HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2009 - 08/04 - RegularL
Mary Jane Hamilton, Chair
Board Members:
Donald Wing
Tanya Gould
Donna Drews Vanous
Geoffrey Smith
Susan McDaniel
AUGUST 4, 2009
Call to Order and Announce a Out rum is Present
With a quorum of the Board Members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to
order by Chair, Mary Jane Hamilton, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2009, in the Board Room of the
Allen Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas.
Reeular Aeenda
1. Approve Minutes of June 2, 2009 Regular Called Meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member, Donald Wing and a second by Board Member,
Susan McDaniel, the Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the June 2,
2009 minutes The motion carried.
2. Introduce New Board Member Trent Armstrong.
Trent Armstrong was not present at the meeting.
3. Discuss and Approve Cancellation of the September Board Meeting to Attend the Young
Writers Awards Program on September 1.
City Statf:
Jeff Timbs, Director
Deborah West, Children's Manager
AUGUST 4, 2009
Call to Order and Announce a Out rum is Present
With a quorum of the Board Members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to
order by Chair, Mary Jane Hamilton, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2009, in the Board Room of the
Allen Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas.
Reeular Aeenda
1. Approve Minutes of June 2, 2009 Regular Called Meeting.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member, Donald Wing and a second by Board Member,
Susan McDaniel, the Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve the June 2,
2009 minutes The motion carried.
2. Introduce New Board Member Trent Armstrong.
Trent Armstrong was not present at the meeting.
3. Discuss and Approve Cancellation of the September Board Meeting to Attend the Young
Writers Awards Program on September 1.
AUGUST 4, 2009 PAGE 2
Discussion of the many writers involved and the impressive work by the students An uplifting
experience reflecting the effort and pride of the students. The event will be held September 1, 7:00
P.M. and board members are encouraged to attend. A reception will be held after the event. A
reminder will be sent.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member, Susan McDaniel and a second by Board Member,
Donna Drews Various, the Board voted six (6) for and none (0) opposed to cancel the
September Library Board meeting. The motion carried.
4. Receive update on 2009 Summer Reading Club Activities.
Children's Manager Deborah West gave an update on the 2009 Summer Reading Club Activities.
The summer programs were very successful with 2,805 children signed up for the Summer Reading
Program Twenty-six story times with 1,697 kids and parents. Twenty-four school age programs with
approximately 5,000 in attendance. Seven performers held two programs each with four of them
filling the auditorium both times. A total of 1,000 Children returned reading logs to receive a free
Storytime starts again in September. Two new book clubs will be started, one for grades 1-3 and
grades 4-6. Programs Read to Rover, The Bluebonnet Home School kickoff and a new Or Seuss will
start in September.
5. Review and Discuss June 2009 Library Statistics.
The Library Statistics for lune were up over last year. Circulation is up and program attendance
doubled over last year. There were 35,000 people who visited the library this month and 75,000
items checked out. The current year projections for materials circulated is 727,000, program
attendance 26,000 and visitors 317,000.
6. Discuss Change in Procedures for In -House Holds.
The discussion regarding Procedures for In -House Holds was tabled for later discussion. There are
currently no limits on holds. The library staff is reviewing possible changes to the policy.
Receive Update on the Public Art Project in the Library Courtyard.
Don and Jeff met Lori Smeby, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation. The tentative date for the
Public Art Project dedication is October 24, 2009. Installation will take two weeks. The ceremony
will be held 11:00 a.m. to noon and will include the Welcome, Introduction, Dedication and a speech
by the Sculptor. The Sculptor may visit local schools and community college for art discussions.
The Friends of the Library will hold the Chocolate Celebration, which is a major membership drive,
from 2:00-4:00 in conjunction with Bach to Books. A private fundraising dinner will be held that
AUGUST 4, 2009 PAGE 3
Receive Update on the Friends of the Library Endowment Fund.
The Friends have reserved the Senior Center for the October 241h fundraiser with plans for the
Sculptor to attend and participate. The Friends have purchased a laptop and projector with grant
money to support a presentation to various community groups. The Friends Endowment Fund is
seeking funding to expand the library as bond funds do not meet all library needs during an
Receive Status Report on Proposed Library Security Policy.
The review has been postponed to the October meeting. Some issues have recently arisen that allow
testing of the proposed security policy The real-life tests will help determine if the policy is written
correctly and will be successful as implemented.
10. Review Calendar Items:
August 4, 11, 18, 25
Monsters vs. Earth Movie Series, 7 p.m.
August 6
World War II Hero and Author lames Megallas, 7 p.m.
August 8
"Street People" play, 7 p.m.
August 9
'Street People" play, 4 p.m.
August 17
Genre Book Club, 7 p.m.
August 20
Readable History Book Club, 7 p.m.
August 21
Library Closed for Staff In -Service Day
The Library Board reviewed the calendar items
11. Adjourn
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Board Member, Donna Drews Various and a second by Board
Member Donald Wing, the Board voted five (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn at 8:34
p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 6th day of October, 2009.