HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 2002 - 08/06 - RegularALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY
AUGUST 06, 2002
Cal Calvin, Board Chair
Board members:
George Chrisman
Jo Long
John Ross, Jr.
Ruth Pringle
Frank Snidow
City Staff:
Barbara Buehler, Library Director
I Guest:
Wilma Smith — Friends of the Allen Public Library
Call to Order and Announce a Ouor un is Present
With a quorum of the Board members present, the Regular Meeting of the Allen Public Library was called to
order by Board Chair, Cal Calvin at 7:30 p.m on Tuesday, August 06, 2002, in the Allen Library Meeting
Room of the Allen Public Library, 2 Allen Civic Plaza, 301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
Items discussed in the preceding meeting included:
• Monthly Activity Report and Suggestion Box Forms.
• Update on Library Building Process.
• Review new Sandards for Texas Public Libraries.
• Consider County Funding Request.
There were no Citizen Comments.
Citizen's Comments.
There were no Citizen Comments.
AUGUST 06, 2002 PAGE 2
1 2. Approve Minutes of the August 06, 2002, Regular Meeting.
Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member George Chrisman and a second by Board member
Frank Snidow, the Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to approve minutes of August 06, 2002
regular meeting.
3. Review of Monthly Activity Report and Suggestion Box Forms.
The Board reviewed the August Statistical Report, Activity Report and Suggestion Box Forms. The
Board was impressed with the significant increases in each category Upon reviewing the Suggestion
Box Forms, the Board was concerned about the housekeeping complaint. Library Director, Barbara
Buehler will check on it.
4. Update on Library Building Process.
Architects have been challenged to keep the project in-line cost wise The Architect Firm presented
four ways to keep the cost down. The Library Planning and Oversight Committee has agreed to Option
C. See attached list for options.
The Architect Firm can now proceed with the design development of the new library Approximate
dates for the protects are as follows:
Design Development - 3 Months
Construction Documents - 4 % Months
Bids — March
Contract — May
Completed Project in the winter of 2004
There is a possibility of some Corporate giving and some additional funds.
Review New Standards for Texas Public Libraries.
Library Director, Barbara Buehler gave an overview of the new Standards for Texas Public Libraries.
The Board agreed that judging the library by these standards will be beneficial and will allow us to see
how we measure up statewide. The standards are not mandatory but gives the library something to
strive for.
Three levels are used: Essential, Enhanced, and Excellent. In addition the population of the area our
library serves is considered; for instance, an area with 50,000 to 99,999, the Essential Sandard is 1.5
items per capita, the Enhanced Standard is 3 items per capita and the Excellent Standard is 4 items per
One of the standards is to have a Master Plan. Our Master Plan is outdated and a new one must be
made. Also the written policies need to be reviewed.
AUGUST 06, 2002 PAGE 3
6. Consider County Funding Request.
Library Director, Barbara Buehler attended the County Funding Meeting. Discussion was tabled until
the next board meeting.
7. Other Business
The Board agreed to host a breakfast or luncheon for the City Council and the City Manager. The
exchange of ideas and concerns will be beneficial to both the Board and Council. Barbara agreed to
check on this for the Board.
Jane Bennett, Wilma Smith from the Friends of the Allen Public Library and Board member Cal Calvin
met with the Arts Alliance. The Arts Alliance will come back next week with their answer about
joining with the Library Board and Friends on a joint project. "The key to having the three groups
cooperate is to find a mutual agreed upon project," Cal Calvin stated. What can we do jointly to best
benefit us all.
Wilma Smith reported that the Friends, Allen City Council, local nurseries, and the Garden Club will
present in October the "Dirt Doctor," Howard Garrett who has a program on WBAP on Saturdays. This
will be open to the public.
8. Calendar
• September 03, 2002, Allen Public Library Board, Regular Meeting
Motion: Upon a motion made by Board member John Ross and a second by Board member Frank Snidow, the
Board voted (6) for and none (0) opposed to adjourn the Board Meeting.
These minutes read and approved this Jul day of September, 2002.
Cal Calvin, Chairperson Ruth Pringle, St etary