HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2006 - 07/18 - Special CalledALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY SPECIAL CALLED MEETING July 18, 2006 Present: Jo Long, Board Chair Board members: Julia Elms Mary Jane Hamilton Ruth Pringle Donna Drews Various Donald Wing Susan McDaniel Tami Burich - Friends of the Allen Public Library Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Board members present, the Special Called Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to order by Board Chair, Jo Long, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 in the Board Room of the Allen Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas. 1. Citizen's Comments. There were no Citizen Comments. 2. Approve Minutes of the June 6, 2006 Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member Donald Wing and a second by Board member Ruth Pringle, the board voted (7) for and (0) opposed to approve the lune 6, 2006 board minutes. 3. Review Monthly Statistics and Suggestion Forms. Internet use was down due to continuing computer problems. Library Director, Barbara Buehler commented that out of the 63,000 items checked out 12,000 of those went through the self -checkout stations and hoped that they would be used more in the future. Board member, Ruth Pringle asked how City Staff: Barbara Buehler, Library Director Marianne Smith , Librarian Guests: Tami Burich - Friends of the Allen Public Library Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum of the Board members present, the Special Called Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to order by Board Chair, Jo Long, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 18, 2006 in the Board Room of the Allen Public Library, 300 North Allen Drive, Allen, Texas. 1. Citizen's Comments. There were no Citizen Comments. 2. Approve Minutes of the June 6, 2006 Regular Meeting. Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member Donald Wing and a second by Board member Ruth Pringle, the board voted (7) for and (0) opposed to approve the lune 6, 2006 board minutes. 3. Review Monthly Statistics and Suggestion Forms. Internet use was down due to continuing computer problems. Library Director, Barbara Buehler commented that out of the 63,000 items checked out 12,000 of those went through the self -checkout stations and hoped that they would be used more in the future. Board member, Ruth Pringle asked how ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JULY 18, 2006 PAGE many people did each self -check replace and Circulation Supervisor, Tamt Burich replied none. It is just another avenue to help relieve some of the pressure on the Circulation desk and to speed up the checkout process for patrons Suggestion forms were read. 4. Homework Help Center— Marianne Smith. Librarian, Marianne Smith presented the Homework Help Center program that is due to start in October. She went through the process of researching and evaluating the steps necessary to set up the Homework Help Center. These involved contacting schools, teachers, principals and librarys about other Homework Help programs (such as Harrington Library) and the things needed to set one up. The Homework Center will consist of 2 sessions, 2 nights a week for 6 weeks with a maximum class of 12 students. The classes with be held to the computer lab. Honor student volunteers will be given the opportunity to help with the students enrolled. Parents must give permission and students must have a letter of recommendation from their teacher. Each student will come to the library to sign up for classes. The Homework Help Center will have materials such as text books, TAKS books and the Tutoncom software that will allow students access from their homes. Tutor.com will have live Certified teachers that will train our staff in August. Another concern voiced by Donna Drews Various was the picking up of the students once the class is over. The library would let parents know that it is their responsibility to pick their children up on time. 1 Board member Donna Drews Various asked what kind of budget we would need to accommodate the Homework Help Center and how the board could support them? The library would need about $6,000 per year for the Tutor.com software and has applied for a Co-Sery grant in the amount of $5,000 to help with the cost of materials. The library will know more how they need to be supported at a later date. The Board would like for this to be added to the Statistics Report each month. 5. Quarterly Trust Fund Report. The Trust fund is drawing 5% interest per Kevin Hammeke, Finance Director and it has been down to 1%. The fund has generated revenues over the past year of $17,000. 6. Update on Foundation Investigation. There has been one meeting with John Rapier on setting up a foundation for the library John suggested that they might be able to put it under an umbrella through the Friends of the Library and rework the bylaws to include everything. He was very positive. There is a meeting set up with Bob Rothe an investment professional to discuss all the possibilities available. Ruth Pringle wants to make sure that the foundation is set up to handle Wills, Bonds, Stocks etc. The Board would also like to know what it will cost and what is needed to change the Friend's bylaws. The board would like a separate board to oversee the foundation/endowment (not the Friends) and would like big names in Allen to be on the board such as Doctors, Lawyers, business men that are supportive of the library and have access to money and knows how to use it. The board would he elected by various existing boards to Allen. The board discussed the difference between a foundation versus an endowment. Ruth Pringle said that basically a foundation was a lot more involved than an endowment and you would need paid staff to operate it. ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JULY 18, 2006 7. Library Survey Status. PAGE The surveys went out in the All Allen Newsletter and we have not had the response that we had with the first survey that was done. We think they got lost due to the fact they had to be cut out and were not inserted where you could pull them out separately. Teresa Warren has put them out on the City's Website and has put articles in the Allen American telling citizens about the survey The survey ends on July 31, 2006. Items of Interest. Northeast Texas Library Systems Mini -Grant Summary Report — Library Director, Barbara Buehler said the report was impressive and gave each board member a copy of it. The NETLS meetings next year will be at Canton, Richardson and Jefferson. Job Center Report — The Dallas Morning News was given the statistics on our Job Center kiosk on the first floor of the library which is used often by our patrons. The Budget Retreat is coming up in August and we won't have the final budget until the next board meeting. Ruth Pringle talked about the NETLS Leadership Conference coming up in October at the Radison Hotel in Ft. Worth, Texas and that help was needed to put all the packets together and for setting up. Tami said the Friend's bookcases needed to be put together. Dale Lackey said she would try and get maintenance to put them together. Also, the date for the Chocolate Orgy has been set for October 25, 2006 and will be held at the new Senior Center. The Friends are planning a program for September I lth memorial. It will he a Patriotic Music Concert which will be on a Monday evening. The library is registered as being a site for 9/11. The next library board meeting has been rescheduled for August 8, 2006 at 7:30 pm. 9. Calendar. • August 8, 2006— Special Called Meeting • Creature Features - Tuesdays @ 7'00 pm —August 22nd through October 31 Adiourn Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member Susan McDaniel and a second by Board member Donna Drews Various, the Board voted (7) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Board Meeting at 9'05. I n ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SPECIAL CALLED MEETING JULY 18, 2006 These minutes read and approved this 8th day of August, 2006. APPROVED: On Long, Ch 'rperson ATTEST: ,{�,, u' r" Julia Elina, Secretary PAGE