HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2009 - 10/20 - RegularMINUTES
OCTOBER 20, 2009 - 6:30 P.M.
ALLEN, TX 75013
Stacy Gonzales
John Ogrizov ich
Carolyn Winkler
David Buchanan
Mardy Brown
Kerry Crasen
Beverly Pruitt
Staff Present
Stele Masse}, Community Services Director
Donna Kliewer, Waste Sen ices Manager
Joey Herald, City Council Member
Amanda Mottle, Education Specialist
1 Call to order and announce a quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Stacy
Gonzales at 6.35 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 2009, in the First Floor Engineering Large Conference Room at
City Hall, 305 Centun Parkway, Allen, TX.
L Conduct Election of Officers
David Buchanan nominated Staev Gonzales for Chair and Mardy Brown seconded the nomination.
Bes erh Pruitt was nominated by Mardy Brown for Vice Chair. David seconded Mardy's nomination of
Beverly Pruitt All were in favor of both nominations.
2. Approve minutes of May 19 and August 18 meetings
MOTION: Mardy Brown made a motion to approve the meeting minutes for May 19 and August 18 as
they stand. The motion was seconded bs John Ogrizovich and carried with all in favor
3. Welcome to new members
Carolyn Winkler and John Ogrizovich were officialb, welcomed bN all present Introductions were made
all around.
J. KAB annual activities list
Keep Allen Beautiful is a very active board. Participation is not mandatory for every event, but
participation in the annual Great American Cleanup and Allen Recycles Day is preferred There are paid
Cii) volunteers for large esents to take care of hard labor
5. Update from Parks Dept. on Horticullure and Environmental Programs
Donna reported that about six tons of debris had been collected from storms, etc in parks. The Parks
Dept plans to put fall color out. Mardy asked about the injections for tree disease that was mentioned in
the July meeting, but no information was available.
6. Receive update on KAB Events and Projects
a. Educator Expo—AA
We had a good turnout for bad weather There were 150 attendees, a big increase since the first
annual event. Everyone real] enjoyed the prizes and information. We don't know if it will still
be at the AISD Administration Building next year That venue can't be booked until January 1,
2010, but we do have a request in Dr. Helvey opening was a good draw for teacher attendance.
The massage therapist stayed busy
Recv,led Art Contest — October
The contest is happening now and the deadline is coming soon Entries will be displayed In the
rotunda for a week to be %oted on. Volunteers are needed to present awards with Mayor Terrell
and/or City Council members at the awards ceremony on Allen Recycles Day
Allen Recvcles Day — November 7
This is a very busy day so volunteers are needed. We discussed incorporating a prescription drug
collection, but there are difficulties with state agencies that prevent it. The flow of traffic on the
day of the event will be mostly one-way to help avoid backup The event has been advertised in
numerous places around the city, in print, and online, including the Texas Recycles Dav site,
KLAK's wrbsite, Allen Senior Center, and in the water bill. Walmart Neighborhood Markel
will donate water and snacks for 150 people, per Stacy
National Arbor Day Poster Contest — November
This contest is also going on now Winners will be honored at school, a City Council meeting,
and the Arbor Day Celebration in March
CWD Can Audit — November
This is an annual event in which the residences with more than one cart are counted. This is done
to account for carts that are not being charged for It is recommended that residents put their
address on their carts to assist in this process City and Keep Allen Beautiful Staff can volunteer
The city is divided into four sections and one each is done in January, February, March, and
Rotary Holiday Parade — December 6
The Recycled Art Contest ik inners walk with Keep Allen Beautiful and hand out giveaways.
Commumty Waste Disposal said we can use their'gueen event gator' to hold shirts to be given
Boards and Commissions Dinner— December I I
This event is usually held at the Senior Center Keep Allen Beautiful members will receive an
invitation The Allen High School choir sings every year and last Near Mayor Terrell dressed as a
Trees for Allen — sale January through mid-February
An announcement will go out with an order form in resident water bills. This is a money -raising
opportunity for Keep Allen Beautiful — the trees are sold for $35 each, resulting in approximately
$5-$7 in profit on each. People purchasing trees can either take them or donate them to be
planted by the City
KTB lndtvidual Awards—due February
Some ideas for nominations. Walmart Neighborhood Market. Wesley Webre, court teens, Sue
Kacines. Keep Allen Beautiful usualh submits at least one entry in each category. The
Governer's Community Achievement Award is done by TXDoT and is a prize d$2 million split
between seven categories. The Keep Texas Beautiful Conference is in San Antonio this Near.
This conference gives good information on Keep Texas Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful
and is usually attended by Donna and two to three board members
Arbor Day — March 7
This is a Parks & Recreation Dept. event and will be run by Denise Moore It will be held at
Story Park. Keep Allen Beautiful supports this event as a group
Seeding a Healthy Commun ty — Anr'I 10 2010
This is an event to help Allen be more environmentally friendly and residents to be more healthy
and 'green ' It will be held at Walters Creek again Part of the funds spent at the Live Green
Expo in Plano last year have been redirected to this Allen event
ANurtured World — TBD
We are considering pairing this event with Seeding a Healthy Community Keep Allen Beautiful
saw this presentation at a Keep Texas Beautiful Conference and wanted to bring it to Allen.
Unfortunately, there was not enough response, so the event was postponed. This event will
probably be held at the library auditorium. It outlines simple things to do at home to be more
efficient and reduce the ecological footprint.
7. Receive Financial Report/Budget Update
Donna reported $23,280 in the City fund and $20,184.44 in the American National Bank account.
Increasing the budget in coming years was discussed
MOTION: David Buchanan made a motion to accept the financial report. This motion was seconded by
Mardv and carred with all in favor.
Receive reports from Strateeic Planning initiatives
a Communication
Kerry sends daily emads and Amanda posts the tips from the emails and updates about events on
Twitter com This initiative is open to new board members.
b Environmental Center
Nothing to report on the Environmental Center
c Environmental Education in AND
Stacy scheduled a meeting with Dase Vroonland's replacement for a time when Pat Buckley was
in town. Steve mentioned the Texas Scholar's Program Carolyn is interested to working on this
initiative. Steve suggested discussing school recycling programs with Carolyn.
d Parks and Recreation Liaison
Beverly Pruitt will attend November's Parks & Recreation meeting Parks has submitted a grant
to the North Texas Council of Governments for recycling in Celebration Park
9. Discuss submission of next year's KTB awards (due in February and April)
We would like to nominate the court teens from Judge Pa\ton'S Court because they have done good work
with Keep Allen Beautiful Teacher Sue Kacmes was suggested for the lifetime achievement award.
Board members Should look at the descriptions of the awards for nomination ideas. The nominations are
usually written by board members and edited by City Keep Allen Beautiful support staff.
The regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful board was adjourned at 8.01 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20, 2009
1 1 J
Donna Kliewer, ATTEST
Chair, Kew Craven