HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 1998 - 10/20 - RegularI A MINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD ALLEN CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM ONE BUTLER CIRCLE OCTOBER 20, 1998 - 7:00 P.M. KABB Members Present Lonnie Simmons Phil Lakin Pat Buckley Melissa Owen Brent Horak Staff Present Edie McMillion Audrey Smyth Call to Order (Agenda Item 1) With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 1998, at the Allen City Hall Conference Room, One Butler Uncle. Introduction of Brent Horak-Place No. 2 (Agenda Item II) Brent introduced himself to the Board. Told us his wife Michelle was a school Teacher at Green Elementary and they are going to have a new baby boy thew first. Approve the Minutes of the September 15. 1998 Meeting (Agenda Item III) A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 15. 1998. meeting The Board voted four (5) for and none (0) opposed; the minutes were approved. Election of Officers. (Agenda Item IV) This item was tabled until the next meeting Tim Deader Update on Median Projects (Agenda Item V) Tim had a drawing of what he would like to do at the McDermott/75 entrance median. The Board agreed to start the project on the weekend of November 14 and 15. The site will be prepared on Saturday after Texas Recycles Day event. On Sunday the 15, we will start and hopefully, finish this project. I Page 2 Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting October 20. 1998 Tim also discussed the Capital Improvement Program and the fact that the Parks Department is going to request $650,000 from the next Bond election. This election will be held in the summer of 1999. This money will be earmarked for median projects. In regards to the Capital Improvement Program, Tim told the Board that the city is going to form subcommittees to help with the planning process of the Bond Program. He told the Board that they should get involved in the subcommittees to have input and to see how the process works. Letters will be going out to all Board and Commission members in the next few weeks. The letter will include a form to fill out if you want to be on a subcommittee. Elect Chair for November 14, Texas/America Recycles Day Event (Agenda Item VI) The Chau for the event is Pat Buckley Elect a Board Member to Pre Retdster Por November 14 (Agenda Item VII) Lonnie Simmons will do the pre registration. Miscellaneous (Agenda Item VIII) Roster was updated. Lonnie did some work at compost facility and said it would be fine for awhile. Our thanks to Lonnie. Adjourn Agenda Item IX The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. These minutes were approved on November 17, 1998. Patricia Buckley, Secretary Phillip Laakiin, Ch�' Chair '