HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2007 - 10/02 - RegularALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY
OCTOBER 2, 2007
Jo Long, Board Chair
Board members:
Julia Elina
Donna Drews Various
Mary Jane Hamilton
Ruth Pringle
Donald Wing
Susan McDaniel
City Staff:
Barbara Buehler, Library Director
Dale Lackey, Senior Administrative Assistant
Ross Obermeyer — Allen City Council
Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to
order by Board Chair, Jo Long, at 7:35 p.m. on Tuesday October 2, 2007 in the Board Room of the Allen Public
Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas
1. Citizen's Comments.
There were no Citizen Comments.
2. Elect Officers
Board Chair, to Long opened nominations for the fiscal year 2007-2008 Library Board Officers.
Board member In Long nominated Donald Wing as Board Chair.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, In Long, and a second by Board Member, Julia
Elma, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to nominate Donald Wing as the new Board Chair.
OCTOBER 2, 2007
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Ruth Pringle, and a second by Board Member,
Susan McDaniel, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to cease the nominations on the Board
Board member, Ruth Pringle nominated Susan McDaniel as the new Vice -Chair.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Ruth Pringle, and a second by Board Member,
Mary Jane Hamilton, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to nominate Susan McDaniel as the
new Vice -Chair.
Board member, Ruth Pringle nominated Julia Elma as the Board Secretary.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Ruth Pringle, and a second by Board Member,
Susan McDaniel, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to nominate Julia Elms as Secretary.
3. Approve Minutes of September 1S, 2007, Special Called Meeting.
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Donald Wing, and a second by Board Member,
Mary Jane Hamilton, the Board voted (7) for and none (0) opposed to approve the September 18, 2007
Special Called Meeting Minutes.
4. Review Monthly Statistics and Suggestion Forms.
The Library Board reviewed the Monthly Statistics and read all of the Suggestion Forms.
5. Determine Contest Winners.
The library board read the essay papers that entered the essay contest for the library's 40a celebration
kickoff and chose the winners. They are:
Elementary: Anna Kraus
Teen: Cindy Li
Adult: Alberto Aquilar
The winners of the Rotary Club of Allen Sunrise Birthday contest are:
1" PlaceMadison Jarboe
2"d Place: Priscilla Pena
3' Place: Shayla Nguyen
1' Place. Courtney Calton
2"d Place: Kathleen Smor
3rd Place: Janne Jennett
Story Elementary 1"- 3rd
Story Elementary I" - 3r°
Story Elementary W - 3m
Green Elementary 4' — 6th
Green Elementary 4' — 6th
Norton Elementary 4' — 6th
OCTOBER 2, 2007
Review Loan Star Grant Application.
Library Director, Barbara Buehler discussed the Loan Star Grant Application and what the funds would
be used for The State Library doubled the amount this year. The funds cannot be used for budding.
The library will use the funds for:
1. 3,500 for Spanish Collection Shelving
2. 6,000 for part-time staff for the children's department during the summer.
3. 1,000 for children's DVD's and also to beef up children's tapes on CD
4. Downloadable Audio Books
There will be no state aid Federal only for 105 libraries continuing education. They took away the
buying contracts and the state is going to do the buying for the libraries. The big publishers probably
will not go for it.
7. Finalize October 6, 2007 Events.
The board discussed the final arrangements for the library's 4& Birthday Celebration kickoff. The
events will start at 2:00 pm Everything has been taken care of and the cake will be delivered Saturday
and will be served after the Keynote Speaker, Friends ALLen Reads, and Endowment Fund
announcements. David Chicken's children's program will wrap up the kickoff event. Everything is
planned and in place for the 40 events for the month of October.
8. Items of Interest.
There will be training for the new and re-elected board members at the Senior Center at 6:00 PM on
October 18, 2008.
Barbara Buehler and board member Ruth Pringle attended the NETLS meeting in Terrell, Texas The
highlight was the toast to the Tocker's Foundation. They are giving 2 million a year for rural libraries
They are limiting book purchases to $5,000 a year, $50,000 for furniture and 2 computers.
One of the NETLS programs was a presentation on Face Reading It gave tips on how to read people's
faces, which was very interesting.
The Friends of the Library can use helpers on Wednesday afternoon getting ready for the Chocolate
Celebration Wednesday, October 24'"
9. Calendar:
• October 6, 2007 — Library's 40" Birthday Celebration Kickoff.
• October 18, 2007 — Board Training at the Senior Center.
• November 6, 2007 Regular Library Board Meeting,
Motion: Upon A motion made by Board Member, Donna Drews Various, and a second by Board
Member, Donald Wing, the Board voted (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the library board
meeting at 8:33 PM.
OCTOBER 2, 2007
These mantes read and approved this 6th day of November, 2007
Jo Long, Chairperson Julia Elina, Secretary