HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2009 - 07/21 - RegularMINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD REGULAR MEETING JULY 21, 2009 - 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM 305 CENTURY PARKWAY ALLEN, TX 75013 Present Pat Buckley Stacy Gonzales Mardv Brown Beverly Pruitt Kerry Craeen Absent David Buchanan Staff Present Donna Kliewer, Waste Sere ices Manager Denise Moore, Urban Forester Jeff McGregor, City Council Member Joey Herald, City Council Member Amanda Mattle. Waste Services Education Specialist Call to order and announce a quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called to order by Chair Kerry Craven at 6:33 p.m on I uesday, July 21, 2009, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. 1. Approve minutes of.fune 16 meeting Amended item db. MOTION: Stag Gonzales made a motion to approve the June 16,'_'009 minutes as amended. Mandy Brown seconded the motion, and with all in favor, the motion carried. 2. Update from Parks Dept. on Horticulture and Environmental Programs — Denise Moore Denise Moore reported that there is a problem with local soapberry trees being attacked by borers Allen is part of a study with the Texas Forest Service to combat the problem with injections. Parks Department is otherwise occupied with watering, preventative maintenance, plans to plant fall perennials, and general *housekeeping.' 3. Receive undate on IUB Events and Proiects a. USA Celebration —AAR Pat Buckley and Donna Khewer — In comparing trash to recycling and composting after the event, it was found that most "trash" belonged in recycling and composting containers. The event overall was well- received and went smoothly More publicity is needed in future to educate citizens prior to the event to bring it closer to zero -waste. Parks Dept. is discussing permanent recycle containers for Celebration Park to place next to existing trash containers. b. CNclonc Electronics Collection at Cite Hall —August 8 Cyclone will pick up computers and computer accessories; no televisions. No KAB board members are needed as Cite staff and volunteers will be present. c. Educator Expo — September 17 0, I P Expo booklet is in progress. Expo will be held at new AISD Administration Building. KAB Board members have a goal of five donations each Parks Department will donate a Trees for Allen tree for giveaway Invitations to City and AND dignitaries will be sent d. Allen Recycles Dav— November 7 First -Shred will perform document destruction this year. Discussed traffic flow through City Hall parking lot to prevent backup Stacy Gonzales said that Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market will donate snacks — need to notify NialMan two weeks in advance. Volunteers will conduct cleanups/beautification projects cin -wide in conjunction with this event e. Rotary Holidav Parade — December 6 Possibly include CWD 'Green Event' gator. Recycled An contest winners will again be invited to walk with KAB and CWD. f. Seeding a Healthv Community— April 10, 2010 Date is set, location is under discussion g ANurtured World — Reschedule^ Discussion of possible link to the Seeding a Healthv Community festival 4. Receive Financial ReportBudeet Update Donna Kliewer reported that the City KAB account balance is $255.83 and the American National Bank account balance is $20,662.54. 5. Receive reports from Strategic Planning initiatives a Communication Kern Craven — still doing daily eco -tips via email, will collaborate with Amanda Mattle by Aug 15 on tips Gom the Green Team to be included in C'in of Allen newsletter b. Em ironmental Center Pat Bucklev — nothing new to report. c. Environmental Education in AISD Stacy Gonzales: there is a new AND contact, as David Vroonland is no longer there No response has been received to date it Parks and Recreation Liaison Mardy Brown and Beverly Pruitt, Next Parks Board meeting is Aug 9, Mardy will attend. Bev suggested positive feedback to Parks and Recreation for facilitating effective communication with KAB and CWD about the set-up and zero waste efforts of the Allen t ISA event. 6. Discuss submission of next Year's KTB awards (due in February and April) Stacy Gonzales suggested nominating 'Aral -Man Neighborhood Market as a business for their community and school actio hies Board should think about Scouts, environmental clubs, etc. for nomination. Discussed City of Allen Honorable Mention Government Award. CWD nominated Pat Buckley for State of Texas Alliance for Recycling (STAR) outreach and education, she was awarded first place Adjourn The regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was adjourned at 7.22 p.m. on Tuesday, July 21, 2009 ATTEST Donna Kliewcr. ATTEST APPROVED s / Chair, Kerry Craven