HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2009 - 02/17 - RegularMINUTES
FEBRUARY 17, 2009 - 6:30 P.M.
ALLEN, TX 75013
Pat Buckley
Jason Shepard
Beverly Pruitt
Stacy Gonzales
Trent Armstrong
David Buchanan
Kerry Craven
Staff Present
Joey Herald, City Council Member
Donna Kliewer, Waste Services Manager
1. Call to order and announce a quorum is Present
With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Stacy
Gonzales at 6:33 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 2009, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 305
Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
2. Introduction of Guests
Denise Webre, Wesley Webre, Lars Erickson
3. Presentation of proposal for "Vaughn Community Cleanud' by Eagle Scout Candidate, Wesley
Webre, Troop 79
Wesley Webre presented his Eagle Scout project to the KAB board for possible funding. His project
included: repairs of the storm drain near Cottonwood Meadows, lengthening the Vaughn wildflower meadow
upright fence, litter collection along Bethany & Chaparral Vaughn PTA will donate some supplies, Wesley
requested KAB's assistance with the rest. A supply list was included in his information.
MOTION: David Buchanan made a motion to support the Eagle Scout project presented by Wesley Webre
with a grant of up to $100. Beverly Pruitt seconded the motion; motion passed with all in favor.
4. Approve minutes of January 20, 2009 meeting
MOTION: Pat Buckley moved that the January 20 minutes be approved as amended; seconded by David
Buchanan and motion passed with all in favor.
5. Receive Financial Report/Budget Update
Donna Kliewer reported that the City KAB account balance is $9500.94 and the American National Bank
account balance is $18.555.08.
6. Receive reports from Strategic Planning initiatives
a. Communication
Trent - sent upcoming events list to Mark and discussed filming spots for KAB public education.
Discussion of asking horticulturist "Native Dave" to film education segments for SmartScape
seminar promotions. Discussion of HOA newsletters receiving environmental tips to publish.
b. Environmental Center
Pat —Environmental Center surveys were distributed to board members with updates from their
favorite centers requested.
c. Environmental education in AND
Stacy — survey of schools for the Waste Works Award grants to promote more involvement:
discussion of recycling at Allen Sports Association sports events.
it. Parks and Recreation Liaison
Bev — Feb. 9 Parks Board meeting; discussion of volunteer opportunities with Parks, indoor soccer
field & small neighborhood park to be built at Hillside Balltields, JFRC renovation, Ford Pool
renovation and various small projects.
7. Discussion of NCTCOG MFC and Reuse a Bae grants and education opportunities
Donna — Discussion of counts of people using reusable bags during the giveaway event, Reuse -a -Bag
giveaway on March I I from 9 — I lam by Scouts and other volunteers; discussion of the use of banners and
which grocers will participate.
8. Receive update on KAB Events and Projects
a. GCAA & business submissions - were sent to KTB on Feb 10 & 17
b. Trees for Allen — ended Feb 13
c. Arbor Day — March 7 from 9am — 12noon
MOTION: Bev moved to spend $300 for bubblers at the Arbor Day Celebration neighborhood park
to keep the newly planted trees watered. Pat seconded the motion; the motion passed with all in
MOTION: Trent made a motion to purchase t -shirts for the Arbor Day celebration; Bev seconded
the motion; the motion passed with all in favor.
d. Seeding a Healthy Community — Watters Creek, April 4 from 8am — 4pm; board members will
need to stagger volunteer time at the KAB booth
e. ANurtured World—April 14
Donna will send Trent the City of Allen script requirements.
E Live Green Expo — April 18
Board members will need to stagger volunteer time at the KAB booth.
g. Great American Cleanup—April 25
h. KTB Youth Awards—due April 28
9. Discussion of Keep Texas Beautiful Youth Awards
Boone Elementary will be a submission for their Environmental Club. Trent will write the Eagle Scout
nomination. Discussion of youth participation in the USA Celebration zero waste event.
The regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was adjourned at 8:45pm on Tuesday, February 17,
Donna Kliewer, ATTEST
Chair, Kerry Craven