HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2009 - 02/03 - RegularALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY
FEBRUARY 3, 2009
Mary Jane Hamilton, Board Chair
Board members:
Tanya Gould
Donna Drews Various
Donald Wing
Geoffrey Smith
Susan McDaniel
City Starr:
Jeff Timbs — Director
Dale Lackey — Senior Administrative Assistant
Jane Bennett — Friends of the Library
Ann Livingston — President, Friends of the Library
Regina Taylor — Friends of the Library
Ruth Pringle — NETLS Board
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to
order by Board Chair, Mary Jane Hamilton, at 7:30 p.m, on Tuesday February 3, 2009 in the Board Room of
the Allen Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas.
Regular Agenda
1. Approve Minutes of January 6, 2009 Regular Called Meeting.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Susan McDaniel, and a second b) B0Wd hl Clnbel,
Tanya Gould, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the January 6.'_00% minute,
2. Discuss Possible Joint Projects with Friend of the Library Board Members.
Jane Bennett with the Friends of Library discussed two projects they would like to panne] wnh the
library board. The annual employee luncheon would be more appropriate coming fell the hblap
board to show their appreciation of the library staff or Jane told the board they could both work on this
together. The second one is a new project which would be a scholarship for teens Jane informed the
library board the friends had already started working on the scholarship b} having the teen hbranan
work on the criteria for teens applving for the scholarship 'Phis could bring the library more into the
light and more teen volunteers for the library.
Mary Jane asked how the board could help in partnering with the Friends on these ploJects, Jane
Bennett responded by telling the board they would like for the library board to share in hall ul the
scholarship. Each scholarship will be $500. There would be one representative from each bored to be
coordinators that would help with the criteria for the teens The question was asked if the Itbrus hnnrd
had a budget and if so, were there limitations on how the money could be used. Libran Diiectoi. Jell'
Timbs said he would get clarification from the finance department.
Jane Bennett expressed to the board that everyone would work together on the s'pting luncheon and
there would not be a big obligation on am, one person Everyone brings a dish or dessert and the
Friends all share in taking turns with sitting down with the library staff and visiting and getting to know
more about them. The members who work can help out by dropping off drinks, pinlcs, uip, and
napkins at the library It is a very enjoyable time. This luncheon has helped bring the Fi end, and the
library staff together in connecting with the goals of each organization. The luncheon Dins schcdidcd in
the beginning during National Library Week, but so much is going on now it has been mu, ed to \ttq
Board Chair, Mary Jane asked if there were any other projects they would like to discus,. Director .Jet[
Timbs, relayed to the boards another good project would the Donor Recognition Public Art' 1'1`41U',t
We would like to do a number of different programs and the more involved with this the better and this
would not be an annual event Jane Bennett with the Friends also said it would be a good env m hi mg
public recognition to the Endowment Board in recognizing past key donors and fulure donut
recognition for this project. A number of the key donors are still living in our conimuniq and you
could thank them in person.
Receive Update on 2009 ALLen Reads Program.
Jane Bennett gave an update on what is going on with ALLen Reads. The Friends have Created a
brochure with an insert, which was a fun idea, so people can put them on their iefrigerators Un one
side is the schedule of events and on the other side is the book discussion questions
Something new we have started is purchasing 125 paperback books that will not go through the hbmir
system. We have put a slip inside the book that says read this book and pass it .Jong to fumdy and
friends and when the slip is full bring back to the library to insert a new slip We did this became of
the community complaining about not having enough books to read the first )car of this pwgi am
Another thing we are doing is bookmarks like what the celebrity readers do when tliey go to schools
They have the dates and names on the back of the bookmarks of when the authors are coming
Border's Book Store has offered to do a new book discussion. They have offered us permanent ,paCc
in the store to showcase books we are promoting and it helps them also by showcasine iclated hood.,
The Friends met with the two managers and they have been very interested in the working with u, and
FEBRUARY 3, 2009
are very interested in the neighborhoods. This helps both sides. They bring in artist and nmsictan; and
have been very successful doing this. Paul Fleischman will be speaking at Borders as well as doing a
book signing.
4. Discuss and Take Action on Preparation of Annual Library Board Report to the City Council
Scheduled for March 10, 2009.
The board discussed the annual library board report, what it included and who would be pi esenunE
the report to the City Council. Mary Jane Hamilton will be out of town and Vice Chau, Susan
McDaniel will be presenting the annual report. Tom Keener did an excellent Job of putting the report
together last year and will be helping with this year's report. Last year's report included statistics.
pictures of events, and programs the library had over the past year. Don Wing said Tom did a good
composite review The presentation is short as the City Council does not want the report to be more
than ten to fifteen minutes long. Donna Drews Various said the report was very imps essiN e and liked
the way it was put together. It was interesting in the way it gave how many library cards w erc issued
and the percent of how much it had increased over the last year and did this with the carious pi ngi ants.
some major and minor The report showed a growing, living library. The Director told the hour(] we
will have a Board Meetingjust prior to the next City Council Meeting when the report is due Susan
McDaniel will do a dry run in front of the board and at the same time show the board ,flat is in the
1 5, Discuss Library Security Policy.
