HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 1996 - 03/05 - RegularMINUTES
MARCH 5, 1996
ALLEN, TX 75013
I. The March 5, 1996 regular meeting of the Allen Library Board was called m order at 7.45 PM
by Board Chair Fritz Dietrich. Members present were Eric Liepins, Carl Williams and Donna
Vanous. Also present was Library Director Barbara Buehler.
11. The minutes from the Feb. 6, 1996 meeting were reviewed. It was suggested that the wording in
section V he expanded to include "Memorial Day and Labor Day" to then read" Consider
Sunday closings on Memorial Day and Labor Day weekends." With this correction, the minutes
were approved with a motion by Liepins and a second by Williams.
IH. The Board reviewed the February statistical report, noting a greater than 3000 items increase in
the rate of materials checkout. The suggestion box items were also reviewed. Patron suggestions
included increasing checkout period to 3 weeks, installing a drive through book drop, and
various requests for additional materials in the collection. These suggestions were discussed.
W. The Board considered having the library closed on the Sundays preceding the Monday Memorial
Day holiday and the Monday Labor Day holiday. Since the library will be closed on those two
Mondays (as a city holiday) and since the Plano libraries will be closed those two Sundays &
Mondays, the board unanimously voted that the Allen Public Library by closed those Sundays as
well with Vanous making the motion and Williams seconding.
V. The Board devoted a lengthy period of time to discussing the changes proposed to be made to
the library meeting room by moving council chambers there. Buehler reported that the request to
postpone any action until the Summer Reading Club is completed in July bas been granted. She
also reported that the Mayor's Subcommittee suggested that the Board bring its concerns to a
future council meeting. After some discussion, the Board asked Buehler to invite George
Connor, City Engineer, to the next Board meeting (April 2) to discuss the exact modifications
that will be made to the room. They also asked Buehler to make arrangements to have their item
to appear before the Council on the next agenda following Connor's appearance (April 4).
VI. Donna Vanous made a report to the Board on the NETLS meeting she, tura Friends officers, and
Buehler attended the previous week in Mineola. The topic of the meeting was "fundraising."
VII. Buehler described for the Board the Council's Spring Planning Session and reported that the
Council has requested that each Board Chair appear at that session (March 29 at 10 AM) to
present a brief report (less than 15 minutes) on the activities of the Board and the issues the
Board sees as priorities the Council should make during the upcoming budget session. As Chair,
Dietrich will attend that meeting and present the Board's report.
VUL The Board viewed a 13 minute video, "The Electric Library", a humorous tour of a modem
library describing the tremendous changes technology has made and continues to make in
IX. As there were no further items of interest, Liepins and Vanous made a motion and seconded it,
respectively, and the meeting was adjourned.