that she could not
attend this year and that last year she paid her own way There was no money budgeted for her to go
to state, but there is for national. Audrey will get back with Phil and the others as soon as she finds
out anything.
Adjourn (Agenda -Item VI)
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
These minutes were approved on July 21, 1998.
Patricia Buckley, Secretary PhBlip Lakin, Chair
Setting Goals and Objectives for 1998
1. Recycling Bins for all city parks.
1. Membership Drive.
Pat and Heidi
AB Board Members
2. Building for our future please pardon our
2. Committee Structure.
mess signs at entrances of street construction.
Not discussed
Phil and George
3. Gardening project at compost facility
3. Utility Bill Pledges.
Until 1999
4. Theme for our City
4. Information for Schools in Allen.
Not discumed
5. Information on Parks.
5. Keep America Beautiful Affiliate.
Being Researched
6. Annual Trash -Off, Spring Fest and Earth Fest
6. 501c.3 Status.
Complete; Earthfest in November
Edie McMillion - Completed - In process
7 Ladybugs, worms and insect population.
7. Promotional Video.
Pat and Heidi
Not discussed
8. Financial Sponsorship.
8. Public Relations.
Phil and Melissa
Not discussed
9. Award Programs.
9. Nature Objectives:
Sandy, Phil, Melissa, and Grace
A. Native Plants B. Wildflowers
Not discussed
10. Who in the business community is actively
10. Bike and Nature Trails.
Not discussed—Need more information on who
Sandy, Phil, Melissa, and Grace
is in charge of the study.
11. Beautification of the entrances to our city will
11. Adopt -a -Spot areas.
need to consult with Parks Department.
Not discussed
12. Public Relations Packet (KABCorp.)
12. Utility Poles.
Phil, Grace, Melissa
13. Massive Promotional Campaign.
Under Review
14. Light Pole Banners
All Board Members