HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 1995 - 09/05 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SEPTEMBER 5, 1995 ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY TWO ALLEN CIVIC PLAZA ALLEN, TX 75013 I. The regular meeting of the Allen Library Board was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Betty Matthews. Members present were Mary Walker, Fritz Dietrich and Julie Wilmoth. Debbie Vavm, representing the Friends, was a visitor. Also present was Barbara Buehler. 11. The minutes from the August 1, 1995 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Fritz Dietrich and seconded by Mary Walker for approval of the minutes. III. Barbara Buehler passed out the August statistical summary for review, as well as items from the suggestion box. Foot traffic was down in August but the number of items checked out increased. Several items from the suggestion box were read and discussed. Responses sent to people who had offered previous suggestions were read as well. IV Debbie Vavm gave a report for the Friends. She reported that they had met on August 28 to finalize plans for the Book Sale. Set up for the sale will he Thursday, Sept. 14. The pre-sale for Friends members only will be Friday, Sept. 15 from 6-8p.m. The sale will be open to the general public on Saturday, Sept. 16 from 10a.m. - 3p.m. Many of the books are new (pre-publication) books that have been donated by the Dallas Morning News. The next Friends Board Meeting is on Sept. 19 at 6:30p.m. The next General Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 19. The revised by-laws and new budget will be Presented to the Membership for approval. The speaker at that meeting will be Tom Keener, a City of Allen employee who will speak on the History of Allen. V The Budget will be adopted at the Council Meeting on Thursday, Sept. 7 The General Fund for the city is $9,197,433.00 and the Library portion is $491,167.00. This is a 4.9% increase over last years budget. The Library's portion of the total budget is 5%. The Budget will become effective Oct. 1. VI. There have been two new additions to the Library Staff. Cinch Bramum has been rehired as the children's clerk Popy Chaffee has been hired as a part-time clerk. VII. The Trust Fund balance for the period ending June 30, 1995 is $328,551.63. V111. The Collection Development Policy was reviewed. It was suggested that the An Prints be addressed in the area of Criteria for Selection, Section C, Special Formats. IX. Barbara Buehler reported that the County Commissioners approved funding for the 8 public libraries in Collin County. She also reported that the new city board appointments take effect in October. X A motion was made by Fritz Dietrich and seconded by Mary Walker to adjourn at 9:00 p.m.