HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2000 - 07/18 - RegularAMENDED MINUTES
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 2000
KABB Members Present
Pat Buckley
Audrey Smyth
Sheila Dauth
Sheila Curtis
Lonnie Simmons
Kay McKenna
Amy Smith
Staff Present
Cynthia Brightwell
Steve Massey
Tim Dentler
Guests Present
Barbara Buehler
John Ross
Susan Knox
Call to Order (Agenda Item I)
With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular meeting was
called to order at 7 10 p.m., on Tuesday, July 18, 2000, in the Council Chambers Conference
Room at City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza.
Introduction Of Guests and New Staff Members (Agenda Item II)
Susan Knox from Lucas, new to area and interested in getting her community involved in
similar programs like Keep Allen Beautiful and wanted some ideas.
New Library/Performing Arts Building Presentatio¢ (Agenda Item 111)
John Ross presented information on the upcoming Library Bond Election August 12,
2000 Early voting July 26 -August 8, 2000, M -F, 8am-5pm.
Education Presentation (Agenda Item IV)
Janie Sheridan, the PTA Environmental Coordinator unable to attend the meeting.
Approve the Minutes of the June 20, 2000, Reeular Meetin¢ (Agenda Item V)
Everyone reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Pat Buckley motioned and Sheila
Curtis seconded the approval of the minutes. The Board voted seven (7) for and none (0)
apposed; the minutes were approved.
KTB Conference Undid (Agenda Item VI)
Due to time constraints the Board opted to hear update at the August 15, 2000 meeting.
Project Updates (Agenda Item VII)
• Wildflower and Tree Planting Project: Tim Dentler presented the Board with Power
Point Presentation with maps of suggested areas and Wildflower varieties native to our
area. The CDC awarded $50,000 to KABB to kick off the program. Estimated costs are:
Seed for 7 planting areas: $21,992.00, 45HP Tractor to pull Seeder: $20,500.00 and
Seeder $10,250.00. Total project cost $53,742.00. Parks and Rec assured the Board
that they will make every attempt to keep within or under the $50,000 budget. Pat
Buckley and Sheila Dauth were slightly concerned with the majority of the CDC money
going towards equipment purchases and not more money allotted to seed. Parks and Rec
stated that these items were necessary in order to kick the program off as all of the City
Tractors would not be available for use. Parks and Rec stated that they had made a
$30,000 request to the City in their budget for operational costs and we could apply that
money to seed for the Fall 2001. Parks and Rec needed the Board to vote on the Proposal
so they could move forward with the purchases of Seed and Equipment. Kay McKenna
motions to approve, Sheila Curtis seconds. The Board voted five (5) approved and two
(2) abstained. The Proposal is approved.
• Membership Project: Kay McKenna reported 184 members as of July 20, 2000: 121
Flower Sniffers purchasing 129 pounds of Wildflower Seed; 35 Tree Huggers with 13
requesting spring trees, 6 evergreens, 13 fall trees and 3 left it up to us and 28 Helping
Hands. Donna Kliewere said KAB could pay $0 011/page to run our Newsletter on the
City Color Copier. It looks like the cost will be approximately $50.00 to make 250
copies. The Board agreed this was the way to go in order to keep costs at bay.
• KAB Corporate Flyer & Letter: It was suggested that we call Corporations and request
their annual report in order to find out how much they donate annually This is a project
still needing fine tuning and it may have to be put hold until the Wildflowers bloom in
the Spring in order to promote the program strongly Will continue researching the best
way to present the projects the Board has to offer.
• Creek Bed Beautification: Meeting has been scheduled with the Property Owners
living by the creek. Cynthia Brightwell ad Audrey Smyth will update us at the next
Items of Interest to the Board (Agenda Item VIII)
• Financial Report/2001-2002 Budget Discussion- Audrey Smyth reported the Board has
approximately $798.92 plus $150.00 in another account from donations. $6550.00 has
been collected through the membership campaign for Seed and Trees. Mr. Vargas
requested $10.000 in City Budget to be allotted to KABB. Cynthia Brightwell reported
$70,000 requested in the CWD Budget for increasing recycling, education and
beautification projects which would involve the Boards help so some money can be used
for operational expenses as well
• Discuss/Vote on Goals Workshop July 12, 2000- Due to time constraints moved to
August 15, 2000 meeting.
• July 1" Parade Report: Audrey Smyth reported for time had by all and lots of
promotional items given out with huge requests for the recycled denim pencils.
• KAB Website follow-up: Katherine Parcel willing to post anything on website for us.
Will give us a new address for easier access to site.
• Board Appointment Terms follow-up: By Laws need changing. Will need to discuss
with Goals at next meeting. Suggested we could have an ex -officio non voting board
• November Clean Up Event: Garden Club would like to do a informational booth. Still
need to work on ideas, vendors and main plan for this event at next meeting.
• Promotional Item Purchase: Still on hold due to Budget Restrictions. Suggested we
wait until after the City Budget Retreat to find out Budget limits To be discussed further
at August 15, 2000 meeting.
• National Nite Out- August 1, 2000 6-10 PM at Bethany Lakes Park. KAB will have a
table/informational booth and hand out flyers and promotional items.
Adjourn (Agenda Item IX)
The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.
These minutes were approved on August 15, 2000
Sheila Dauth, Secretary le Simmons, Chair