HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 1997 - 07/28 - RegularStaff Present
Edie McMillion
Audrey Smyth
Call to Order
(Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Board Members present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was called to
order at 7:05 p.m. on Monday, July 28, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library,
Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Board and Staff Introduction
Introductions were made.
Name Temporary Chau•
(Agenda Item ID
(Agenda Item IID
A motion was made and second to have Phillip Lakin be the Temporary Chair for the First
Meeting of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board.
Keep Texas Beautiful Conference (Agenda Item IV)
Melissa Owen gave the Board her report on the Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) Conference that
she attended the end of June. Melissa said that she received several ideas on beautification efforts from
many different programs such as adopting neighborhoods and private areas for cleanup events. She
brought home an abundance of literature on special programs, events and fund raisers. They gave her
data on Coordinator Training that she will give to Edie McMillion. Hopefully, by next year Staff will
be able to be Certified as Coordinators. Melissa will give us more information after we have received
our Keep Texas Beautiful Training in September.
While at the KTB Conference Melissa made a lot of contacts with Keep America Beautiful
(KAB) officials and has received a packet for KAB so that we can become a KAB City This program
is rather expensive, but she feels that this is something that needs to be done. After looking at budgets
we will see how soon this goal can be met. We are already a Keep Texas Beautiful City Melissa also
wants us to become a Clean Texas 2000 Community and join other organizations that will help us in
the process of applying for Grant monies.
JULY 28, 1997 - 7:00 P.M.
KABB Members Present
Sandy Sanders
Heidi Smalley
Beverly Wonham
Patricia Buckley
Lonnie Simmons
Melissa Owen
Phillip Lakin
Staff Present
Edie McMillion
Audrey Smyth
Call to Order
(Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Board Members present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was called to
order at 7:05 p.m. on Monday, July 28, 1997, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Public Library,
Two Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
Board and Staff Introduction
Introductions were made.
Name Temporary Chau•
(Agenda Item ID
(Agenda Item IID
A motion was made and second to have Phillip Lakin be the Temporary Chair for the First
Meeting of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board.
Keep Texas Beautiful Conference (Agenda Item IV)
Melissa Owen gave the Board her report on the Keep Texas Beautiful (KTB) Conference that
she attended the end of June. Melissa said that she received several ideas on beautification efforts from
many different programs such as adopting neighborhoods and private areas for cleanup events. She
brought home an abundance of literature on special programs, events and fund raisers. They gave her
data on Coordinator Training that she will give to Edie McMillion. Hopefully, by next year Staff will
be able to be Certified as Coordinators. Melissa will give us more information after we have received
our Keep Texas Beautiful Training in September.
While at the KTB Conference Melissa made a lot of contacts with Keep America Beautiful
(KAB) officials and has received a packet for KAB so that we can become a KAB City This program
is rather expensive, but she feels that this is something that needs to be done. After looking at budgets
we will see how soon this goal can be met. We are already a Keep Texas Beautiful City Melissa also
wants us to become a Clean Texas 2000 Community and join other organizations that will help us in
the process of applying for Grant monies.
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Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
July 28, 1997
1 Review/Adopt Board By Laws
(Agenda Item V)
Edie McMillion advised the Board that before they could adopt the By Laws they needed to set
their meeting date for each month. Upon a motion made by Heidi Smalley and second by Lonnie
Simmons, the Board voted (7) for and none (0) against that the KAB Board will have their monthly
meetings on the Third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, Allen Public
Library, Two Allen Civic Plaza.
Temporary Chair Phillip Lakin ask the Board if they had reviewed the By Laws. The By Laws
were taken from the City of Plano's Keep Plano Beautiful By Laws and the Council should approve the
By Laws once they are presented to them for consideration. Phillip had a question about Section IV
Item I- Tenure saying that the terms of office will be for two years. Phillip wanted to know if the By
Laws should be changed to reflect the fact that some of the members in actuality will be only serving a
one year term, because of the staggered terms. Melissa Owen said that this should not make a
difference and she will check with the City Secretary Judy Morrison to be sure. Melissa also stated
that she thinks the staggered terms are addressed in the City of Allen Charter. Melissa likes the
statement in Article III Section -5 on Time Duration that the meetings should last no longer than two
A motion was made and second that the By Laws be approved the Board voted seven (7) for
and (0) none opposed to approve the Keep Allen Beautiful Board By Laws.
