HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2003 - 02/18 - RegularMINUTES
KABB Members Present
Susan Bernard, Chan
Ron Wheless
David Alexander
Brim Casstevens
Cynthia (Syne) Ferguson
Mary Fntsche (tardy)
Staff Present
Steve Massey, Community Services Drrector
Donna Kliewer, Recycling/Solid Waste/HHW Coordinator
Susan Campbell, Urban Forester, Parks and Recreation Department
1. Call to Order
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called to
order by Chairperson Susan Bernard at 6.37 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2003, in the First Floor
Conference Room at City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas.
2. Introduction of Guests
Robert Townsend, Parks Service Manager, and Pat Buckley were present
3. Approve the Minutes of the January 19, 2003 Regular Meeting
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Chairperson Susan Bernard and a second by Board member Syne
Ferguson, the Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the Minutes of the January 19, 2003, Regular
Meeting. The motion carred.
Items of Interest to the Board
• Parks and Recreation Projects Update, Susan Campbell. Arbor Day Celebration will take place on
April 5ih at Waters Crossing.
• Starting time will be 9:00 KAB will have a both and table and will recognize Arbor Day winners.
Discussion by board member about Arbor Day signs, which need to have the Park and Date on two
bamers changed at a cost of $150. Motion made by board member David Alexander to approve the
spending by the KAB board for $150 toward cost of signs. Motion seconded by Cynthia Furgeson.
Motion accepted unanimously in favor by board.
• Board discussion of participation, handing out seeds, tree guides, Trash/recycling guidelines and KAB
• The Arbor Day celebration support team personnel consists of approximately 50 people. KAB
discussed providing breakfast bus and water for support personnel's refreshments for $75. Motion
made by Cyntlua Fmgeson to approve Motion seconded by Bran Casstevens Board unanimously
• Liberty Gardens video presentation tabled until next KAB meeting
• Board discussed Trees for Allen program. The program would require a 3 -year commitment. After
dos timeframe, the City's tree farm would sustain the program A water bill suffer will be sent to
residents this year with program information and an application for tree purchases through the
• A monetary commitment would be required by KAB
FEBRUARY, 18 2003
Discussion of Natrona] Tree Trust grants and programs going to non-profit organizations rather than
• Motion made by Board to support the tree program as an ongoing beautification project over the next
three years, to be promoted once a year in the spring, in conjunction with Parks and Recreation Board
for cost plus $5 per tree. Motion made to accept thus program by Cynthia Ferguson and seconded by
Ron Wheless Motion unanimously approved by KAB Board members
• Financial Report/Budget. Steve _Ma�ay discussed the financial balance of $5450 and further
discussions were tabled until next KAB meeting due to Mary Fntsche's absence from the discussion
• KAB By -Laws, Susan Bernard. Discussion was led by Board member Susan Bernard regarding
modification and changes to by-laws
• Examples were provided. Motion was made to take by-laws copies, make comments and table until
next month
• Board members will have a 2 -month timeframe for reviewing to make comments and be ready to
establish a meeting date to amend the by-laws
• Target date of review completion established as April.
• Motion made by David Alexander to approve. Seconded by Cynthia Ferguson. Board voted
unanimously in favor.
• AISD Action Plan Development, Cynthia Ferguson. Discussion lead by Cynthia Ferguson
informing board of plans to present an information packet for environ -chairs of each school
Discussion of a breakfast/luncheon for Chairs at the beginning of the school year. Denise Webre is the
new AISD Environmental Chairperson
Upcoming KAB Events. Board members discussed March I1`s Adopt a Highway proclamation to be
made by the Mayor at City Council Meeting. Plaque presentations will be made by KAB and the
Mayor to six Adopt -A -Highway groups. Discussion included a recommendation by Steve Massey in
the value of having Board members represent KAB in the March 11th City Council meeting
Smartscapes Month. Discussion of ways to present SmartScapes to the City for the month of March
Displays with SmartScape CDs will be available to the public in the Library and at City Hall
receptionist's desk SmartScapes will also be given to interested citizens that participate in the Great
American Trash Off Notes to Homeowner's Associations and on the City website and Cable Channel
will also give Smartscape information.
Great American Trash Off. Board discussed upcoming event and details related to event as listed in
the agenda. Discussion included vendors at the March KAB meettng, AARs from the last event, and
improvements to be made.
Corporate Challenge. Date for Corporate Challenge established by Board for June 5's, 2003.
Discussion included having a KAB volunteer to help coordinate the event.
KAB Co -Chairperson resignation letter. Board discussed the resignation of Wendy Gardner, who is
moving back to California. Replacement will be handled by City Council. Steve Massey indicated
there are several good candidates, who have already expressed interest.
General Communication. Dan Roberts of Keep Rowlett Beautiful is having open-heart surgery
10. Ad'ot urn
Upon a motion made by Board member Cynthia Ferguson and a second by Board member David
Alexander, the Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the
Keep Allen Beautiful Board at 8:40 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18, 2003. The motion Gamed.
FEBRUARY, 18 2003
These minutes were approved on 1'� day of , 2001
Chair, Susan Bernard
Steve Massey, A TEST