HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2009 - 04/07 - RegularALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY
APRIL 7, 2009
Mary Jane Hamilton, Board Chair
Board members:
Donald Wing
Tanya Gould
Donna Drews Various
Geoffrey Smith
Susan McDaniel
City Staff:
Jeff Timbs— Director
Dale Lackey — Senior Administrative Assistant
Robin Sedlacek — Allen City Council
Call to Order/and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library oas called to
order by Board Chair, Mary Jane Hamilton, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday April 7, 2009 in the Board Room of the
Allen Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas
Regular Agenda
I. Approve Minutes of March 3, 2009 Regular Called Meeting.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Susan McDaniel, and a second by Board Membri,
Tanya Gould, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the February 3, 2008 nunutes
with a correction in the spelling of Tanya Gould's first name.
2. Discuss the NETLS Membership Meeting Scheduled for May 4, 2009.
Library Director, Jeff Timbs emailed the board about the upcoming NETLS meeting. The meeting o JI
be May 4, 2009 and will start at 10:00 AM. The theme will be "Library Lovers" and the ke'Nnotc
speaker will be Rosemary Rumley This meeting will be a reunion of all members and people oho
APRIL 7, 2009 PAGE 2
have ever participated in the NETLS organization and will be held in Garland at the Gramhille Arts
Center at the Atrium.
3. Receive Update on Library Staff Appreciation Luncheon in May.
Jeff emailed the board about Regina Taylor with the Friends needing help with the Staff Appreciation
Luncheon that will be held on May S" The Friends need Food and help with the set-up and clean-up
The luncheon will be a come and go with probably about 2-3 different shifts of the libraq staff
4. Discuss Results of Annual Library Board Report to the City Council on March 10, 2009.
Vice -Chair, Susan McDaniel presented the Annual Library Board Report to the City Council on Mauch
10, 2009 The report went very well and the City Council seemed pleased with the report 1'he report
included all of the major events and there were many more programs besides the ones in the report
5. Receive Staff Input Regarding Proposed Library Security Policy.
The library staff had a lot of input on the Library Security Policy Library Director, Jeff I'imbs gate
out a summary of all of the comments to the board and also will send this document to then]
electronically Board member Tanya Gould did not think it would be a problem incorporating the
changes into the current draft to have it ready by the next board meeting. If all the changes ha% e been
made and the security policy is ready, it can then go to the City Attorney. Jeff Timbs thanked board
members Tanya Gould and Don Wing for creating a great Security Policy for the bbrap
6. Receive Update on ALLen Reads.
Board member, Donna Drews Vanous gave an update on ALLen Reads Author Sarah Stewart and
Illustrator David Small with be here April 18"
The Paul Fleischman program was really good. He answered questions and had conversations with
people for over an hour. He related well and was a big hit. He had a gift talking to people which nmde
them feel like he was talking to them one on one.
7. Review March 2009 Library Statistics.
The statistics were up considerably for this month. The library had 2 big programs, Kettle Knight Jn
March 12" and Bach to Books had pianist Codispoti on March 21" The auditorium was packed and
there were 400 to 450 people at the program. People watched from the gallery. Cod]spou is such a
public figure in Italy that the Italian Consul ant felt they should send a representattoe The Dallas
Black Dance theatre program also performed to a full auditorium.
The foot traffic and checkouts were both up. The Internet use was up and part of this was due to the
economic situation People are looking for Jobs and working on resumes. I lohds and reserves oc]c up
1/2 percent of last year. Library use is up following the national trend. Tanya Gould wanted to knON if
we track DVDs, which we do not We are on the same system as Plano and the reports and options are
controlled by the Plano system.
The library is on the At&t cover of the yellow pages. We have two framed copies to be put up in the
library At&t approached us with the offer.
APRIL 7, 2009 PAGE 3
Library Director, Jeff Timbs said he wanted to update the board on the Children's position which has
been filled. Deborah West from Virginia will start on May I" and will be here in time to help finish
out the Summer Reading Program.
Dwight Burns, President of the Endowment Board has given his resignation and is moving back to
Austin. The Endowment Board revised the agenda for "Thursday night's meeting so the) can elect a
Board member Donna Drews Various had asked about the collection agency at the last board meet ng
and Jeff reported to the board, we use the Unique Management Services Company 'I lie), aie a
company used by most all of the public libraries and they base their commission on the amount of fines
collected and materials returned to the library They collect fines and materials in a wa) that does not
harass the people like typical collections agencies are known to do.
This month they recollected $800 in fines and recovered $11,000 in materials. Their commission eas
$283.00. They are very good at finding out people's address when they have moved. The average
commission since we have been using this company has been around $400 00 a month All the genu
the library has used the Unique Management Company, they have collected $79,000 in linen and
recovered $48,000 in library materials. A patron's fines has to amount to $25 before it goes to
collections The library sends out paper notices and/or email notices to patrons through Polaris at thice
different times and once this has been done it automatically goes to the collection agencv which is dune
through the software the company has provided online.
Review Calendar Items:
March 8-13
Teen Tech Week
March 10, 17, 24, 31
Women in the Workplace Movie Series, 7 p m.
March 12
Bach to Books — Celtic Night, 7 p.m.
March 12
Readable History Book Club, 7 p.m.
March 14
ALLen Reads — Master Gardener Judy Neil, 2 p.m.
March 16
Genre Book Club, 7 p m.
March 19
Take Me Out to the Ballgame (I"— 5" grade), 2'30 p in
March 21
Bach to Books—Pianist Domenico Codispolti
April 7
Noontime Pagetumers Book Club, 12 p.m.
April 7
Library Board Meeting, 7'30 p.m.
National Library Week is April 13'" through the 8" of next week. The library has promotions going on
and will be giving out library bags that has on them "Love My Library" and mood pencils with "Gel in
the mood to love your library", magnets with the library hours and Web address, ear buds provided h�
the Play -a -way Company, candy and bookmarks.
Day of the Book/Day of the Child program is on April 26" and the library has Bolin Elementary
performing a play called "The Book is a Magic Carpet", three puppet shows, Genie Hemlock
Storyteller doing "The Magic Genie" and other programs as well It will be a very busy day
The Kiwanis, Chick-fil-a, and the Friends were library sponsors for this event.
APRIL 7, 2009
National Library Worker's Day is Tuesday, April 14" and a cookie cake has been ordered lor the
library staff to show how much they are appreciated. The library board are welcome to come by to
show their appreciation to the staff.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Tanya Gould, and a second by Board Member, Don
Wing, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the library board meeting at 8 05 PINI
These minutes read and approved this 5th day of May, 2009.
ary Jan amrlton, Chairperson
Tanya Go a Secretary