HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2008 - 10/08 - Special CalledPresent
Pat Buckley
Kerry Craven
Stacy Gonzales
Beverly Pruitt
Trent Armstrong
Jason Shepard
David Buchanan
Staff Present
Steve Massey, Community Services Director
Donna Kliewer, Waste Services Manager
Kathy Keller-Mielke, Education Specialist
Tim Dentler, Parks and Recreation Director
Lori Smeby, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director
Brian Bristow, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Special Called Meeting was called to order by
Chair Pat Buckley at 6:05 p.m. on Wednesday, October 8, 2008, in the Parks and Recreation
Department Conference Room at 301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
2. Introduction of Board Members, Parks and Recreation Department Staff, and
Community Services Department Staff
Introduction of staff and board members around the table.
3. Discuss KAB Strategic Planning items related to Parks and Recreation Department:
including, but not limited to:
• Replacement for the City's Urban Forester Position — Arbor Day, wildflowers, Trees for
Allen, Walk in the Woods, poster contest, Adopt -A -Spot, event recycling, Great
American Cleanup
Mr. Dentler assured the KAB members that a new Urban Forester would continue to interact
with KAB. The Tool Trailer program and Park Ambassador concept were presented and
OCTOBER 8, 2008 - 6:00 P.M.
Pat Buckley
Kerry Craven
Stacy Gonzales
Beverly Pruitt
Trent Armstrong
Jason Shepard
David Buchanan
Staff Present
Steve Massey, Community Services Director
Donna Kliewer, Waste Services Manager
Kathy Keller-Mielke, Education Specialist
Tim Dentler, Parks and Recreation Director
Lori Smeby, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director
Brian Bristow, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Special Called Meeting was called to order by
Chair Pat Buckley at 6:05 p.m. on Wednesday, October 8, 2008, in the Parks and Recreation
Department Conference Room at 301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
2. Introduction of Board Members, Parks and Recreation Department Staff, and
Community Services Department Staff
Introduction of staff and board members around the table.
3. Discuss KAB Strategic Planning items related to Parks and Recreation Department:
including, but not limited to:
• Replacement for the City's Urban Forester Position — Arbor Day, wildflowers, Trees for
Allen, Walk in the Woods, poster contest, Adopt -A -Spot, event recycling, Great
American Cleanup
Mr. Dentler assured the KAB members that a new Urban Forester would continue to interact
with KAB. The Tool Trailer program and Park Ambassador concept were presented and
explained. Mr. Dentler stated that the relationship between KAB and the Parks and
Recreation Department should remain.
• Allen USA — continuation as a Zero Waste Event
The Parks Dept would like continue a Zero Waste event for Allen USA. Mr. Dentler
lined out the time frame for planning this large event and the items needed from
KAB/Solid Waste Division to help put a Zero Waste plan into motion.
• Parks Board attendance by a KAB Board Member
Mr. Dentler stated that the Parks Board meets quarterly and KAB is always welcome. He
explained the role of the Parks Foundation in supporting the endeavors of Parks and
Recreation and as a sounding board for input from the community.
• Molsen Farm Master Plan and planning for the Allen Environmental Education
(Environmental Discovery) Center from the approved funds in the FY07-13 CIP Bond
Program (design, use, grants, operations)
Mr. Dentler spoke to the board about the location of an Environmental Center (still to be
determined); the Master Plan; the need to create revenue -generating activities and the
components that must be in a plan. He assured KAB that the board's input was important
in creating a plan for an Environmental Center.
• Initiation of Single Stream recycling efforts in City Parks
Mr. Dentler spoke of the requests and efforts to introduce recycling into parks. He
explained the outsourcing of trash removal in Parks and the effect of economics in
dictating what happens. Mr. Massey explained the costs, services, and budget funding
for recycling and waste. He presented the requirements for NCTCOG grant funding for
recycling containers.
4. Election of KAB Board officers
MOTION: Stacy Gonzales made a motion to table the election of officers until the
November meeting. Motion was seconded by Kerry Craven with all in favor.
5. Approve minutes of past meeting
MOTON: Kerry Craven made a motion to approve the minutes of Sept 16, 2008 as they
stand. Motion was seconded by Stacy Gonzales with all in favor.
6. Receive Financial Report/Budget Update
Donna Kliewer reported $24.000 in the City's beautification account and 17,444.03 in the
American National Bank account.
7. Update on KAB Events and Protects
• AAR (After Action Report) — Educator Expo: Liked drawing for specific prizes; liked
endorsement from AISD Administration through Sheri Sides; Kathy Keller-Mielke
reported that she had received great follow-up inquires.
• AAR — Strategic Plan Session: consensus was that KAB was doing great things, but
committees are needed to make sure things don't fall through the cracks; need more
commitment from the Board. A suggestion was made to have a board meeting and a
focused strategic planning meeting combined each month. The planning session
narrowed things down to a focused direction with measurable results which gives the
board momentum.
• AAR — Molsen Farm Tour: Brian Bristow provided a good overview of the project at
Molsen Famt during the tour, which included the house, creek, future tree farm area and
beaver dam.
• November 1 — Allen Recycles Day- Kathy Keller-Mielke provided details of the
Recycled Art Contest. The board discussed passing out auto litter bags. Details will be
given by Audra Martin later in the month.
• December 7 — Rotary Holiday Parade: Pat Buckley gave an overview and invited
participation by the board.
• December 12 — Board Appreciation Dinner at Allen Senior Recreation Center: Pat
Buckley gave an overview of the dinner and encouraged participation by the board.
• January 17 and April 23, 2009 — Computer collection event at City Hall by Cyclone.
8. Consider cancellation of the regular KAB Board meeting on October 21, 2008
A suggestion was made to send out an email to the board to see if all can come to
October 21 regular meeting to discuss strategic planning items further. Discussion of the
1 election of officers in November and the possible cancellation of the December meeting.
No action was taken.
9. Items of Interest to the Board
• Reuse a Bag update A problem with the design to be printed on the reusable bags has
been encountered and team is now working with printer to resolve it. Discussion of the
best place to hand them out and what education components need to be given with the
• Environmental Center: Discussion of where in Texas there were existing centers to visit;
discussion of a survey for board members to fill out when visiting other centers.
• Kerry Craven suggested KAB present a Thank You gift to Jim Francis, strategic plan
MOTION: Bev Pruitt made a motion that KAB purchase a VISA gift card of $100 value
to present to Jim with baseball tickets. Stacy Gonzales seconded the motion with all in
• Kerry Craven reported on the inquiry into bringing "A Nurtured World" seminar to Allen
during April. Cost of $100 per person for up to 25 people, includes travel and action
guides for eight months after the seminar. Kerry will contact the Library to inquire into
auditorium reservations for he seminar.
10. Adjourn
The regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was adjourned at 8:44 p.m. on
Wednesday, October 8, 2008.
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Chair, Pat Buckley