HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Keep Allen Beautiful Board - 2000 - 10/17 - RegularMINUTES
KABB Members Present
Audrey Smyth
Amy Smith
Lonnie Simmons
Kay McKenna
Sheila Curtis
Staff Present
Steve Massey
Guests Present
No Guests Present
Call to Order (Agenda Item 1)
With a quorum of the Board present, the Keep Allen Beautiful Regular
meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m., on Tuesday, October 17, 2000, in the
Council Chambers Conference Room at City Hall, One Allen Civic Plaza.
Introduction of Guests (Agenda Item 11)
No guests or visitors were present at the meeting.
Approve the Minutes of the September 19,2M Regular Meetinn (Agenda Item III)
Everyone reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. The Board voted five
(5) for and nope (0) opposed; the minutes were approved.
Wildflower/Tree Plautina Ceremony -October 21. 2000 (Agenda Item IV)
Discussion of upcoming Wildflower ceremony to be held on Saturday,
October 21, 2000 at Allen Station Park
(Agenda Item V)
Membership- Kay McKenna updated membership with the addition of
one additional helping hand and a $100 donation.
Newsletter- The newsletter is still in progress and has been delayed due to
work on KAB websight. The official KAB web address is
keepa0enbeautiful.com. Discussion followed taking off the banners that
appear at the top of the web page which may offend some residents.
Lecture series at Bethany Lakes Park Club House is tentatively scheduled
for November 16, 2000 with Elmer of True Value as guest lecturer. He
will discuss year round yard care at 7:00 p.m.
Texas Recycles Day November clean up (Agenda Item VI)
Discussion of donations for the event: the City and CWD are providing food
at coat by Southfork Ranch. Donations for Texas Recycles Day prizes include: seven
cases of McDonalds cookies, calendar from Petsmart, four enchilada dinners from
Taco Rama, garden gloves, potting soil, and (2) gift certificates from Hobby Lobby.
Other donations include trash bags and Derby cars by Home Depot, a surprise gift
from True Value Hardware, donuts from Albertson's, and bottled water from Tom
Thumb. Board discussed best option to award derby cars through drawing tickets
which will be passed out at lunch.
Items of Interest to the Board (Agenda Item VII)
♦ In the Financial Report Audrey Smyth reported to the board that there
was $17,425.60 in the KAB account. Of that money, $10,000 is in a line
item given to KAB by the City of Allen under beautification. The
remainder of the money consists of membership funds used for the
purchase of wildflower seeds, and trees.
♦ Discuss/Vote on Goals Workshop- The board voted unanimously to
accept all goals as listed and these will be the goals for the year 2001.
♦ Promotional Item Purchases Update- Item tabled as Cynthia Brightwell
was absent from meeting discussion.
♦ December Parade and Christmas Tree Lighting, Recycled ornaments -
discussion tabled until next meeting.
A iou (Agenda Item VHI)
The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m.
These minutes were approved on
She## Dauth, Secretary Lonnie Simmons, Chair