HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2009 - 05/05 - RegularALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING May 5, 2009 Present: Mary Jane Hamilton, Board Chair Board Members: Donald Wing Tanya Gould Donna Drews Vanous Geoffrey Smith City Staff: Jeff Timbs, Director Dale Lackey, Sr. Administrative Assistant Guests: Jane Bennett, Friends of the Allen Public Library Joey Herald, Allen City Council Barbara NcNutt, Leadership Allen Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present With a quorum of the Board Members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to order by Board Chair, Mary Jane Hamilton, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5, 2009, in the Board Room of the Allen Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas. Board Chair, Mary Jane Hamilton read Mark Carpenter's resignation letter to the library board. Reeular Aeenda Approve Minutes of March 3, 2009 Regular Called Meeting. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member, Donald Wing and a second by Board Member Tanya Gould, the Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to approve the April 7, 2009 minutes. The motion carried. 2. Discuss the Board Meeting Schedule for the summer. The next board meeting will be June 2n° The July 71h board meeting will be cancelled due to the 0 of July holiday The library board meeting will resume on August 4' at the regular time. ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING MAY 5, 2009 PAGE 3. Consider Appointments to a Coordinating Committee for Potential Library Events Related to the Courtyard Sculpture. The Endowment Board President, Dwight Burns resigned to move to Austin to accept a new position with the Texas Finance Authority Joe Farmer who was Vice -President was elected by the Endowment Board to serve as the new President and Gayle Boon was elected as the new Vice - President The Endowment Board had discussed doing a fundraising event based upon the Public Art Sculpture in the courtyard possibly in September. Jeff said in talking with Joe Farmer they felt since the Public Arts Committee will be involved in the Sculpture itself, the library would like to do some events surrounding the Sculpture and there is this possible fundraising event from the Endowment Board. We felt like there should be a coordinating group or ad hock committee to organize things and make sure there is no duplication of effort and that nothing is left out that needed to be done. At the last Public Arts Committee they made a selection to go with Ameil. Lori Smeby, staff liaison will be their representative and on the Endowment Board Joe Farmer, President and Gayle Boon, Vice - President will be their representatives. Jeff Timbs and Mary Jane Hamilton discussed having a representative from the library board and thought Donald Wing would be a good choice to be on the committee. The main function would be coordinating events and the communication function to make sure all groups are on the same page. Tom keener and Jeff would also be a part of it to plan library programs as well as the things going on such as the unveiling of the sculpture and the fundmising event taking place by the Endowment Board. Board Member Donald Wing agreed to be 1 on the committee. Jeff said we will also be recognizing the past donors as well the donors that contributed to the new library to make sure this is incorporated into the plans. Jane Bennett with the Friends Board told the library board the artist has agreed to give a step by step process as he creates this sculpture how he cuts pieces out of Styrofoam. Jeff would like to plan a library program around the artist in being able to show the public how this sculpture was created. The Sculpture should be ready around mid to late September. 4. Discuss and Consider Approval of the Proposed Library Security Policy. Jeff Timbs said even though we had indicated we would consider approval of the Library Security Policy on the agenda he would like for the security policy to go back to the staff since they had so much input to make sure all of their questions and concerns were addressed and at the next meeting move forward to approve and send to the city attorney. Board member, Tanya Gould explained to the board the changes she had incorporated into the security policy She talked with Policeman, Jason Erter, who is the community liaison in Allen and also to Shelley George, the City Secretary and found out there were certain rules the city has. We had to take some of the things out of the security policy. Someone had mentioned a Criminal Trespass Citation and Jason Etter said yes we should put it in the policy. If we call the police the person who witnessed the offense has to wait on the police to arrive to be a witness or the police cannot issue the Criminal Trespass Warrant and it requires a signature. Someone suggested we put in the policy a Director or Manager can ban a person from the library for up to 14 days if necessary. These are found under the Response to Problems, section 4 A&B. Under Patron Conduct, #4 where it says patrons may not bring weapons into the library the rewritten one states patrons may not bring weapons into the library unless the individual is a licensed police officer or has a concealed handgun license. We cannot disallow patrons bringing in a handgun as the ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING MAY 5, 2009 PAGE 3 City of Allen has never voted on this issue. A person knows they cannot show their handgun to anyone and if they come in with their jacket open and you can see the handgun, that is a criminal error. You are to call the police and they will come and see if it was intentional or unintentional. If it is an accident and the first time they will be given a warning. If a person is showing their handgun intentionally to another person that is against the law and you are to call the police and they will come and take this person off the premises. Under Patron Conduct, #6, the wording on the use of tobacco should read, Smoking or the use of tobacco products is not allowed inside the library building. We cannot use 20 feet from the building as this has to beveled on by the City of Allen. Patrons are allowed to smoke just outside of the door. Tanya told the board that was all of the changes that had been recommended by Shelley George and Police Officer, Jason Etter. Everything else looked okay. The question was brought up about who has the authority to sign the warrant as the policy reads Director or Supervisor. A staff member does not have the authority to sign a warrant and if they see the offense, they are to report it immediately to the person in charge. Jeff said the policy needs to read Director, or his designee. Such as the librarian in charge or the designated person would have the authority to sign. The City Attorney will catch anything we might have missed. 