HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 1997 - 12/09 - RegularKABB Members Present
Beverly Wortham
Sandy Sanders
Heidi Smalley
Lonnie Simmons
Phil Lakin
Staff Present
George Conner
Audrey Smyth
Call to Order (Aeenda Item I)
With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was called to order
at 7:33 p.m., on Tuesday, December 9, 1997, in the Conference Room at City Hall, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Wrap UD on 1997 Texas Recycles Day (City Wide Clean Up and Earthiest)
(Aeenda Item II)
The Chairman of the Board thanked the Chairman of the City Wide Clean Up and
Earthfest for a very successful event on November 15, 1997 The Chairman of the Board
presented the Public Works Director with three (3) $100.00 checks from Darling,
Weekley and Goodman Homes in support of this event. A check has been received from
Denton County Electric Cooperative for $255.00, to pay for the small vehicle trash bags
that were passed out at Eanhfest. A board member turned in a packing list from
Shumsky Enterprises for the small garbage bags.
A discussion was held on putting the general "Thank -You" ad in the Allen American.
The advertising chairman is going to call the paper and inquire on the price of a full page
ad and a half page ad, as well as putting pictures in with the ad. Vendors and supporters
were going to be listed in the ad starting at the top with those who gave $200 to $350,
$100 to $199, $50 to $99, $25 to $49 and below $25.00. Personal thank you notes have
been mailed except for Dr. Pepper, Denton County Electric Cooperative, the Allen
American and the Ford Middle School kids group.
The "suggestion box" had a few messages in it and all were positive except one Pictures
of the opening of the compost facility, the clean up and Earthfest were viewed by all
board and staff members. The City Staff members reported that 16,000 pounds or 7 7
tons of garbage was collected for the clean up event.
DECEMBER 9, 1997
KABB Members Present
Beverly Wortham
Sandy Sanders
Heidi Smalley
Lonnie Simmons
Phil Lakin
Staff Present
George Conner
Audrey Smyth
Call to Order (Aeenda Item I)
With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was called to order
at 7:33 p.m., on Tuesday, December 9, 1997, in the Conference Room at City Hall, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Wrap UD on 1997 Texas Recycles Day (City Wide Clean Up and Earthiest)
(Aeenda Item II)
The Chairman of the Board thanked the Chairman of the City Wide Clean Up and
Earthfest for a very successful event on November 15, 1997 The Chairman of the Board
presented the Public Works Director with three (3) $100.00 checks from Darling,
Weekley and Goodman Homes in support of this event. A check has been received from
Denton County Electric Cooperative for $255.00, to pay for the small vehicle trash bags
that were passed out at Eanhfest. A board member turned in a packing list from
Shumsky Enterprises for the small garbage bags.
A discussion was held on putting the general "Thank -You" ad in the Allen American.
The advertising chairman is going to call the paper and inquire on the price of a full page
ad and a half page ad, as well as putting pictures in with the ad. Vendors and supporters
were going to be listed in the ad starting at the top with those who gave $200 to $350,
$100 to $199, $50 to $99, $25 to $49 and below $25.00. Personal thank you notes have
been mailed except for Dr. Pepper, Denton County Electric Cooperative, the Allen
American and the Ford Middle School kids group.
The "suggestion box" had a few messages in it and all were positive except one Pictures
of the opening of the compost facility, the clean up and Earthfest were viewed by all
board and staff members. The City Staff members reported that 16,000 pounds or 7 7
tons of garbage was collected for the clean up event.
Page 2
Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
December 9, 1997
The April Allen Trash -Off will be held at Ford Park on April 18, 1998. The Board wants
the City Staff members to reserve the Park on April 18'"., for the Trash Off. One of the
board members suggested that we hold the second Trash -Off on October 24'"., (National
Make A Difference Day) and hold the Earthfest on the Saturday in November closest to
November 15'"., Texas Recycles Day
A board member reported to the other members about the TV show, Nickelodeon, that
does the event called the "Big Help" where they solicit children to call in and make
pledges on how many hours they will donate in doing some project for their communities.
This is also going to be held during Earth Week in April and what the TV show is going
to do is send out television crews all over the nation to different cities to film their
projects depending on the involvement of the community. This is just one suggestion
that would help us get exposure and help with applying for grants.
The Public Works Director reported to the board about the road contractor, The Zachary
Company, demolished and removed old homes and abandoned buildings for Texas
Recycles Day for the City of McKinney
Meetine Schedule for the First Four Months of 1998
All meetings for the first four (4) months of 1998, will be at 7:00 p.m., on Tuesdays
January 20ih, February 17'h, March W, and April 14"
Miscellaneous (Aeenda Item IV)
Discussion was held on landscaping and lighting west McDermott and making west
McDermott a monument to Eugene McDermott since the street was named after him.
The Public Works Director informed the board about the zoning ordinance on street
lighting within the city One board member suggested planting different trees in each
medium that would show off fall colors.
Discussion was also held on the potential new sign ordinance where all commercial
businesses will only be allowed to have monument signs. All board members present
voted 'yes" to promote and support the monument sign ordinance. The board asked the
staff support members to find out what they can do to help get this ordinance passed.
Page 3
Keep Allen Beautiful Board Meeting
December 9, 1997
Discussion was held on burying power lines on major thoroughfares and landscaping
Exchange, Main Street (FM2170) East, and Greenville Ave. (Hwy 5).
One board member questioned the Public Works Director as to why Allen is not
receiving compost material at the new compost facility and also how the schools can get
educational materials from the City garbage collector contractor (CWD).
One board member asked the Public Works Director if the group could clean out the
under brush on the tree line on City park property at Ford Park across from Ford Middle
School to keep the kids from congregating there to smoke and hang out. The Public
Works Director said he did not have any problem with this and that he or we could get
with the Parks and Recreation Director.
(Aeenda Item V)
Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. These minutes were approved on the 2V day of
January, 1998.
Patricia Buckley, ecreta y
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