HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2002 - 02/19 - RegularI MINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2002 KABB Members Present Pat Buckley, Chair Sheila Curtis Susan Bernard Kurt Kizer Less Stelcz (Absent) Wendy Gardner (Absent) Mary Tittle (Absent) Staff Present Steve Massey, Director of Community Services Donna Kliewer, Recycling/Solid Waste/HHW Coordinator Call to Order With a quorum of the Board members present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was called to order by Chair Buckley at 7 13 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, 2002, in the Council Chambers Conference Room at City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas. Introduction of Guests !y Susan Campbell, Allen Parks and Recreation Urban Forester and Tina Daniels, Allen Arts Alliance ® representative were present. 3. Approve the Minutes of the January 15, 2002 Reeular Meeting MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board member Kurt Kizer and a second by Board member Susan Bernard, the Board voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to approve the Minutes of the January 19, 2002, Regular Meeting. The motion carred. 4. Items of Interest to the Board • Financial repordbudget. Steve Massey reported that there is $5965.25 in the KAB account • Parks and Recreation Projects Update, Susan Campbell. Liberty Gardens Celebration and Dedication is scheduled for February 23, 2002 at 10'00 a.m. Discussion of KAB's role at the dedication ceremony and the sequence of events. • Ms. Campbell reported that the Tree City application has been accepted and the City of Allen is now a designated Tree City, USA • Ms Campbell discussed the Arbor Day poster contest judging rules and regulations before those present jthe contest entries. Winners were: 1" place, Sarah Ryan, Boyd Elementary School; Judged2'o place, Ashley Murillo, Boyd Elementary School; 3r° place, Andrea Grbarac, Bolin Elementary School An Austrian Pine tree will be planted at Boyd Elementary School by the Parks Department. �"} • Arbor Day contest winners will receive certificates and prizes at the Liberty Gardens Celebration. ® • Discussion of KAB selling t-shirts/sweatshirts at the event, handing out HHW material, Smartscapes, Trash off Biers and lapel pins. P KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL. REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 19, 2002 PAGE • 2002 Trash-Off/Spring Event. Discussion of the wording for banners for the entrance and exit to the event and banners on City property to advertise the event. • Discussion of vendors that have accepted invitations to participate; inviting vendors to the next KAB meeting to finalize plans • Site plan will be done by Steve Massey, Donna Kliewer and Terry Holley by the next KAB board meeting. • Promotion of the event will be through banners, fliers sent home with AIS) students, and a blurb on the utility bill, city website and the city cable channel. • AEDC will help defray some of the cost of advertising. • Adopt A Highway recognition. Donna will prepare a proclamation for the Mayor making March Adopt -A -Highway month in the City. Recognition of the seven oldest groups will include the presentation of a plaque from KAB in appreciation of their service to the City on March 7 at City Council meeting. • March KAB meeting/Smithsonian exhibit. Discussion to keep meeting at the same date/time. Susan Bernard presented Smartscapes display to the board for input on further improvements. Smithsonian grand opening is on March 8, Smartscapes CDs will be given to all participants. • Website and Hotline. The phone hotline (972.727.7128) has been accessed and is now carrying a message about the Great American Trash Off. Messages can be changed. • Pat Buckley contacted former KAB member for website information. Discussion reached no conclusion as to what to do with the website. • Items of Interest. • Discussion of buying KAB sweatshnts/t-shirts for sale and giveaway • Discussion of Governor's Award criteria and submittal date. • Discussion of skit or promotion for city cable channel to promote recycling, HHW Pilot Program, composting, environmental issues for Keep Allen Beautiful. Adjourn MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board member Susan Bernard and a second by Board member Sheila Curtis, the Board voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of the Keep Allen Beautiful Board at 910 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19, 2002. The motion carred. These minutes were approved on 1 'day of I d lWl- , 2002. Lesa P4elcz, Co -CHAIR APPROVED: o�4 Pat Buckl y, CHAIR