HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2003 - 10/07 - RegularALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY
OCTOBER 07, 2003
Cal Calvin, Board Chair
Board members:
George Chrisman
Julia Elina
John Ross
Ruth Pringle
Donna Vanous
In Long
City Staff:
Barbara Buehler, Library Director
Friends of the Library Representative — Traci Hanftt
Call to Order and Announce a Ouorum is Present
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to
order by Cal Calvin, Board Chair at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday October 07, 2003, in the Library Meeting Room of
the Allen Public Library, 2 Allen Civic Plaza, 301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
Items discussed in the preceding meeting included-
• Young Writers Reception.
• Re -convene into Board Meeting.
• Other Business.
1. Citizen's Comments.
There were no Citizen Comments
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2. Approve Minutes of September 03, 2003 Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member, John Ross and a second by Board member, Donna
Vanous, the Board made a correction to the minutes stating Jo Long was present at the September
meeting, the board voted (7) for and none (0) opposed to pass the September Minutes.
3. The Election of Officers were elected later in the Board Meeting.
4. Review Monthly Activity Report and Suggestion Boz Forms.
The monthly activity report was reviewed. The board noted that the foot traffic and Internet use have
continued to rise.
Several of the suggestion box forms asked that something be done about the parking, particularly on
Saturday morning. Some of the handicapped and families with several small children have had to walk
from the City Hall parking lot It was agreed that it would be watched but nothing could be done at this
5. The Election of Officers was held at this time.
Board member, John Ross nominated Cal Calvin as Board Chair. No other nominations were made.
Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member Jo Long and a second by Board member John Ross,
the Board voted (7) for and none (0) against to elect Cal Calvin as the Board Chair.
Board memberponna Various nominated John Ross as Vice Chair and Ruth Pringle as Secretary
John Ross withdrew his name and nominated Julia Elina as the Vice Chair No other nominations were
Motion: Upon a motion by Board member John Ross and a second by Board member George
Chrisman, the board voted (7) for and none (0) against to elect Julia Elina as Vice Chair and Ruth
Pringle as Secretary
6. Consider Meeting Room Policy
The present policy is creating a hardship on Library Personnel and Friends of the Library in planning
programs for the library The current policy allows groups to schedule meetings for months in advance
and to use the room as often as they wish, limiting the amount of use by others in the community After
discussion and a review of other libraries meeting room policies, a motion was made.
Motion: Upon a motion, Board member John Ross and a second by Board member Donna Various, the
board voted (7) for and none (0) against to recommend to the City Council that the policy to use the
Library Meeting Room be limited to no more than 45 days in advance of the event and that each group
be limited to once a month. Upon further discussion the motion was amended to no more than 90 days
OCTOBER 07, 2003
in advance of the event and that each group is limited to once a month. The policy is to become
effective when the City Council acts upon it.
Update on Collection Agency's Services
Unique Management Services will begin work this week attempting to get people to return long
overdue books and to pay their fines. The process is automatic, beginning with computer collection of
data on patron's outstanding materials and entails the sending of collection letters and ends with
personal phone calls to the patron. If the book is returned or arrangements are made to pay their fines,
the process is stopped. There is approximately $200,000 in overdue materials outstanding for the past
five years, justifying a trial of the Collection Agency's Services.
Review Calendar of Upcoming Events.
:• Thursday, October 16, 2003, the NETLS meeting will be held in Jacksonville, Texas. Deadline for
reservations is tomorrow.
:• The Groundbreaking for the new library is Tuesday, October 21, 2003 at 9'00 a.m. at the site of the
new library at the comer of Allen Drive and Bonham in Allen.
Tracy Hanftt of the Friends, reminded everyone of the Chocolate Orgy, Wednesday, October 22, 2003,
in the library meeting room. This is an annual membership drive by the Friends of the Library that
features a chocolate tasting contest, with lots of good chocolate recipes to taste.
9. Other Business
George Chrisman announced that this was his last meeting as a Library Board Member. The City
Council has appointed him to another City board. He will continue attending when possible and will
give the Power Point Presentation he has prepared to the City Council at a later date. He thanked the
Board for their cooperation. The Board thanked him for the excellentlob he has done. (A new board
member will be assigned by the City Council.)
• November 04, 2003, Allen Public Library Board, Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member, Donna Various and a second by Board member,
George Chrisman, the Board voted (76) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the board meeting.
OCTOBER 07, 2003
These minutes read and approved this 4th day of November, 2003.
Cal Calvin, Chairperson
Ruth Pringle, S •etary