HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2000 - 05/16 - RegularAMENDED MINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD •- REGULAR CALLED MEETING ._. TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2000 KABB Members Present Pat Buckley Audrey Smyth Sheila Dauth Sheila Curtis Lonnie Simmons Kay McKenna Staff Present Jimmy Knipp Tim Deader Call to Order (Agenda Item I) With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular meeting was _ called to order at 7 05 p in., on Tuesday, May 16, 2000, in the Conference Room at City Hall, One Butler Circle. -- Approve the Minutes of the April 26, 2000, Regular Meetine (Agenda Item II) Everyone reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Sheila Dauth motioned and Kav McKenna seconded the approval of the minutes for the April 26, 2000, meeting. The Board - voted six (6) for and none (0) apposed; the minutes were approved Election of Treasurer (Agenda Item IV) Lonnie Simmons moved this Item of Interest to the Board because of importance to the Board Audrey Smyth is currently the Board Secretary and Treasurer. Sheila Curtis motioned to separate the offices of Treasurer and Secretary Kay McKenna seconded. Audrey was nominated as the Board Treasurer Sheila Dauth was nominated as the Board Secretary The Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed. Project Updates (Agenda Item III) • Tim Deader and Wildflower Project: Reported Allen American Wildflower Article received a lot of citizen comments and interest. Trying to meet with Plano and Richardson Wildflower contacts to determine what works and what not to do since these cities already have programs in place. The Parks and Ree staff recommendation to the Board is that we not "bite off more than we can chew" the first year so that we can have a successful project. Board still needs to review planting areas and types of flowers to plant Can do annual, perennial, native or imported species but need to avoid nuisance species so there is not a weedy look Need to pick areas that we can allow to seed and we may need to plant some that need to be replanted yearly Would like to wind this project down so that a firmer plan can be presented to the Board at the next meeting. Target planting date October 21" Horticulture crew hired and in training for maintenance of trees, entry ways that are City of Allen `ownership" • Membership Projects: Money collected from Membership campaign will go towards Wildflower seeds for the following year. Kay suggested that we have a tree planting around Memorial Day weekend Board decided it would be better to plant trees in fall (September/October) where they have a better survival rate Need to be sure good irrigation is in place wherever we choose to plant trees. Tim said he felt that we could get a variety of trees and remain within budget of our Tree Hugger membership fee Board looked at possibly planting trees around first day of Autumn, September 22, 2000 Suggested that we plant trees at the New City Hall Plaza. Presented an informal idea to Don in regards to planting in City Plaza. He said he would have to get back to the Board. Need to decide how we recognize Tree Huggers. Currently have 161 members. KAB Corporate Flyer & Letter: Sheila Dauth was not able to give a productive update at this time The corporate letter is still in the works Corporate Flyer is not official, still needs revisions. Hope to get together with Amy Smith and have something formalized by next meeting. Creek Bed Beautification: By City Charter the City can not touch the property with Citv Money City is going to draft a letter to go out to Homeowners to keep it clean. Otherwise the City is asking that the Homeowners donate the land to the City to clean Pat asked if the CDC money an option but Jimmy said he wasn't sure because it is private property Last option is criminal enforcement, we would like to stay with a more civil route. What type of grants or other funding is out there as options for this project? Audrey is going to look into those further. Items of Interest to the Board (Agenda Item IV) • Business Expo 2000: May 20, 2000, Saturday 9'30-10:00 a.m. at Joe Farmer Rec Center. We will man city booth and hand out KAB promotional items • Discussion of Goals: Need to plan a workshop specifically for KAB Goals Specific date tabled until next month. • Governor's Award Packet: Pat said we were unable to move forward with this at this time. Lonnie said we are still a new Board and that next year would be another chance • Campaign for Funding: Sheila said this will be a work in process that will take time • KTB Conference: Pat Buckley, Kay McKenna and Sheila Death will be representing the Board at this meeting. • Promotional Item Purchase: Lonnie to review promotional items for purchase and will get back to the board. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. These minutes were approved on June 20, 2000. Sheila Dauth, Secretary (Agenda Item V) C o e Simmons, Chair