Board members Tanya Gould and Don Wing have been working on the Library SCCmIh Pohc� since
the last board meeting. They have compiled information from the Dallas and Plano floatic'. the
internet, and the Library Association Guideline. Tanya said they took the security infornmtion and
parts of the Library Code of Conduct because some of these overlap. We started oul with the Lib,aiv
Mission Statement from the Website, the purpose and security information and melded these together
to write the policy The policy includes responses, disciplinary action and put the Code of C'ondu�t on
the back page and reworded it. Tanya thinks it still is not perfect and rt may need some inure woi dmg
Tanya thinks the board should review it and give her feedback on what they think On the Security
Policy she said they went through and said here are the responsibilities and how the library SIalT:uc
going to react and how we do things. Here are the responses and what can happen, if it is a ve1baI
warning and what we are going to do We added the classes of behavior below and this we got from
Dallas Dallas said here is a class I, class 2, and a class 3 so when you write it up you can say heic is a
class I violation of library policy format for the incident report.
Jeff said what we are hoping to get from this policy is guidance for the staff and if it is something
severe we will call the police, but we have a lot of the things that fall below that threshold. As the
library gets larger we want consistency and that all of the staff are reacting in a consistent manner
Tanya asked the board as they read through the policy to look for things that me missing and ire
probably need to add a section on training and send Tanya comments so then can continue to eork on
Don Wing asked Jeff if a person has a license for a concealed weapon, are they banned h ort gamg ut
City and/or public buildings with a weapon. Jeff said he believed the Cit) Ordinance i,. if a pcwon
FEBRUARY 3, 2009
has a license for a concealed weapon, they are not allowed to bring them in city building, and the
exception being a licensed police officer or peace officer
Jeff expressed to the board that once they have reviewed the policy that it would be apps ops late to get
input from the library staff. After the board and the staff have reviewed the policy it would then be sent
to the city attorney for his approval.
6. Discuss Federal Legislation Impacting Libraries and Children's Books.
Jeff sent out an email to the board about the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act that No ill have
An impact on children's books and public libraries. There has been a lot of discussion m Washington
with the American Library Association and the Consumer Products Safety Commission along o ith
Senators and Congressman. The short term fix is that enforcement has been delayed for one year
Jeff will keep the library board posted on the legislation of what is going on with this.
7. Review December 2008 and January 2009 Library Statistics.
The board reviewed the statistics. Jeff reported that Statistics were up. The progrmi statistic, for
January 09 versus 08 were lower due to the fact that the children's librarians did a lot of outreach in the
schools in 2008. In 2009 we did not have any children's programs the first two weeks. Some libi on ics
have reported high increases but we already have large numbers and it is harder to show the big
increases when your numbers are already high. The question was asked if we can track olhcr np :odes
outside of our area and with Polaris we do not have that capability We do get patrons Gom Lucas,
Fairview and surrounding areas but most of the people that come into can library are hom the \Ilen
area. We had good attendance at the movies shown and those statistics are included in the program
attendance. Don Wing wanted to know if we can track how many Allen patrons go to the Plano
libraries. Jeff said we do not have those statistics and did not know if we could get them. N'c du a ack
how many transfers and holds that we do.
8. Receive Update on Friends of the Library Endowment Fund.
Mary Jane attended her first Endowment Board meeting. She was introduced along with Worle, Stem
who is a new member of the board. Josie Price is the new Chair for the fundraising committee Mary
Jane and Jeff are both on that committee. Jeff reported the Endowment Board recognvc, that till, 1, a
tough time for donations. The Endowment Board is concentrating on making people sw a] C of them.
They are working on some fundraisers such as having an author come and sell tickets to people to Conic
meet that person and include a reception dinner to defer some of the cost. The Board i., workme on
how to recognize the donors and the levels of recognition. You want something that i, going to be
visible and the indication of the level of their giving They are preparing a presentation to potential
donors to let them know what the library is doing and what is going on at the library and also to snake
an appeal for people to make a donation to the Endowment Fund to be involved
9. Review Calendar Items:
February 7 Bach to Books — John Brown Symposium, 7 p in.
February 8 Into the Garden Puppet Story, 2 and 3:30 p.m.
February 12 Readable History Book Club, 7 p.m.
February 15 Bach to Books — Dallas Black Dance Theatre, 3 p m
February 16 Genre Book Club, 7 p.m.
February 21 Winter Wonderland Program, 2 p.m
FEBRUARY 3, 2009
1 March 3 Noontime Pageturners Book Club
March 3 Library Board Meeting
The board reviewed the various events that are going on at the library the author of Scedfolks that is
coming to the Border's Book Store in April. The Friends and the library are sharing that event
Motion Upon A motion made by Board Member, Donald Wing, and a second by Board Member,
Donna Drews Various, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn thu hbr•vy board
meeting at 8 45 PM.
These minutes read and approved this 3rd day of March, 2009
7 YI CLQ/✓:L 7.`f7f/✓�t�
r Mary date amilton, Chairperson
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Tanya Goold
d, Se heL•try