HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2009 - 03/03 - RegularP
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MARCH 3, 2009
Susan McDaniel, Vice -Chair
Board members:
Tanya Gould
Donna Drews Vanous
Geoffrey Smith
City StatL•
Jeff Timbs – Director
Dale Lackey– Senior Administrative Assistant
Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to
order by Vice- Chair, Susan McDaniel, at 7:33 p.m. on Tuesday March 3, 2009 in the Board Room of the Allen
Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas.
Reeular Aaenda
1. Approve Minutes of February 3, 2009 Regular Called Meeting.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Donna Drews Vanous, and a second by Board
Member, Tanya Gould, the Board voted (4) for and none (0) opposed to approve the February 3, 2008
minutes with a correction in the spelling of Tanya Gould's first time.
2. Discuss Possible Joint Projects with Friends of the Library.
The library board discussed the three projects the Friend's of the Library wanted to partner with the
library board. The Friend's mission is different than the library's mission. The Friend's organization is
a fundraiser and the library board is not The board decided it was not right to use the City's funds to
sponsor a scholarship with the Friends. However, they would like to help with the selection process of
the candidates. Donna Drews Vanous suggested she would like to see the library staff honored for their
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help and support to the public. Director, Jeff Timbs suggested the board might want to recognize the
staff during National Library Week by doing a proclamation from the Mayor.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Donna Drews Various, and a second by Board
Member, Geoffrey Smith, the Board voted (4) for and none (0) opposed to recommend the library staff
be recognized for their contribution to the community by proclamation
The library board feels it is not their duty to help with the Employee luncheon. Their role is to make
recommendations for the library and to support the staff. The board members that are Friends of the
Library would support the luncheon through the Friend's efforts.
The Donor Recognition fits the board the best in that they would definitely like to be a part of
recognizing the donors that have contributed to the library
3. Discuss Draft of Library Security Policy.
Board member, Tanya Gould thought the Security Policy was good to go and the board thought it was
good to go ahead and take the next step. Library Director, Jeff Timbs suggested to the board the
Security Policy should go to the library staff to read and see if there is anything else that should be
added. After the library staff makes suggestions, the policy should go back to the library board to
consider their suggestions and then on to the attorney for approval.
4. Review and Approve Annual Library Board Report to the City Council Scheduled for
March 10, 2009.
Vice -Chair, Susan McDaniel presented the Annual Library Board Report to the library board to review
before presenting the report to the City Council on March 10th. Donna Drews Various asked a
question about the collection and why it had not increased? Jeff responded by letting the board know
there were a lot of out -dated medical books and materials that needed to be weeded out of the
collection to make room for newer materials. The size of the collection as of now is about 200,000.
Two items per capita. More space will not added until the second phase of the library is built.
5. Discuss and Consider Recommendation of Checkout Limits on DVDs.
The board discussed the checkout limits on DVD's and books. Patrons are checking out more and
more and leaving the shelves empty Jeff asked the board what they thought about setting limits and
how many to allow patrons to check out. We can't set limits on the amount a patron checks out at this
time. The limits as of now are three weeks on books, DVDS's, CD's etc. Tanya Gould wanted to know
when the limits had been changed? Jeff told the board the limits had been changed to standardize
everything about seven to eight months ago.
1 6. Review February 2009 Library Statistics.
The Library Board reviewed the February Statistics and Library Director, Jeff Timbs reported to the
board the program attendance had tripled over February of last year. We had 350 people show up for
The Dallas Black Dance Theatre program. The attendance has increased in our storytimes and we
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we are doing two daycare programs a week. The Daycares come before the library opens in the
mornings. We have a person on staff that contacted the local Daycares and coordinated with them
so as many as want to can participate.
Items checked out are up three percent and the foot traffic is up six percent. We have added about
8,000 new items since the beginning of this year. Board member Tanya Gould wanted to know what
impacts the periodicals. Jeff relayed to the board people are not as interested in back issues such as
Newsweek and Time which are online now.
7. Receive Update on ALLen Reads.
Donnas Drews Various said April and March are big months for the Friends. Most of their activities
occur in these two months Donna is the evaluation chair person and they did a dive -in movie at the
Natatorium that was a big success last year. The movie shown was "Underdog" The only complaint
they received was the movie screen needed to be larger. The Natatorium took this seriously and now
have a bigger screen. Donna was hoping to get some help with the next dive -in movie on April 251b
and thought maybe someone with kids would volunteer to go and give an evaluation on the program.
ALLen Reads is doing a program March 14'" with Master Gardener Judy Neil and the subject will be
"Growing Great Vegetables in Texas at the library Paul Fleischman the author of"SeedFolks" will be
1 at Borders on April 0 doing a presentation and book signing. There will be a lot of activities at
Watters Creek this weekend. The Friend's have a lot of things coming up before the next board
8. Review Calendar Items:
March 8-13
Teen Tech Week
March 10, 17, 24, 31
Women in the Workplace Movie Series, 7 p.m.
March 12
Bach to Books — Celtic Night, 7 p.m.
March 12
Readable History Book Club, 7 p.m.
March 14
ALLen Reads — Master Gardener Judy Neil, 2 p.m.
March 16
Genre Book Club, 7 p.m.
March 19
Take Me Out to the Ballgame (I"— 5" grade), 2:30 p on.
March 21
Bach to Books — Pianist Domenico Codispotti
April 7
Noontime Pageturners Book Club, 12 p.m.
April 7
Library Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m.
Motion. Upon A motion made by Board Member, Donna Drews Vanous, and a second by Board
Member, Geoffrey Smith, the Board voted (4) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the library board
meeting at 8:45 PM.
MARCH 3, 2009
These minutes read and approved this 7th day of April, 2009