HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 1995 - 02/07 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD FEBRUARY 7, 1995 ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY TWO ALLEN CIVIC PLAZA ALLEN, TX 75002 I. The February 7, 1995 regular meeting of the APL Board was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by Betty Matthews. Members present were Don Wilson, Eric Liepens, Fritz Dietrich, Barbara Buehler. Julie Wihnoth arrived late. 11. The minutes from the January 1995 meeting were reviewed. Three corrections were made: l) the spelling of Barbara Buehler, 2) the TLA conference is April 4-8 with the Friends Day on April 5 and 3) there was one in-service day held in December. A motion was made by Don Wilson and seconded by Eric Liepens for approval of the minutes with corrections. III. The monthly statistical report/suggestion box review: Barbara Buehler passed out statistical summaries for review as well as items from the suggestion box. IV. Update on Friends activities: The Mostly Mozart concert on January 22 was well received and well attended. More Friends sponsored musical programs were suggested. V. Update on new automation enhancements: Barham Buehler reported that videos, magazines and dictionaries are par[ of the enhancement and that patrons are now able to put on their own holds. Vt. Status of CIP projects: Barbara Buehler passed out the CIP five year summary sheet. The Library items L were reviewed. The Category A items include: installation of automatic doors; additional furniture and shelving: more ports and terminals. These changes/addidons are planned for this fiscal year. VO. A NETLS workshop entitled Library Strategies 2000: Influencing Your Future, will be held in Allen on March 8, 1995. Reservations may be made with Barbara Buehler. VB1. Annual Holiday Schedule: A motion was made by Don Wilson to include Sunday, Dec. 24 as part of the holiday schedule for an unpaid staff holiday. Fritz Dietrich seconded. Motion passed unanimously. IX. Impact of Postal Rate Changes: The new postal rate has affected the library rate and therefore could affect inter -library loans. 286 items were checked out through inter -library loans in 1994 at a charge of $1.00 per item. A motion was made by Don Wilson to increase the current charge from $1.00 to $2 00 on items to be checked on inter -library loans. Fritz Dietrich seconded. Motion passed 4-1. It was suggested that this change be reviewed within a one year period to see if it has an adverse affect on usage. X. Barbara Buehler reported that a representative from Bloodcare has requested to use the library facility for a blood drive. This item was tabled until fuller research is done. XI. Other items of interest: Library Board members should be received TLA cards. TLA Annual conference will be held in Dallas from April 4-8. Board members should plan to attend on April 5. The next board meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, March 8. XII. A motion was made by Don Wilson and seconded by Enc Liepens to adjourn at 9:08 p.m.