Discuss Texas Recycles Day Event SAgenda Item VI)
Edie McMillion advised the Board that in the last (5) years cities in Texas have observed
November 15, of each year as "TEXAS RECYCLES DAY" Some of the special events that are done
in these cities are Trash -Offs, Earth Fest, Backyard Compost Sites demos and it is a great time to get
the residents out to clean-up their city and learn more about the environment. Edie thinks that this
should be the first big project for the KAB Board. She also stated this is the first year that the United
States has jumped on the band wagon for this event and it is now officially called "America Recycles
Day" She hopes that we can start this year off by celebrating this day with the rest of America. Edie
and Heidi explained to the Board that in April of 1996, they had worked together to have an Earth Fest
with the April Trash -Off, but that it was a huge job and they did not attempt it in April of 1997 This
would be a great day to let the citizens of Allen know that the Board is here and that we need their help
to Keep Allen Beautiful. Heidi Smalley said that it would be a good idea to start early and be done by
at the latest 1-2 p.m. We usually coordinate with the AISD to get the school students out to help us
clean up. The students are the best workers and work very hard. It would be beneficial to get all the
local organizations involved in this project. We can have the Recycles Day at any City facility that the
Board might choose. She also said we need to start planning early to get vendors out to support us.
Melissa Owen said that at the KTB conference they encouraged all cities to participate in this day
Let's put on our thinking caps to come up with a good program and also work on getting funding.
Melissa will bring some fund raising ideas to the next meeting.
Melissa went on to say that eventually this Board and their program will have to become self
sufficient. Most of the programs in the state start out supported by the City and they also have office
space and sometimes partial personnel funding. The Board will have to raise money through pledges
and different funding programs to become self supporting. It was absolutely recommended that this
Board consider incorporating and getting 501.c (3) status People who give us donations need for us to
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Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
July 28, 1997
have this status if they will be giving money to the Board. There are all kinds of things that we can do
for Texas Recycles day Edie will try and find money for November 15. We may have to solicit funds
from the local corporations to help with other activities At our next meeting we will have an attorney
come to speak to us about 501.c (3) status.
A motion was made and second that the Board celebrate "Texas/America Recycles Day' on
November 15. 1997 the Board voted seven (7) for and (0) none opposed to celebrate "Texas/America
Recycles Day "
Discuss Duties and Goals of Board (Agenda Item VII)
The duties are spelled out for us in Article I Section 3. Melissa Owen told the Board that as
members of a City Board they each represent Citizens, Council and the Staff. This is a very important
part of their jobs. When representing the community you represent lots of people with different views.
Melissa Owen would also like to see us in two years take the "Keep Texas Beautiful Governors
Award." Edie will try to have criteria for the Board to review Melissa has done the "Texas 2000"
application before and we will get started as soon as possible. Heidi Smalley would like the Board to
approach the business, builders, developers, etc. to get them to keep their areas clean and beautiful.
We could do an article in the paper and present them with an award. The Police Department would
like to address material loss with the builders. A hot-line was also discussed so that residents can call
in when they see an unsightly area. Melissa said that at this time there are not any lines available but
she will check with Jon McCarty, City Manager. E -Mail is not available at this time in the city
Phillip Lakin will check to see if he might be able to let us access E -Mail at his business. Make notes
of your individual ideas and bring them to our next meeting. Some items mentioned were a Community
Fund Drive, using City Utility Bills for information and funding use.
Discuss Role City Staff will Have with Board lAgenda Item VIII)
Edie McMillion told the Board about the Staff Committee that is in place to help the Board
work to make their goals. She explained that there is a representative from each department in the City
that is willing to work with the Board.
Edie told the Board that if you have something to go on the Agenda please get to her by the
second Tuesday of the month.
Audrey Smyth explained to the Board her job duties in helping to keep our city clean.
Set a Monthly Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meetine Day and Time (Agenda Item IX)
This Item was covered in Item V
Set a Saturday in September for Keep Allen Beautiful/Texas Trainine (Agenda Item X)
Cecile Carson is the Keep Texas/America Coordinator for our area and she has already given
Edie the dates she has open. The Training will last approximately three hours on a Saturday from 8:00
a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Saturday September 13, 1997, seems like the best date. City Staff will be ask to
attend this training if at all possible.
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Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
July 28, 1997
A motion was made and second that the Board have their Keep America and Keep Texas
Beautiful training on September 13, 1997, at 8:00 a.m. the Board voted seven (7) for and (0) none
(Agenda Item XI)
Lonnie Simmons wants Audrey Smyth to be Staff Support for this Board. We will be
coordinating with the schools to work on projects during the year. Would it be possible to get an area
in the Library to pick up environmental data from the Library? Melissa Owen will check with the
Services Subcommittee to see if we can use the Library The Board is invited to attend the next
meeting of the Keep Allen Beautiful Staff Committee which will be held on Tuesday August 19, 1997,
at 9:00 a.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, One Butler Circle.
Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.
(Agenda Item XII
Thes i tes were aproved on the 19th day of August 1997
die McMillion, Custom Service Coordinator Phillip Lakin, Temp Chair