HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2007 - 08/21 - RegularMINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD WORKSHOP AUGUST 21, 2007 - 6:00 P.M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM 305 CENTURY PARKWAY ALLEN, TX 75013 Present Pat Buckley Carol Hohmann Stepheme Huffman Dan Jenkins Kerry Craven Absent Wendy Gardner Staff Present Donna Kliewer Andrea Smith 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Workshop was called to order by Chair Pat Buckley at 6:OOpm on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 in the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas. 2. Introduction of Stineer Productions Representatives and CWD John Moran and Lee Jiles of Stinger Productions and Robert Medigovich of CWD were introduced to the board. 3. Presentation by Stingier Productions reeardine eraphics for recvcline truck John Moran and Lee Jiles presented their concept graphics for a "wrap" around a new CWD recycling truck for the City of Allen. KAB was asked for and gave input into the finishing touches for the graphic design. Also discussed were ways to promote recycling by using the wrapped truck at events such as schools and football games. 4. Adjourn Workshop meeting was adjourned at 6:50 with all in favor. 11 MINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 21, 2007 - 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL CONFERENCE ROOM 305 CENTURY PARKWAY ALLEN, TX 75013 Present Pat Buckley Carol Hohmann Stephenie Huffman Dan lenkins Kerry Craven Absent Wendy Gardner Staff Present Donna Kliewer, Waste Services Manager Andrea Smith, Education Specialist Susan Campbell, Urban Forester 1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called to order by Chair Pat Buckley at 7:OOpm on Tuesday, August 21. 2007 in the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas, 3. Public Recoenition/Citizens Comments/Introduction of Guests Greg Borders, Patricia Borders, Matt Borders, Christine Borders and Lonnie Simmons were introduced to the Board. 3. Presentation by Eaele Scout candidate, Matt Borders Matt Borders of Troop 1020, Rowlett, TX, presented his project of bluebird house restoration to existing bluebird houses in Allen. His project would require $200 for posts, concrete and cedar wood. Matt stated that he has over 20 support scouts to assist with this project. MOTION: Carol made a motion to approve $200 to fund Matt Borders' Eagle Scout bluebird rehabilitation project. Motion was seconded by Kerry with all in favor. 0 4. Presentation by Lonnie Simmons Mr. Simmons was present on behalf of the Collin County Truancy Court. Mr. Simmons offered the assistance of the court teens for beautification and clean up projects through KAB and the City of Allen. Mr. Simmons and deputies of the Precinct 3 Constable's office accompany the teens on their projects. 5. Approve the minutes of June 19, 2007 MOTION: Kerry made a motion to approve the June 19, 2007minutes with one correction. Stephenie seconded the motion with all in favor. 6. Receive Financial Report/Budget The City KAB account balance is $6,568.84. The KAB bank account balance is $16,423.46. 7. Update by Parks and Recreation on Various and Upcomine Events Susan Campbell gave the board an update on planting bluebonnets in the cloverleaf pockets along the highways; planting 1,500 pounds of Tex/Okla mix in wildflower areas; a new area to be planted is in the Glenmere area at the Custer Road Pump Station; the need for more containers for Trees for Allen; Trees for Allen campaign will sell existing trees from the Tree Farm rather than purchase trees this year; Parks is reforesting a tree mitigation site, Arbor Day Celebration will be at Waterford Parks; a perennial garden at Waterford Parks is already designed and can be planted in honor of Lady Bird Johnson on Arbor Day as requested by the Board. 8. Update on KAB Events • KTB Conference — July 10 — 13, 2008 in Irving • Harvest Your Garden — Allen Senior Center, Sept 27, 10-11 am • Educator's Expo — Sept 27, 4:30 — 6:00pm, Ron Gentry Training Center • SmartScape (WaterWise Landscaping) Seminar — Oct 18, 7-9pm • Waste in Place Training — Oct 27, Sam — 5pm, Ron Gentry Training Center • Allen Recycles Day, Nov 3, 8am— 1pm, City Hall • Rotary Holiday Parade — December 2, start at AHS parking lot 9. Environmental Center Stephenie suggested a separate meeting by the Board that would strictly address the Environmental Center. Such a meeting should include meeting with Brian Bristow who will work on the Master Plan for the Molsen Farms property I I D I 10. Items of Interest to the Board Carol announced that she would be leaving the board. 13. Adjourn The regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was adjourned at 8:28pm on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 ATTEST Donna Kliewer, ATTEST APPROVED Chair, Pat Buckley