5. Receive Update on ALLen Reads. Jane Bennett with the Friends gave an update on the ALLen Reads program for this year. Jane thanked everyone who helped and said it went extremely well. Donna Drews Various is doing the final evaluations on the statistics for this year. Our goal was to increase participation by ten percent and we have accomplished that goal. In January the film Greenfingers was shown and also again in Much for those who missed the movie in January The Children's Department had puppet shows in February that were just adorable. We did a series of activities in March, had a storyteller and the children did a recycling activity where they made newspaper trees with flowers on them. Andrea Smith, with Keep Allen Beautiful came and did their Envimscape. The Allen Garden Club came and made pots out of newspapers and let the kids plant seeds. The two big events were the two visits. Paul Fleischman was dynamic. Mark Kaufman taped an interview with Kirk Evans and Tom Keener interviewing Paul at the studio. On Friday Paul did two group talks at Ford Middle School and one at the Freshman Center. There was a lot of neat interaction with all of the students. On Saturday at Watters Creek Kirk Evans had been planning a Seeding A Healthy Community event with Keep Allen Beautiful and the Allen Garden Club. It turned out this year that our book tied in with it and we had Paul speak over there instead of at the library. This is an event that is going to become an annual event. The Friends is going to step in under the Bach to Books umbrella and underwrite a speaker of some kind for the Seeding A Healthy Community event and the library will continue to be involved. Tom Keener took the two author on a tour of the Bluebonnets. Sarah Stewart and David Small were the dearest couple. There was just such a peace around them that made you want to be there. On Thursday night they went to the Family Literacy Center which is underwritten by the City, partly by the school district and through some grants. This program is for citizens in Allen for whom English is a second language. Part of our goal was to reach out to more ESL groups this year. Friday we had 800 fourth graders in three groups in the rain. David Small ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING MAY 5, 2009 PAGE 4 illustrated while he talked. His talk was humorous and caught the kids attention and their questions really impress both Sarah and David. Saturday was the community day and there was a nice turn out and they signed books afterwards. We are already starting on trying to figure out what we are going to do next year. Our theme is going to be music and Kathy has asked that we partner with the symphony on a project. 6. Receive Update on 6's Annual Day of the Child / Day of the Book Activities. On April 261h we had the 6a annual Day of the Child / Day of the Book. It started off with the musical from the Bolen fifth graders and one didn't show up and Selina one of our librarians filled in for them which turned out good. We had a full auditorium for both that program and the bilingual storyteller. The children's department put on three puppet shows this year instead of two from last year and the program room was full for all of them. Melody Perez, one of our staff actually worked with the puppeteer. We had face painting, crafts and refreshments and everyone had an enjoyable day We had around fifteen hundred people in a two to three hour span. 7. Receive Updates on Library Workers Day and the Friends of the Library's Staff Appreciation Luncheon. We had Library Workers Day which was on April 14' and it was during National Library Week and the staff expressed an interest in having a cookie cake instead of a traditional cake. Earlier Tuesday the Friends had the Staff Appreciation Luncheon with lots of good food which the staff really appreciated. S. Receive Update on NETLS Membership Meeting Held on May 4's. The NETLS meeting was on Monday and Donald Wing, Ruth Pringle, Jeff Timbs and Wilma Smith all attended. Highland Park swept all of the awards. Bonnie Case was awarded Director of the Year and they won an award for their renovation project. Rosemary Rumley was the speaker and she is always very entertaining and had everybody rolling in the aisles. 9. Consider Appointments of a NETLS Lay Representative and Alternate Representative. It looks like in the NETLS bylaws Ruth Pringle can continue to being our Lay Representative even though she is no long on the board because the bylaws only state that the Lay Representative has to be an appointee of the library board but not necessarily a member of the board. Ruth is on the Advisory Board until year 2010. Jeff would like to table this item until next month when he has time to confirm with the NETLS Coordinator, Connie Moss. NETLS just had their election for the Advisory Board and are not wanting to fill anymore positions at this time. The State Legislature has approved the Lone Star Grant for next year for the public libraries and are still considering the TexShare K-12 funding for these databases. Steve Seale with NETLS will host an all day training workshop here at our library on August 14" They will be using all of our rooms. The workshop is for the librarians on Collection Development and Readers Advisory Librarians will becoming from allover the region. C�r H ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY REGULAR MEETING MAY 5, 2009 PAGE 5 10. Receive Summary of Planned Summer Reading Club Activities. The Children's Department will have the monthly calendars for June and July by next week. Registration starts June 8a and will run through August 1" We will have programs in the auditorium and will do two performances per performer based on the demand and attendance from last year. We will have the teen volunteers helping with the Partners in Rhyme working one on one with the children. The Read to Rover, The Heart of Texas Therapy Dogs program, The Great Texas Puppet Roundup is what the puppeteens will be doing. They will do five puppet shows this year so that everyone can come that wants to. We have the sign up going on now and have close to 100 teen volunteers for this summer. The staff has interviewed these teens and are trying to put them in the area they are best suited for. The question was asked about how many teen volunteers do we need for the summer and Jeff told the board last year we used 160 teen volunteers. 11. Review April 2009 Library Statistics. The monthly statistics were reviewed by the board. Overall the statistics were up and the library continues to be very busy. Board member, Don Wing reported to the board the AARP tax volunteers submitted 261 tax returns this year and they were up by ten percent over last year. 12. Review Calendar Items: May 6 Women Explorers Symposium, 7 p.m. May 18 Genre Book Club, 7 p.m. May 21 Readable History Book Club, 7 p.m. May 23 Teen Movie and Craft Afternoon, 2 p.m. May 24-25 Library Closed for Memorial Day June 2 Noontime Pageturners Book Club, 12 p.m. June 2 Library Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. June 8 Summer Reading Club Registration Begins 13. Adjourn MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member, Donna Draws Various and a second by Board Member Tanya Gould, the Board voted five (5) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 2nd day of June, 2009. APPROVED: _ter I, ._L dq Q ,.CHAIR PERSON �11� • w,