HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Library Board - 1998 - 06/02 - RegularMINUTES ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD NNE 2, 1998 ALLEN PUBLIC LIBRARY TWO ALLEN CMC PLAZA ALLEN, TEXAS 75013 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p in by Chairperson, Donna Vanous. Members present were Frank Snidow, Joe Defenderfer, John Ross, and Mary Vail -Grube. Library Director, Barbara Buehler was also present. ]L The Board reviewed the minutes of the May 12, 1998 meeting Minutes were approved as noted. III. Chairperson, Donna Various, called for nominations for Vice -Chairman. John Ross was nominated, seconded and elected unanimously. 0 IV. The monthly statistical report and suggestion box forms were reviewed. Discussions were held regarding suggestions dealing with Sunday calls by the computer's electronic notification system, the loss of the swap paperback ruck the recommendation that children not be allowed to use the catalog computer terminals and several requests for specific materials. V. Since Chairperson Vanous will be out of town for the City Council meeting on June 18, Vice-Chmmum Ross agreed to appear before the Council during its pre -meeting workshop to deliver the Board's proposed Plan for Supplemental Collections Acquisition Fundine. VL The last quarterly NETLS membership meeting for this year will be held Monday, lune 22, at City Place in Dallas As Barbara Buehler has another commitment and cannot attend, she requested that someone from the Board attend for her. Frank Snidow suggested that he may be able to attend and will notify Barbara Buehler by the cut-off date for reservations on Monday, June 15. VII. The Board reviewed the space needs assessment for future library space. Based on future population growth projections and the goals set for library services, the need to complete the library's second floor appears to be a necessity. Ron Hobbs, City Architect, has been given the space needs worksheet to enable him to determine funding requirements VJIL The standard set of criteria used by the city when searching for architectural services was reviewed and accepted by the Board. A timeline for sending out RFQ's selecting an architect and developing plans was discussed A later summer target date appears likely The Board recommended using several focus groups to receive community input prior to the design phase. DL Barbam Buehler repotted that new part-time librarians for children's services and cataloging have been hired and the search for a secretary is underway. X. The next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, July 14, when the budget will be reviewed, and John Ross will report on the Council meeting presentation. XL These meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. These minutes read and approved this 10 day of July, 1998 Donna Vanous, Chairperson Itftenda Grig „ Secrem