HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2002 - 03/19 - RegularMINUTES
KABB Members Present
Pat Buckley, Chair
Susan Bernard
Kurt Kizer
Mary Tittle
Lesa Stelcz (Absent)
Wendy Gardner (Absent)
Sheila Curtis (Absent)
Staff Present
Steve Massey, Director of Community Services
Donna Kliewer, Recycling/Solid Waste/HHW Coordinator
Call to Order
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular Meeting was
called to order by Chair Buckley at 7 15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, 2002, in the Council
Chambers Conference Room at City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza, Allen, Texas,
2. Introduction of Guests
Susan Campbell, Allen Parks and Recreation Urban Forester; Angela Caperton, Allen
Community Outreach; Robert Medigovmh, Community Waste Disposal, Marie Travmo,
Goodwill Industries were also present.
3. Approve the Minutes of the February 19, 2002 Regular Meetine
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board member Susan Bernard and a second by Board member
Kurt Kizer, the Board voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to approve the Minutes of
the February 19, 2002, Regular Meeting. The motion carried.
4. Items of Interest to the Board
• Financial report/budget. Steve Massey reported that there is $5965.25 in the KAB account.
Checks will be written for the HHW Contest awards to be presented on April 4 at City
Council in the amounts of $75, $50, and $25.
• Parks and Recreation Projects Update, Susan Campbell. Ms Campbell presented the
DAR power point presentation of the Arbor Day Celebration and Liberty Gardens Dedication
that will be submitted for award application at their annual convention. Ms. Campbell
encouraged the KAB to also put a similar video together to show at the state convention as
well as to submit for awards.
• 2002 Trash-Off/Spring Event.
• Site plan was presented to all present with plan showing where all vendors will be located.
Discussion on placement of volunteers and activities Plan was approved by all present.
MARCH 19, 2002
• Promotion of the event will be through banners, fliers sent home with AISD students, a line
on the utility bill that goes out this week, city website and the city cable channel.
• Small things, notification of Tim Derider requesting permission to stage roll -offs at Jupiter
Park again this year; Texas Toilets will place potties on Friday for pick up on Monday,
Goodwill will set their trailer on Friday; Cyclone will come early Saturday morning with
their trailer. Drainage crew will set barricades and lights on Friday night to block off Watters
Road and Ramtree Circle Three constables will attend with assigned duties to include
overseeing court ordered volunteers and traffic control.
• KAB members will solicit local businesses for donations for lunch and snacks for the
volunteers. What is not donated will be purchased with KAB funds.
• Adopt A Highway recognition AAR. The presentation of plaques to Adopt -A -Highway
groups in appreciation of their service to the City on March 7 at City Council meeting went
well, with three groups present to accept plaques.
City Council HHW Award Presentation April 4. The three award winners will be invited
to accept their awards at April 0 City Council. Awards include checks and art kits. Winners
will be called the week of Council to confirm attendance. Kurt Kizer and Pat Buckley
committed to attend the presentation.
Corporate Clean -Up Challenge. Steve Massey challenged the board to accept a summer
project to would invite all businesses in Allen to volunteer employees for a half-day to collect
litter along greenbelts, roadways and creeks during a business day with lunch served at the
end of the collection time The project has been preliminarily approved by the City Manager.
The date was set for June 6, 2002 for the first annual Corporate Clean -Up Challenge.
Smithsonian exhibit and Smartscapes. The Smithsonian grand opening hosted
approximately 80 participants with Smartscapes CDs made available to all attending. The
Smartscapes display remained in the library for further distribution of the CDs
Website. Discussion of contacting Worldwide Deb to maintain the website for a small
charge At this time, no further information was available.
Items of Interest
Discussion of Governor's Award criteria, dates covered and submittal date.
Donna Kliewer challenged the board to find educational volunteers to speak with students on
environmental issues during the school year.
5. Ad ourn
Upon a motion made by Board member Mary Tittle and a second by Board member Kiri
Kizer, the Board voted four (4) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the regular session of
the Keep Allen Beautiful Board at 8:45 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19, 2002. The motion
MARCH 19, 2002
These minutes were approved on 0 day of / ✓' A 4 12002,
Lesa Steq, Co -CHAIR
Pat Buckl y, CHAIR