HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 1998 - 09/15 - Special CalledMINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD SPECIAL CALLED WORKSHOP MEETING ALLEN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ONE BUTLER CIRCLE SEPTEMBER 15, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. KABB Members Present Lonnie Simmons Phil Lakin Grace Kerr Pat Buckley Staff Present Edie McMillion Audrey Smyth Call to Order (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. on Tuesday, September 15, 1998, at the Allen City Hall Break Room, One Butler Circle. Approve the Minutes of the August 18, 1998 Meeting (Agenda Item II) A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the August 18, 1998, meeting. The Board voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed; all minutes were approved. Katherine Poteet to discuss Vision 7000 Goal No. 1 Membership Drive (Agenda Item III) Phil did an overview of the KABB and introduced Katherine Poteet, Public Information Officer for the City of Allen. Katherine was in attendance at the meeting in order to give suggestions of various ways that the KABB can get "the word out" about the board and what goals the board has set to accomplish. Some of the goals that were discussed are: 1. Grocery store donations 2. Education campaign to inform the community about the board and thew goals 3. Information Flyer 4. Contact Homeowners' Associations and area businesses for contributions for projects 5. Allen American - Do a series of articles on what we are, what we are trying to do, & maybe some recruitment data. Katherine will make initial calls to Jeff Ball, the editor at the Allen American, and Clay Zigler, the section editor for the Plano section. 6. Use the Internet to provide information via E-mail and a web page 7 Contact other civic clubs in the area (Rotary, Lions Club, etc.) 8. Making a video that gives an overview of the KABB, as well as archiving projects that the board has done or will do in the future 9 Sandy was nominated and elected as the KABB Historian Page 2 Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting September 15. 1998 Tim Denner, Superintendent of Parks & Recreation to address (Agenda Item M Median Improvements on McDernwtt/75 & Bethany/75 Tim Demler discussed the entry medians in the city and what aesthetics our streets offer 1. Streets are the entry -way to the city which establish character and identity of the community 2. What physical elements do streets offer a. provide circulation for traffic to get you to a specific destination b. create boundaries for geographic areas c. offers trail linkage to greenbelt and parks Tim showed photographs/examples of streets and medians to show us some possibilities. Tim mentioned the possibility of doing linking by trails and explained the differences between medians and parkways. Planning streetscapes is one of the items the Parks Department finds very important in planning and identifying where medians and parkways impact the residential areas. Some of the items to be decided are: • do we want all areas to be the same • do you treat all residential areas the same • do you treat commercial areas the same • do you treat thoroughfares different from collectors do you treat your freeway differently the last item is planning the streetscape as a development and if so what obstacles will it present When planning the streetscape we need to keep several things in mind landscaping, placement of plant material, native plants and using efficient irrigation. Tim referred to the irrigation program that the city is using at Allen Station Park. The Board told Tim that they wanted to do the median projects. He thinks that the two projects at McDermon/75 and Bethany/75 would be fine for the Board to accomplish but for long range plans he thinks we should develop a program along with the Parks Board to plan landscape design for the entire city He says we need to have a landscape development plan to address all issues such as landscaping, irrigation, etc. for every median and every entry way to the City of Allen. Tim then discussed what symbolizes an entry Tim mentioned David Ball, who is a landscape architect who also does landscape an. We will be talking to David to see if he could possibly help us with this program and maybe get him to come to our next meeting. Tim said that there is a possibility of putting a bond package together to fund some of the future median and landscaping projects. Tim discussed the parcel of land on Ashford Ct. he told the Board that he just completed the Mustang Branch development study. He advised that the plan had been presented to the Parks Board and he had received positive comments. He will bring the development plan and maintenance plan to am next meeting. Tim was asked if Lonnie Simmons could be allowed to take care of the strip of land at Rivercrest Blvd. and Roaring Springs. Tim said that that would be fine with him. Lonnie will be taking care of this strip. While discussing strips of land we ask Tim about the possibility of adding parks to our Adopt -a -Spot program. He said that he would get with Don Horton and Parks Board to get their input and discuss what rules and regulations would be required to do this program. I gave Tim a copy of the contracts that Lonnie did to adopt parks. I 11 0 Page 3 Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting September 15, 1998 We all discussed the projects on Bethany and McDermott Medians at the US75 entrances. Tim will be developing the plan and will get with Edie to plan costs, supplies and set up a workday We will also see if we can possibly do some planting at the Fina station where grass needs to be redone. Corporate Charter Update (Agenda Item V) Phil gave the update on the Corporate Chatter for the Board. It has been sem to the State of Texas Comptroller. Monument Sips Discussion (Agenda Item VI) Phil said that the Sign Ordinance did pass. RABB Signage (Agenda Item VII) Phil advised that the "Mess Signs" were all out. He requested that if we see any knocked down to let him know If you see any areas where we needed signs to call him Update on Compost Facility (Agenda Item VIM The Compost Facility needs to be weeded and cleaned. Lonnie checked the facility and said it wasn't to bad maybe around 3 hours of work. Tim will be getting the materials and doing the labor for the irrigation system. The Board will pay for the materials. Proposed cost will be $488.00. Miscellaneous (Agenda Item IX) No comments at this time. A 'ourn (Agenda Item XII) The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. These minutes were approved on October 20, 1998. iin�/ �.. lse {�".L1-� 1 Patricia Buckley, S creUry I Phillip Lakin, Chair