HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 1995 - 10/10 - RegularMINUTES
OCTOBER 10, 1995
ALLEN, TX 75013
1. The October 10, 1995 regular meeting of the Allen Library Board was called to order at 7:30 pm by
temporary Chair Fritz Dietrich. Other members present were Eric Liepins, Donna Vanous, Carl
Williams and Sharon Curtis. Library Director Barbara Buehler was also present. Members absent were
Terri Perry and Julie Wihnoth.
11. Eric Liepins made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 5, 1995 meeting. Sharon Curtis
made a second. Minutes were approved.
III. New officers were elected for the fiscal year as follows: Chairman - Fritz Dietrich; Vice Chairman -
Eric Liepins; Secretary - Julie Wilmoth.
IV The library ordinance was reviewed, as stipulated in that document. Newly appointed members were
requested to make appointments with the Director for an orientation session.
V The September monthly activity report was reviewed as well as the yearend activity report. Year-end
activities revealed increases in visits to the library (+9%), number of materials borrowed (+18%),
program attendance (+20%) and reference assistance (+33%). The only decrease realized was in the
number of new cards issued (49%).
The suggestion box forms were reviewed. There were 12 forms turned in, ranging from requests for
weekend children's activities and more investment periodicals to compliments on Sunday hours and re-
organization of videos.
VL Board member Dona Vanous reported on Friends of the Library activities. The Friends earned $1200
at the September used book sale. The Executive Board has approved the library's budget requests for
$4300; these requests included $2200 from children's services, $100 for a special event to honor
library volunteers, $100 for a polaroid camera, $400 for the Young Authors Writing Workshop, $700
to purchase reference and periodical materials, and $800 to help fund conference attendance for the
librarians. The total Friends budget which will be reported at the Oct. 19 general membership meeting
will be $6515. At this meeting, the membership will be asked to approve the revised by-laws. The
program will be a presentation on "The history of Allen" by Tom Keener.
Vii. NETLS calendars were distributed by B. Buehler, who pointed out dates for upcoming NETLS
meetings; she reminded that Dietrich & Wihnoth are lay representatives to NETLS and would be
expected to attend NETLS meetings. Other Board members are also welcome to attend.
VIII. Under other items of interest. Liepins asked about the library's budget, specifically which new positions
had been approved. Buehler replied that the only staff addition was an increase of hours for the clerk in
children's services from 25 to 30 per week. The requests to increase the secretary to full time and to
add a maintenance person were denied. Overall, the library's budget increased by $23,136 or 4.9%.
Buehler reminded everyone to place Wed., Dec. 6 on their calendars for the annual dinner to honor
members of the city's board and commissions.
IX. The meeting was adjourned at 8.50 pm.