HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2003 - 08/19 - RegularMINUTES
KABB Members Present
Susan Bernard, Chair
Ron Wheless
Cynthia (Synne) Ferguson
Jeannie Haines
Sue Berry (Absent)
Brian Casstevens
Mary Fritsche
Staff Present
Steve Massey, Community Services Director
Donna Kliewer, Recycling/Solid Waste/HHW Coordinator
Susan Campbell, Urban Forester
1. Call to Order
With a quorum present, Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called to order by
Chair Susan Bernard at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, August 19, 2003, in the First Floor
Conference Room at City Hall, 305 Century Parkway, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen,
2. Introduction of Guests
Guests were Patricia Buckley and Lonnie Simmons and Mark Shook of Collin County
Constables Office, Precinct 3.
3. Guest Presentations
Constables Simmons and Shook set up their NCTCOG-funded surveillance cameras
outside of City Hall to demonstrate how the cameras work in their illegal dumping
program. They explained how they selected sites and what their challenges and expectations
are. A question and answer session followed.
4. Approve the Minutes of the July 15, 2003 Regular Meeting
MOTION: Motion made by Brian Casstevens to approve July 15ih minutes with the time
amended to 6:30. Syme Ferguson seconded and the motion passed with all in
5. Financial Report/Budget
Approximately $2500 will remain in the KAB budget after current purchases clear the
AUGUST 19, 2003
6. Parks and Recreation update
Susan Campbell updated the Board on coming Eagle Scout projects, including:
• bluebird houses: article in the Dallas Morning News;
• graffiti remediation under several bridges by Morgan Lloyd, Troop 223, starting at 8:00
am Saturday at Allen Station Park & Cedar;
• purple martin houses: will be erected at three locations starting at Bethany Lakes Park,
cost will be approximately $45-$50, KAB will donate white and green paint;
• cemetery marker project with GIS mapping is an upcoming Eagle Scout project,
• The Woods trail restoration and construction using crushed granite will be carried out
using Parks and Recreation staff support;
• tree farm seedling upgrade of the National Tree Trust seedlings will take place October
18; and
• the Wildflower Program is progressively growing. Parks and Recreation have dedicated
$500 to the program and ask for matching funds from KAB. They will use KAB planting
equipment to seed the designated areas. TxDOT is planting Indian Paintbrush on the side
of Exchange Parkway along Highway 75.
MOTION: Brian Casstevens made a motion to support the Wildflower Program with matching
funds of $500 from KAB. Jeannie Haines seconded the motion; the motion passed with all in
MOTION: Ron Wheless made a motion to approve spending up to $50 for the Bethany Lakes
purple martin houses. Synne Ferguson seconded the motion; the motion passed with all in favor.
KAB Events:
• Teacher Appreciation. Synne Ferguson presented plans for the KAB/AISD education
project/teacher appreciation reception on September 26, 2003 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm at
the Heritage Center. Discussion of food, program, and drawing for gifts.
• Texas Recycles Day. November 8ih this year will be City of Allen's date, with the Shoe
Bank joining the recycling effort. Beautification projects are being planned for disabled
or elderly residents.
• Rotary Holiday Parade. No information available; however, Rotary members have
stated that it is tentatively set for the first Saturday in December.
• Trees for Allen & Christmas Tree Recycling. In December fliers will go out in the
utility bills with information about the "Trees for Allen" program and Christmas tree
8. Old Business: Discussion of the KAB revised by-laws. No copies of current revision were
MOTION: Motion made by Ron Wheless to table the discussion of the by-laws. Synne
Ferguson seconded, with Ron Wheless moving to withdraw the motion. Brian Casstevens
seconded the withdrawal.
MOTION: Motion made by Ron Wheless to accept the by-laws as written and amend as
needed. Motion seconded by Mary Fritsche with all in favor.
AUGUST 19, 2003
9. Items of Interest to the Board
• Brian Casstevens presented a program management concept for KAB.
• KAB invited to attend Senior Center opening, Friday at 11:00 am.
• KAB would like for Andrea to receive a PRIDE bar and gift certificate for her help
in putting together the KTB gift basket and various and many other projects.
• Discussion of Keep Texas Beautiful Affiliate status.
• Discussion of KAB buying Collin County Constables Kevlar gloves to thank them
for their assistance with our Stop Illegal Dumping program.
MOTON: Synne Ferguson made a motion to spend $250 to purchase Kevlar gloves for the
Collin County Constables, Precinct 3. Motion was seconded by Brian Casstevens,
with all in favor.
Susan Bernard presented her idea of signage at various heavily littered areas.
Signs could say "Under Surveillance for Littering" to promote public awareness
and litter -free areas.
Discussion of spending remaining KAB funds on banners: "This is a litter free
event," "Did you pick up your litter today?' to be used at parades and City events.
Susan Campbell educated the Board on common summer tree diseases after a
question by Pat Buckley
10. Adjourn
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Ron Wheless and a second by Board member Brian
Casstevens, the Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the
regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board at 8:17 p.m. on Tuesday,
August 19, 2003. The motion carried.
These minutes were approved on ilb day of _ 'Mb0 , 2003.
eve tassey, ATTEST
Chair, Susan Bernard