HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2006 - 10/17 - RegularKAB Members Present
Pat Buckley
Dan Jenkins
Wendy Gardner
Carol I-fohman
Kerfv Craven
Lynna Smith
Staff Present
Stephen B. Massey, Community Services Director
Donna Kliewer, Waste Services Manager
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called
to order by Vice -Chair Pat Buckley at 6:38pm on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 in
the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
2. Public Recoanition/Citizens Comments
3. Introduction of Guests
New board member, Kerry Craven, was welcomed to the board.
4. Approve the minutes of Aueust 15, 2006
MOTION: Carol Hohman made a motion to approve the August 15th
minutes as presented. Wendy Gardner seconded the motion with all in favor.
5. Election of New Officers
Nominations for Chair were opened. Pat Buckley was nominated by Wendy
Gardner, with a second by Lynna Smith. There were no other nominations
Lynna Smith made a motion cease nominations, which was seconded by Wendy
Gardner. It was a unanimous vote for Pat Buckley for Chair.
OCTOBER 17, 2006 - 6:30 P.M.
ALLEN. TX 75013
KAB Members Present
Pat Buckley
Dan Jenkins
Wendy Gardner
Carol I-fohman
Kerfv Craven
Lynna Smith
Staff Present
Stephen B. Massey, Community Services Director
Donna Kliewer, Waste Services Manager
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called
to order by Vice -Chair Pat Buckley at 6:38pm on Tuesday, October 17, 2006 in
the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
2. Public Recoanition/Citizens Comments
3. Introduction of Guests
New board member, Kerry Craven, was welcomed to the board.
4. Approve the minutes of Aueust 15, 2006
MOTION: Carol Hohman made a motion to approve the August 15th
minutes as presented. Wendy Gardner seconded the motion with all in favor.
5. Election of New Officers
Nominations for Chair were opened. Pat Buckley was nominated by Wendy
Gardner, with a second by Lynna Smith. There were no other nominations
Lynna Smith made a motion cease nominations, which was seconded by Wendy
Gardner. It was a unanimous vote for Pat Buckley for Chair.
Nominations for Vice -Chair were opened. Pat Buckley nominated Wendy
Gardner, with a second by Dan Jenkins. Kerry Craven nominated Carol Holtman,
with a second by Lynna Smith. Votes by ballot were taken and counted by Pat
Buckley Carol Hohman was elected to Vice- Chair.
5. Receive Financial Report/Budaet
Steve Massey gave the updated financial report and explained KAB's City of
Allen funding by the Solid Waste Fund. The City KAB account began a new
fiscal year on October 1, the current balance is $21,014.01. The KAB bank
account balance is $9,677.84.
6. Update by Parks and Recreation on Various and Upcomin¢ Events
Donna Kliewer gave the board an update of the events and projects being done at
this time, including the Pecan Grove project status, purchase of tree seedlings for
the Tree Farm, Allen Recycles Day Eagle Scout & Seniors project.
7. Update on KAB Events
• Educator's Workshop —AAR
• SmartScape Your Landscape (City Hall) — AAR
• SmartScape Your Landscape (Senior Center) — October 19
• City Council — October 24 — accept proclamation & promote ARD
• Allen Recycles Day (ARD) — November 4
o Recycling Art contest winners will walk with KAB again in the Holiday
parade; various aspects of ARD were discussed.
• Rotary Holiday Parade — December 3 @ 2:OOpm
Trees for Allen — January - February
• Arbor Day Celebration — February 24 — Allen Station Park Pecan Grove
• Adopt a Highway & Smartscape Month — March
• Great American Cleanup — April 21
8. KAB Website Update
Carol presented ideas on updating and maintaining the City KAB
website including a current calendar of events listed at the beginning of the
website, as well as the times and dates of these events.
9. Governor's Award Proiect & Environmental Center
Discussion focused on planning for the future. Members suggested visiting
environmental centers, taking pictures, then submitting written descriptions and
suggestions in order to have a clear vision of what is desired
10. KAB Brandine
Wendy provided the board with information about meeting with AISD high
school marketing department (DELA). DECA will use the created materials to
submit for state and local awards, including the 2007 Rogers Award from Keep
America Beautiful. They indicated that they would be able to produce a PSA and
printed materials by January 2007 and could work with the City on the KAB
12. Items of Interest to the Board
Wendy Gardner reported that she had submitted Pat Buckley for the Keep
America Beautiful Lady Bird Johnson award. Wendy shared ideas
including a fund raiser idea through Kroger grocery stores; discussion of
membership for more funds for programs; Leadership Allen projects. Carol
suggested that the board consider names to nominate for future KTB awards.
Donna Kliewer reported that Kerr and Reed Elementary Schools had been in the
top 20 schools in the USA that received the "Return the Warmth" grants, which
included winter jackets to give away
13. Adjourn
The regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board was adjourned at 8:30pm
on Tuesday, October 17, 2006.
Donna Kliewer, TTEST
Chair, Pat Buckley