HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2000 - 09/19 - RegularMINUTES KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD REGULAR CALLED MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2000 KABB Members Present Lonnie Simmons Pat Buckley Sheila Dauth Amy Smith Kay McKenna Staff Present Cynthia Brightwell Steve Massey Call to Order (Agenda Item I) With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m , on Tuesday, September 19, 2000, in the Council Chambers Conference Room at City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza. Introduction Of Guests and New Staff Members (Agenda Item II) No guests present to introduce. Approve the Minutes of the July 18, 2000, Regular Meetine (Agenda Item IM Everyone reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. Sheila Dauth motioned and Amy Smith seconded the approval of the minutes. The Board voted five (5) for and none (0) apposed; the minutes were approved. November Clean -Up Event (Agenda Item IV) Theme this year is "Can you dig it?" Sheila Dauth suggested that Amy Smith assist as Co -Chair for this event with Lonnie Simmons stepping up if need be. Lonnie said he would have approximately 20-25 volunteers from the Plano 1P Board decided that prizes will be awarded for weirdest piece of trash found as well as if anyone finds one of six golden painted cans Cynthia will solicit prize donations. Amy Smith to ask Home Depot for Trash bags and any other things they may be able to donate. Amy will also contact Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. to see if they will donate water. Decided donuts in the morning through solicited donations. Either hotdogs or hamburgers served after clean-up during environmental fair. Will check on donations first but Steve Massey said he would allot money from his budget for the food for the event if we couldn't get donations. Publicity -Kay McKenna and Sheila Curtis. Food -Lonnie Simmons and Cynthia Brightwell. Donations- Amy Smith. Prizes -Cynthia Brightwell and Amy Smith. Pat inquired about having Port a Potty's nearby Steve Massey to look into this for us and thinks they can be contracted for the event. Booths at Environmental Fair: Recycled Crafts -Kay McKenna and Pat Buckley, Raptor/Birds- Cynthia Brightwell working on this, Allen Garden Club- Composting, TNRCC-info on composting Environmental Crimes Officer -Dumping Info, Derby Car Booth - Home Depot, Recycled Art Contest Winner Display Protect Updates (Agenda Item V) • Wildflower and Tree Planting Project: Seeder, Seed and Tractor have been ordered. The date for the Ceremonial Mile is October 21, 2000 at 10 am. Cynthia Brightwell and Pat Buckley have ordered promotional items for the event. Invitations will be mailed out to members, city council members and the Mayor. Would be nice if Mayor could do a ribbon cutting ceremony. The Tree planting is temporarily on hold until we get ram. The drought has been a problem and the new trees need water in order to root properly Date unknown but should be announced soon. Kay McKenna will inform the Board via email. Membership Update/Fall Newsletter: No new member numbers given at this meeting. Kay discussed the upcoming Fall Newsletter articles. Tim Dentler will write an article There will be a recap of Wildflower Ceremony Trash off to be announced Next Lecture series date and topic. Two possibilities are known will follow-up and inform board at next meeting. Lonnie Simmons suggested Topic on Winterizing your lawn. Lonnie also knows an Environmental Crimes Officer who would be willing to write an article. Update membership list, recap last lecture senes, respond to citizen comments and include some gardening/lawn tips. Items of Interest to the Board (Agenda Item VI) • Financial Report/2001-2002 Budget Discussion: Cynthia Bnghtwell gave report in Audrey's absence. $7,225 60 in new account (this is membership, seed and tree money). October 1, 2000 City of Allen budgeted money is at our disposal ($10,000). CWD has budgeted $35,000 for educational, recycling and beautification projects. If any of our functions or projects falls into this category we could request some funding from CWD. Need to check with Parks and Rec to find out if the request for $30,000 in their budget for wildflower seed was approved. Discussed applying to CDC in regards to starting up Household Hazardous Waste Pharmacy in Jan. 2001. • Promotional Item Purchase: $2500 00 worth of Community Services monies allotted towards promotional item purchases that say City of Allen. Cynthia Brightwell ordered pencils, stadium cups, stickers, little recycle bins. Pat Buckley expressed need for items that say Keep Allen Beautiful. T-shirts that had I Keep Allen Beautiful would be great for the November Clean-up event. Membership stickers put on hold until October Meeting. • December Events Schedule: We will Participate in the City of Allen Christmas Parade. Pat Buckley to check with Tim Dentler to see if we can have our tractor in parade with us. We will promote Live tree recycling with the help of Candy canes and our winners from the 2nd Annual Recycled Art Contest Kay McKenna and Pat to hash out feasibility of Recycled Ornaments for The City of Allen Christmas Tree Lighting. Decided that we would forfeit idea of participating in the Chamber of Commerce Tour of Lights this year as we have a full plate right now • DiscussNote on Goals Workshop: Board felt that entire Board needed to be included in this discussion so this was tabled until the October meeting. Ad ourn (Agenda Item VII) The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p in. These minutes were approved on October 17, 2000. 2, me Simmons, Chair Sheila Dauth, Secretary